Rig Veda
Text & Audio
Sūkta 12
1. Info |
To: | agni | |
From: | medhātithi kāṇva | |
Metres: | gāyatrī |
2. Audio |
▪ by South Indian brahmins |
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▪ by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
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3. Preferences |
Show these variants of riks numbering: |
Mandala. Sukta. Rik |
Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik |
Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik |
Show these variants of vedic text: |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Show interlinear translation |
Show interlinear translation made in Sri Aurobindo’s light [?] |
Show grammar forms |
3. Text |
01.012.01 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.001 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निं दू॒तं वृ॑णीमहे॒ होता॑रं वि॒श्ववे॑दसं ।
अ॒स्य य॒ज्ञस्य॑ सु॒क्रतुं॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निं दूतं वृणीमहे होतारं विश्ववेदसं ।
अस्य यज्ञस्य सुक्रतुं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
agním dūtám vṛṇīmahe hótāram viśvávedasam ǀ
asyá yajñásya sukrátum ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
agnim dūtam vṛṇīmahe hotāram viśvavedasam ǀ
asya yajñasya sukratum ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निम् । दू॒तम् । वृ॒णी॒म॒हे॒ । होता॑रम् । वि॒श्वऽवे॑दसम् ।
अ॒स्य । य॒ज्ञस्य॑ । सु॒ऽक्रतु॑म् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निम् । दूतम् । वृणीमहे । होतारम् । विश्वऽवेदसम् ।
अस्य । यज्ञस्य । सुऽक्रतुम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
agním ǀ dūtám ǀ vṛṇīmahe ǀ hótāram ǀ viśvá-vedasam ǀ
asyá ǀ yajñásya ǀ su-krátum ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
agnim ǀ dūtam ǀ vṛṇīmahe ǀ hotāram ǀ viśva-vedasam ǀ
asya ǀ yajñasya ǀ su-kratum ǁ
interlinear translation
We choose Agni , the messenger of this offering , the omniscient priest, calling the gods , mighty of will .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
We choose ← [3] vṛṇīmahe (verb Present Middle plural 1st) ← vṛ
Agni ← [1] agnim (noun M-Ac single) ← agni
the messenger ← [2] dūtam (noun M-Ac single) ← dūta
of this ← [6] asya (pronoun M-G single) ← iyam
offering ← [7] yajñasya (noun M-G single) ← yajña
the omniscient ← [5] viśva-vedasam (noun M-Ac single) ← viśvavedas
priest, calling the gods ← [4] hotāram (noun M-Ac single) ← hotṛ
mighty of will ← [8] su-kratum (noun M-Ac single) ← sukratu
01.012.02 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.002 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निम॑ग्निं॒ हवी॑मभिः॒ सदा॑ हवंत वि॒श्पतिं॑ ।
ह॒व्य॒वाहं॑ पुरुप्रि॒यं ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निमग्निं हवीमभिः सदा हवंत विश्पतिं ।
हव्यवाहं पुरुप्रियं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
agnímagnim hávīmabhiḥ sádā havanta viśpátim ǀ
havyavā́ham purupriyám ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
agnimagnim havīmabhiḥ sadā havanta viśpatim ǀ
havyavāham purupriyam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निम्ऽअ॑ग्निम् । हवी॑मऽभिः । सदा॑ । ह॒व॒न्त॒ । वि॒श्पति॑म् ।
ह॒व्य॒ऽवाह॑म् । पु॒रु॒ऽप्रि॒यम् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निम्ऽअग्निम् । हवीमऽभिः । सदा । हवन्त । विश्पतिम् ।
हव्यऽवाहम् । पुरुऽप्रियम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
agním-agnim ǀ hávīma-bhiḥ ǀ sádā ǀ havanta ǀ viśpátim ǀ
havya-vā́ham ǀ puru-priyám ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
agnim-agnim ǀ havīma-bhiḥ ǀ sadā ǀ havanta ǀ viśpatim ǀ
havya-vāham ǀ puru-priyam ǁ
interlinear translation
{They} ever call Agni and Agni by hymns calling the gods, the Master of creatures, the Carrier of offerings {to the gods}, in whom there are many dear things.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{They} ever ← [3] sadā (indeclinable word; adverb)
call ← [4] havanta (verb Present Middle plural 3rd) ← hve
Agni and Agni ← [1] agnim-agnim (noun M-Ac single) ← agni
by hymns calling the gods ← [2] havīma-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← havīman
the Master of creatures ← [5] viśpatim (noun M-Ac single) ← viśpati
the Carrier of offerings {to the gods} ← [6] havya-vāham (noun M-Ac single) ← havyavah
in whom there are many dear things ← [7] puru-priyam (noun M-Ac single) ← purupriya
01.012.03 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.003 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अग्ने॑ दे॒वाँ इ॒हा व॑ह जज्ञा॒नो वृ॒क्तब॑र्हिषे ।
असि॒ होता॑ न॒ ईड्यः॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्ने देवाँ इहा वह जज्ञानो वृक्तबर्हिषे ।
असि होता न ईड्यः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ágne devā́m̐ ihā́ vaha jajñānó vṛktábarhiṣe ǀ
ási hótā na ī́ḍyaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
agne devām̐ ihā vaha jajñāno vṛktabarhiṣe ǀ
asi hotā na īḍyaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अग्ने॑ । दे॒वान् । इ॒ह । आ । व॒ह॒ । ज॒ज्ञा॒नः । वृ॒क्तऽब॑र्हिषे ।
असि॑ । होता॑ । नः॒ । ईड्यः॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्ने । देवान् । इह । आ । वह । जज्ञानः । वृक्तऽबर्हिषे ।
असि । होता । नः । ईड्यः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ágne ǀ devā́n ǀ ihá ǀ ā́ ǀ vaha ǀ jajñānáḥ ǀ vṛktá-barhiṣe ǀ
ási ǀ hótā ǀ naḥ ǀ ī́ḍyaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
agne ǀ devān ǀ iha ǀ ā ǀ vaha ǀ jajñānaḥ ǀ vṛkta-barhiṣe ǀ
asi ǀ hotā ǀ naḥ ǀ īḍyaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , being born, do bring here the gods to him who strew seat for the gods by sacred grass; {thou} art our desired priest calling {the gods} .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [1] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
being born ← [6] jajñānaḥ (Participle M-N single) ← jajñāna
do bring ← [4] ā (preposition); [5] vaha (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← vah
here ← [3] iha (indeclinable word; adverb)
the gods ← [2] devān (noun M-Ac plural) ← deva
to him who strew seat for the gods by sacred grass ← [7] vṛkta-barhiṣe (noun M-D single) ← vṛktabarhis
; {thou} art ← [8] asi (verb Present Active single 2nd) ← as
our ← [10] naḥ (pronoun G plural 1st) ← vayam
desired ← [11] īḍyaḥ (noun M-N single) ← īḍya
priest calling {the gods} ← [9] hotā (noun M-N single) ← hotṛ
01.012.04 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.004 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ताँ उ॑श॒तो वि बो॑धय॒ यद॑ग्ने॒ यासि॑ दू॒त्यं॑ ।
दे॒वैरा स॑त्सि ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
ताँ उशतो वि बोधय यदग्ने यासि दूत्यं ।
देवैरा सत्सि बर्हिषि ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
tā́m̐ uśató ví bodhaya yádagne yā́si dūtyám ǀ
deváirā́ satsi barhíṣi ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
tām̐ uśato vi bodhaya yadagne yāsi dūtyam ǀ
devairā satsi barhiṣi ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
तान् । उ॒श॒तः । वि । बो॒ध॒य॒ । यत् । अ॒ग्ने॒ । यासि॑ । दू॒त्य॑म् ।
दे॒वैः । आ । स॒त्सि॒ । ब॒र्हिषि॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
तान् । उशतः । वि । बोधय । यत् । अग्ने । यासि । दूत्यम् ।
देवैः । आ । सत्सि । बर्हिषि ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
tā́n ǀ uśatáḥ ǀ ví ǀ bodhaya ǀ yát ǀ agne ǀ yā́si ǀ dūtyám ǀ
deváiḥ ǀ ā́ ǀ satsi ǀ barhíṣi ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
tān ǀ uśataḥ ǀ vi ǀ bodhaya ǀ yat ǀ agne ǀ yāsi ǀ dūtyam ǀ
devaiḥ ǀ ā ǀ satsi ǀ barhiṣi ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , do awake those {gods}, desiring {offering}, when {thou} goest as envoy , do {thou} sit down on the sacred grass together with the gods.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [6] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
do awake ← [3] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [4] bodhaya (verb Imperative, Causative single 2nd) ← budh
those {gods} ← [1] tān (pronoun M-Ac plural 3rd) ← sa
desiring {offering} ← [2] uśataḥ (noun M-Ac plural) ← uśat
when ← [5] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun) ← yad
{thou} goest ← [7] yāsi (verb Present Active single 2nd) ← yā
as envoy ← [8] dūtyam (noun N-N single) ← dūtya
do {thou} sit down ← [10] ā (preposition); [11] satsi (verb Aorist -si Imperative Active single 2nd) ← sad
on the sacred grass ← [12] barhiṣi (noun N-L single) ← barhis
together with the gods ← [9] devaiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← deva
01.012.05 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.005 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
घृता॑हवन दीदिवः॒ प्रति॑ ष्म॒ रिष॑तो दह ।
अग्ने॒ त्वं र॑क्ष॒स्विनः॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
घृताहवन दीदिवः प्रति ष्म रिषतो दह ।
अग्ने त्वं रक्षस्विनः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ghṛ́tāhavana dīdivaḥ práti ṣma ríṣato daha ǀ
ágne tvám rakṣasvínaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ghṛtāhavana dīdivaḥ prati ṣma riṣato daha ǀ
agne tvam rakṣasvinaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
घृत॑ऽआहवन । दी॒दि॒ऽवः॒ । प्रति॑ । स्म॒ । रिष॑तः । द॒ह॒ ।
अग्ने॑ । त्वम् । र॒क्ष॒स्विनः॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
घृतऽआहवन । दीदिऽवः । प्रति । स्म । रिषतः । दह ।
अग्ने । त्वम् । रक्षस्विनः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ghṛ́ta-āhavana ǀ dīdi-vaḥ ǀ práti ǀ sma ǀ ríṣataḥ ǀ daha ǀ
ágne ǀ tvám ǀ rakṣasvínaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ghṛta-āhavana ǀ dīdi-vaḥ ǀ prati ǀ sma ǀ riṣataḥ ǀ daha ǀ
agne ǀ tvam ǀ rakṣasvinaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , to whom the clarities are offered, O shining with light , verily, thou do burn down the hurter, the possessed by Rakshasa.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [7] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
to whom the clarities are offered ← [1] ghṛta-āhavana (noun N-V single) ← ghṛtāhavana
O shining with light ← [2] dīdi-vaḥ (noun N-V single) ← dīdi
verily ← [4] sma (indeclinable word; particle)
thou ← [8] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd) ← tva
do burn down ← [6] daha (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← dah
the hurter ← [5] riṣataḥ (noun N-Ab single) ← riṣ
the possessed by Rakshasa ← [9] rakṣasvinaḥ (noun M-Ab single) ← rakṣasvin
01.012.06 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.006 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निना॒ग्निः समि॑ध्यते क॒विर्गृ॒हप॑ति॒र्युवा॑ ।
ह॒व्य॒वाड् जु॒ह्वा॑स्यः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निनाग्निः समिध्यते कविर्गृहपतिर्युवा ।
हव्यवाड् जुह्वास्यः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
agnínāgníḥ sámidhyate kavírgṛhápatiryúvā ǀ
havyavā́ḍ juhvā́syaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
agnināgniḥ samidhyate kavirgṛhapatiryuvā ǀ
havyavāḍ juhvāsyaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अ॒ग्निना॑ । अ॒ग्निः । सम् । इ॒ध्य॒ते॒ । क॒विः । गृ॒हऽप॑तिः । युवा॑ ।
ह॒व्य॒ऽवाट् । जु॒हुऽआ॑स्यः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्निना । अग्निः । सम् । इध्यते । कविः । गृहऽपतिः । युवा ।
हव्यऽवाट् । जुहुऽआस्यः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
agnínā ǀ agníḥ ǀ sám ǀ idhyate ǀ kavíḥ ǀ gṛhá-patiḥ ǀ yúvā ǀ
havya-vā́ṭ ǀ juhú-āsyaḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
agninā ǀ agniḥ ǀ sam ǀ idhyate ǀ kaviḥ ǀ gṛha-patiḥ ǀ yuvā ǀ
havya-vāṭ ǀ juhu-āsyaḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Agni is perfectly kindled by Agni , the Seer, the Lord of our house, the Young, the Carrier of the offerings {to the gods}, whose mouth is the tongues {of the flame}.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Agni ← [2] agniḥ (noun M-N single) ← agni
is ← [4] idhyate (verb Present Passive single 3rd) ← indh
perfectly ← [3] sam (indeclinable word; adverb)
kindled ← [4] idhyate (verb Present Passive single 3rd) ← indh
by Agni ← [1] agninā (noun M-I single) ← agni
the Seer ← [5] kaviḥ (noun M-N single) ← kavi
the Lord of our house ← [6] gṛha-patiḥ (noun M-N single) ← gṛhapati
the Young ← [7] yuvā (noun M-N single) ← yuvan
the Carrier of the offerings {to the gods} ← [8] havya-vāṭ (noun M-N single) ← havyavah
whose mouth is the tongues {of the flame} ← [9] juhu-āsyaḥ (noun M-N single) ← juhvāsya
01.012.07 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.007 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
क॒विम॒ग्निमुप॑ स्तुहि स॒त्यध॑र्माणमध्व॒रे ।
दे॒वम॑मीव॒चात॑नं ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
कविमग्निमुप स्तुहि सत्यधर्माणमध्वरे ।
देवममीवचातनं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
kavímagnímúpa stuhi satyádharmāṇamadhvaré ǀ
devámamīvacā́tanam ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
kavimagnimupa stuhi satyadharmāṇamadhvare ǀ
devamamīvacātanam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
क॒विम् । अ॒ग्निम् । उप॑ । स्तु॒हि॒ । स॒त्यऽध॑र्माणम् । अ॒ध्व॒रे ।
दे॒वम् । अ॒मी॒व॒ऽचात॑नम् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
कविम् । अग्निम् । उप । स्तुहि । सत्यऽधर्माणम् । अध्वरे ।
देवम् । अमीवऽचातनम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
kavím ǀ agním ǀ úpa ǀ stuhi ǀ satyá-dharmāṇam ǀ adhvaré ǀ
devám ǀ amīva-cā́tanam ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
kavim ǀ agnim ǀ upa ǀ stuhi ǀ satya-dharmāṇam ǀ adhvare ǀ
devam ǀ amīva-cātanam ǁ
interlinear translation
In the pilgrim-sacrifice do chant to the Seer-Agni , whose law of being is the Truth, to the god driving the evil away.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
In the pilgrim-sacrifice ← [6] adhvare (noun M-L single) ← adhvara
do chant ← [3] upa (preposition); [4] stuhi (verb Imperative Active single 2nd) ← stu
to the Seer- ← [1] kavim (noun M-Ac single) ← kavi
Agni ← [2] agnim (noun M-Ac single) ← agni
whose law of being is the Truth ← [5] satya-dharmāṇam (noun M-Ac single) ← satyadharman
to the god ← [7] devam (noun M-Ac single) ← deva
driving the evil away ← [8] amīva-cātanam (noun M-Ac single) ← amīvacātana
01.012.08 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.008 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यस्त्वाम॑ग्ने ह॒विष्प॑तिर्दू॒तं दे॑व सप॒र्यति॑ ।
तस्य॑ स्म प्रावि॒ता भ॑व ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यस्त्वामग्ने हविष्पतिर्दूतं देव सपर्यति ।
तस्य स्म प्राविता भव ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yástvā́magne havíṣpatirdūtám deva saparyáti ǀ
tásya sma prāvitā́ bhava ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yastvāmagne haviṣpatirdūtam deva saparyati ǀ
tasya sma prāvitā bhava ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यः । त्वाम् । अ॒ग्ने॒ । ह॒विःऽप॑तिः । दू॒तम् । दे॒व॒ । स॒प॒र्यति॑ ।
तस्य॑ । स्म॒ । प्र॒ऽअ॒वि॒ता । भ॒व॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यः । त्वाम् । अग्ने । हविःऽपतिः । दूतम् । देव । सपर्यति ।
तस्य । स्म । प्रऽअविता । भव ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yáḥ ǀ tvā́m ǀ agne ǀ havíḥ-patiḥ ǀ dūtám ǀ deva ǀ saparyáti ǀ
tásya ǀ sma ǀ pra-avitā́ ǀ bhava ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yaḥ ǀ tvām ǀ agne ǀ haviḥ-patiḥ ǀ dūtam ǀ deva ǀ saparyati ǀ
tasya ǀ sma ǀ pra-avitā ǀ bhava ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , the Lord of the offerings , the Messenger , O god, verily, do be a protector of him who worships thee.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [3] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
the Lord of the offerings ← [4] haviḥ-patiḥ (noun M-N single) ← haviṣpati
the Messenger ← [5] dūtam (noun M-Ac single) ← dūta
O god ← [6] deva (noun M-V single)
verily ← [9] sma (indeclinable word; particle)
do be ← [11] bhava (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← bhū
a protector ← [10] pra-avitā (noun M-N single) ← prāvitṛ
of him ← [1] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
who ← [8] tasya (pronoun M-G single) ← sa
worships ← [7] saparyati = see añcayati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← saparya
thee ← [2] tvām (pronoun Ac single 2nd) ← tva
01.012.09 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.009 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यो अ॒ग्निं दे॒ववी॑तये ह॒विष्माँ॑ आ॒विवा॑सति ।
तस्मै॑ पावक मृळय ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यो अग्निं देववीतये हविष्माँ आविवासति ।
तस्मै पावक मृळय ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yó agním devávītaye havíṣmām̐ āvívāsati ǀ
tásmai pāvaka mṛḷaya ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yo agnim devavītaye haviṣmām̐ āvivāsati ǀ
tasmai pāvaka mṛḷaya ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यः । अ॒ग्निम् । दे॒वऽवी॑तये । ह॒विष्मा॑न् । आ॒ऽविवा॑सति ।
तस्मै॑ । पा॒व॒क॒ । मृ॒ळ॒य॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यः । अग्निम् । देवऽवीतये । हविष्मान् । आऽविवासति ।
तस्मै । पावक । मृळय ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yáḥ ǀ agním ǀ devá-vītaye ǀ havíṣmān ǀ ā-vívāsati ǀ
tásmai ǀ pāvaka ǀ mṛḷaya ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yaḥ ǀ agnim ǀ deva-vītaye ǀ haviṣmān ǀ ā-vivāsati ǀ
tasmai ǀ pāvaka ǀ mṛḷaya ǁ
interlinear translation
O purifying, be gracious to him who, the giver of the offerings , wants to approach to Agni for the advent of the gods.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O purifying ← [7] pāvaka (noun M-V single)
be gracious ← [8] mṛḷaya (verb Imperative, Causative Active single 2nd) ← mṛḍ
to him ← [6] tasmai (pronoun N-D single 3rd) ← tad
who ← [1] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
the giver of the offerings ← [4] haviṣmān (noun M-N single) ← haviṣmat
wants to approach ← [5] ā-vivāsati (verb Desiderative single 3rd) ← van
to Agni ← [2] agnim (noun M-Ac single) ← agni
for the advent of the gods ← [3] deva-vītaye (noun F-D single) ← devavīti
01.012.10 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.010 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
स नः॑ पावक दीदि॒वोऽग्ने॑ दे॒वाँ इ॒हा व॑ह ।
उप॑ य॒ज्ञं ह॒विश्च॑ नः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
स नः पावक दीदिवोऽग्ने देवाँ इहा वह ।
उप यज्ञं हविश्च नः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
sá naḥ pāvaka dīdivó’gne devā́m̐ ihā́ vaha ǀ
úpa yajñám havíśca naḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
sa naḥ pāvaka dīdivo’gne devām̐ ihā vaha ǀ
upa yajñam haviśca naḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
सः । नः॒ । पा॒व॒क॒ । दी॒दि॒ऽवः॒ । अग्ने॑ । दे॒वान् । इ॒ह । आ । व॒ह॒ ।
उप॑ । य॒ज्ञम् । ह॒विः । च॒ । नः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
सः । नः । पावक । दीदिऽवः । अग्ने । देवान् । इह । आ । वह ।
उप । यज्ञम् । हविः । च । नः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
sáḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ pāvaka ǀ dīdi-vaḥ ǀ ágne ǀ devā́n ǀ ihá ǀ ā́ ǀ vaha ǀ
úpa ǀ yajñám ǀ havíḥ ǀ ca ǀ naḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
saḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ pāvaka ǀ dīdi-vaḥ ǀ agne ǀ devān ǀ iha ǀ ā ǀ vaha ǀ
upa ǀ yajñam ǀ haviḥ ǀ ca ǀ naḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O purifying, O shining with light , O Agni , thou for us do bring hither the gods to our sacrifice and offering .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O purifying ← [3] pāvaka (noun M-V single)
O shining with light ← [4] dīdi-vaḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← dīdi
O Agni ← [5] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
thou ← [1] saḥ (pronoun M-N single 3rd) ← sa
for us ← [2] naḥ (pronoun D plural 1st) ← vayam
do bring ← [8] ā (preposition); [9] vaha (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← vah
hither ← [7] iha (indeclinable word; adverb)
the gods ← [6] devān (noun M-Ac plural) ← deva
to ← [10] upa (preposition)
our ← [14] naḥ (pronoun G plural 1st) ← vayam
sacrifice ← [11] yajñam (noun M-Ac single) ← yajña
and ← [13] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
offering ← [12] haviḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← havis
01.012.11 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.011 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
स नः॒ स्तवा॑न॒ आ भ॑र गाय॒त्रेण॒ नवी॑यसा ।
र॒यिं वी॒रव॑ती॒मिषं॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
स नः स्तवान आ भर गायत्रेण नवीयसा ।
रयिं वीरवतीमिषं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
sá naḥ stávāna ā́ bhara gāyatréṇa návīyasā ǀ
rayím vīrávatīmíṣam ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
sa naḥ stavāna ā bhara gāyatreṇa navīyasā ǀ
rayim vīravatīmiṣam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
सः । नः॒ । स्तवा॑नः । आ । भ॒र॒ । गा॒य॒त्रेण॑ । नवी॑यसा ।
र॒यिम् । वी॒रऽव॑तीम् । इष॑म् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
सः । नः । स्तवानः । आ । भर । गायत्रेण । नवीयसा ।
रयिम् । वीरऽवतीम् । इषम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
sáḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ stávānaḥ ǀ ā́ ǀ bhara ǀ gāyatréṇa ǀ návīyasā ǀ
rayím ǀ vīrá-vatīm ǀ íṣam ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
saḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ stavānaḥ ǀ ā ǀ bhara ǀ gāyatreṇa ǀ navīyasā ǀ
rayim ǀ vīra-vatīm ǀ iṣam ǁ
interlinear translation
Thou, lauded by new Gayatri hymn, do bring to us wealth , heroic strength , impelling force.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Thou ← [1] saḥ (pronoun M-N single 3rd) ← sa
lauded ← [3] stavānaḥ (Participle M-N single Passive) ← stu
by new ← [7] navīyasā (noun M-I single) ← navīyas
Gayatri hymn ← [6] gāyatreṇa (noun M-I single) ← gāyatra
do bring ← [4] ā (preposition); [5] bhara (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← bhṛ
to us ← [2] naḥ (pronoun D plural 1st) ← vayam
wealth ← [8] rayim (noun M-Ac single) ← rayi
heroic strength ← [9] vīra-vatīm (noun M-Ac single) ← vīravat
impelling force ← [10] iṣam (noun F-Ac single) ← iṣ
01.012.12 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
01.04.012 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अग्ने॑ शु॒क्रेण॑ शो॒चिषा॒ विश्वा॑भिर्दे॒वहू॑तिभिः ।
इ॒मं स्तोमं॑ जुषस्व नः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्ने शुक्रेण शोचिषा विश्वाभिर्देवहूतिभिः ।
इमं स्तोमं जुषस्व नः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ágne śukréṇa śocíṣā víśvābhirdeváhūtibhiḥ ǀ
imám stómam juṣasva naḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
agne śukreṇa śociṣā viśvābhirdevahūtibhiḥ ǀ
imam stomam juṣasva naḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अग्ने॑ । शु॒क्रेण॑ । शो॒चिषा॑ । विश्वा॑भिः । दे॒वहू॑तिऽभिः ।
इ॒मम् । स्तोम॑म् । जु॒ष॒स्व॒ । नः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अग्ने । शुक्रेण । शोचिषा । विश्वाभिः । देवहूतिऽभिः ।
इमम् । स्तोमम् । जुषस्व । नः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ágne ǀ śukréṇa ǀ śocíṣā ǀ víśvābhiḥ ǀ deváhūti-bhiḥ ǀ
imám ǀ stómam ǀ juṣasva ǀ naḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
agne ǀ śukreṇa ǀ śociṣā ǀ viśvābhiḥ ǀ devahūti-bhiḥ ǀ
imam ǀ stomam ǀ juṣasva ǀ naḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , with blazing bright flame do enjoy this our hymn with all calls of the gods
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [1] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
with blazing ← [2] śukreṇa (noun M-I single) ← śukra
bright flame ← [3] śociṣā (noun N-I single) ← śocis
do enjoy ← [8] juṣasva (verb Imperative Middle single 2nd) ← juṣ
this ← [6] imam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← iyam
our ← [9] naḥ (pronoun G plural 1st) ← vayam
hymn ← [7] stomam (noun M-Ac single) ← stoma
with all ← [4] viśvābhiḥ (noun F-I plural) ← viśva
calls of the gods ← [5] devahūti-bhiḥ (noun F-I plural) ← devahūti
Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo |
1.12.1. We choose Agni, the summoner, the all-knowing, the messenger, the will effective of this sacrifice.
1.12.2. To the Lord of the creatures, the bearer of our offerings, the beloved of Many, to every flame the sacrificers ever call with hymns that summon the Gods, One in whom are many dear things.
1.12.3. O Fire, thou being born hither bear the Gods for the sacrificer who spreads the holy seat, thou art our desirable summoning priest.
1.12.4. O Fire, when thou goest as our envoy, awaken them up who desire our offerings. Take thy seat with the Gods on the holy grass.
1.12.5. O Fire, thou who art called by the offerings of clarity, thou shining one, do thou oppose and burn down the haters that confine.
1.12.6. By the fire is the fire perfectly kindled, the seer, the lord of the house, the youth, the bearer of offering whose mouth receives the offerings.
1.12.7. To the divine flame, the seer, him whose law of being is the Truth, the shining one, the destroyer of all evils, approach and chant the hymn of praise.
1.12.8. O Flame, O divine messenger, the lord of the offerings who waits on thee, of him become the protector.
1.12.9. He who with the offerings approaches the divine force, for the Birth of the Gods, O Purifier, on him have grace.
1.12.10. O shining flame, thou who purifiest, hither bear the Gods to our offerings and to our sacrifice.
1.12.11. Thou adored by our fresh Gayatri rhythms bring for us the felicity and force full of hero’s strength.
1.12.12. O Fire, with thy lustres white, and all thy divine hymns that summon the Gods, come and accept this hymn that we affirm.
2. 1915–172
[A] Annotations of Hymns to Agni Medhatithi Kanwa. 1.12
अग्निं दूतमस्य यज्ञस्य विश्ववेदसं सर्वविदं सुक्रतुं होतारमिति वृणीमहे ।
Agnim, the Fire vrinīmahe we choose dūtam (as) the Messenger, asya yajnasya hotāram the summoning priest of this sacrifice, viśvavedasam all-knowing, sukratum well-working or well-willed.
अग्निं तपोदेवतां वृणीमहे संभजामः । दूतं दूतरूपं दौत्ये नियोजयामहः इति भावः । अस्य यज्ञस्य विश्ववेदसं सर्वविदं सुक्रतुं सुकर्माणं यथार्थकर्मबुद्धिसमेतं वा ।
अग्निर्हि तपोदेवतांतरस्य तपोबलस्य प्रतीकरूपोऽयमग्निः । स च साधकानां दूतो भूत्वा देवानाह्वयति । यदा हि देवकामः साधकस्तपसा देवान् प्रत्युन्मुखचित्तो भवति तदैव तपसः सोऽग्निरूर्द्ध्वगामी भूत्वा तान् देवान् तस्य चेतनायामानीय स्थापयति । सोऽपि साधकस्य हृदये देवानामाह्वाता ।
[B] Hymns to Agni
We choose (वृणीमहे संभजामः) Fire (अग्निं) the messenger (दूतं), the summoning priest of this sacrifice (अस्य यज्ञस्य होतारं), all-knowing (विश्ववेदसं सर्वविदं), well-working or well-willed (सुक्रतुं सूकर्माणं सुकर्मप्रज्ञं व).
We choose Fire as the messenger and summoning priest of this sacrifice, all-knowing, right-willed.
विश्ववेदसं. Sayana सर्वधनोपेतं. विद् = to find, know, get. वेदः = knowledge or the thing got or possessed. Hence it may mean either knowledge or possession. The exoteric sense may be “having all wealth”; the esoteric is omniscient.
क्रतुः See 1.1 under कविक्रतुः . Sayana सुकर्माणं सुप्रज्ञं वा. Rather सुकर्मप्रज्ञं.
The right-willed or rightly working omniscient Fire is evidently the inner Flame of power and aspiration, the divine Will-Force that takes up the sacrifice, योगयज्ञ. It rises up to the heavens above the mental consciousness and brings down the divine power into the being. It is man’s messenger to the gods, the priest of the call. It leads aright all the inner and outer actions because it is the Divine Knowledge-Will, all-knowing, unlike the ignorant mind and therefore unerring, unlike the stumbling mental will. For that reason it is chosen, वृणीमहे.
1 CWSA.– Vol. 16.– Hymns to the Mystic Fire.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2013, pp. 118-120. (Part 2).
2 CWSA.– Vol. 16.– Hymns to the Mystic Fire.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2013, pp. 552-553. (Part 3 № 11).
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