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of Rig Veda

agni, Agni

The divine omnipresent omniscient and omnipotent Will, kavikratu, Seer-Will. Being Will, inseparable from Consciousness and Force, without which there is not any existence, he is universal god, Vaishavanara, presents in all worlds and in all that is in them. He fills both firmaments and mid-word, 1.73.8; I proclaim three-headed seven-rayed whole Agni sitting within two parents (Earth and Heaven), him filling all bright planes of Heaven, 1.146.1. He is a head of upper Heaven, 3.2.14); he is satyaḥ, true (i.e. of highest Truth of existence sat), 1.1.5, 3.26.1, making true (satyā) all works, 1.70.8; he holds the ecstasy in highest degree, 1.1.1; sitting in Waters, knowing Svar, 3.3.5. Still, the gods have established him, the universal god, in Earth within human creatures like Svar, 1.148.1, 3.3.5. So Agni “has two homes” – as in worlds of Heaven so in world of Earth, he “is born” in two places, janitrī, (an original sense of popular now phrase “twice-born”), therefore he is named jātavedas, knowing births of gods and of men, and having two Mothers dvi-mātā, and it is this makes him Envoy, dūta, Traveller between Heaven and Earth, it is due to his double birth he is Hotar, hotṛ, and brings here, in Earth, the other gods and brings to them human’s offering, havyavāhana, and it is because of it the say, that other gods “are sleeping” before Dawn, whereas Agni is wakeful even in night of our Earth and shines in its darkness, Lord of the Nights, kṣapāvat, kṣapo rājan, it is why a man approaches to him the first. Do give us, o Agni, from the Wideness, do widely open plenitude for hearing of the Truth, by Wisdom-Word do make Dawns shining out widely, like radiant Svar, 2.2.7; he, kindled by Nights (i.e. in Earth worlds), and Dawns, like Svar, 2.2.8. But “own home” of Agni, sve dame, is Heaven, supramental Svar, Wideness, Truth, hidden place, 3.1.14, 1.75.5. He illuminates Wideness for seer, 2.7.4, 3.27.15, and sets Wideness in offerer, 3.29.8; he gives hearing of the Truth, 1.44.2, 3.1.5. By offer of ecstasies the mortal attains the abode of purifying Flame, 3.11.7.

See also:

•  Angiras (aṅgiras)

•  carrier of the offerings (vahni)

•  dwelling in all (viśvakṛṣṭi)

•  everywhere living; everywhere going (viśvāyu)

•  having the omniscient Will (kavikratu)

•  illumining darkness (doṣāvastṛ)

•  in highest degree giving the ecstasies-riches (ratnadhātama)

•  kindled (iddha)

•  Matarishvan (mātariśvan)

•  of a double birth (dvijanman)

•  Vaishvanara (vaiśvānara)

Synonyms and words close in meaning:

•  agnā, Agni

in Russian
