Rig Veda
Text & Audio
Sūkta 70
1. Info |
To: | agni | |
From: | parāśara śāktya | |
Metres: | dvipadā virāj |
2. Audio |
▪ by South Indian brahmins |
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▪ by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
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3. Preferences |
Show these variants of riks numbering: |
Mandala. Sukta. Rik |
Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik |
Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik |
Show these variants of vedic text: |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Show interlinear translation |
Show interlinear translation made in Sri Aurobindo’s light [?] |
Show grammar forms |
3. Text |
01.070.01 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.051 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
व॒नेम॑ पू॒र्वीर॒र्यो म॑नी॒षा अ॒ग्निः सु॒शोको॒ विश्वा॑न्यश्याः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
वनेम पूर्वीरर्यो मनीषा अग्निः सुशोको विश्वान्यश्याः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
vanéma pūrvī́raryó manīṣā́ agníḥ suśóko víśvānyaśyāḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
vanema pūrvīraryo manīṣā agniḥ suśoko viśvānyaśyāḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
व॒नेम॑ । पू॒र्वीः । अ॒र्यः । म॒नी॒षा । अ॒ग्निः । सु॒ऽशोकः॑ । विश्वा॑नि । अ॒श्याः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
वनेम । पूर्वीः । अर्यः । मनीषा । अग्निः । सुऽशोकः । विश्वानि । अश्याः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
vanéma ǀ pūrvī́ḥ ǀ aryáḥ ǀ manīṣā́ ǀ agníḥ ǀ su-śókaḥ ǀ víśvāni ǀ aśyāḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
vanema ǀ pūrvīḥ ǀ aryaḥ ǀ manīṣā ǀ agniḥ ǀ su-śokaḥ ǀ viśvāni ǀ aśyāḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Let {us}, the Arians , acquire many {riches} by mind. Let Agni , flaming high , attain all things,
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Let {us}, the Arians ← [3] aryaḥ = aryāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← arya
acquire ← [1] vanema (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← van
many {riches} ← [2] pūrvīḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← puru
by mind ← [4] manīṣā = manīṣayā (noun F-I single)
Let ← [8] aśyāḥ (verb Benedictive single 3rd) ← aś
Agni ← [5] agniḥ (noun M-N single) ← agni
flaming high ← [6] su-śokaḥ (noun M-N single) ← suśoka
attain ← [8] aśyāḥ (verb Benedictive single 3rd) ← aś
all things ← [7] viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← viśva
01.070.02 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.052 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
आ दैव्या॑नि व्र॒ता चि॑कि॒त्वाना मानु॑षस्य॒ जन॑स्य॒ जन्म॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
आ दैव्यानि व्रता चिकित्वाना मानुषस्य जनस्य जन्म ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ā́ dáivyāni vratā́ cikitvā́nā́ mā́nuṣasya jánasya jánma ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ā daivyāni vratā cikitvānā mānuṣasya janasya janma ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
आ । दैव्या॑नि । व्र॒ता । चि॒कि॒त्वान् । आ । मानु॑षस्य । जन॑स्य । जन्म॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
आ । दैव्यानि । व्रता । चिकित्वान् । आ । मानुषस्य । जनस्य । जन्म ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ā́ ǀ dáivyāni ǀ vratā́ ǀ cikitvā́n ǀ ā́ ǀ mā́nuṣasya ǀ jánasya ǀ jánma ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ā ǀ daivyāni ǀ vratā ǀ cikitvān ǀ ā ǀ mānuṣasya ǀ janasya ǀ janma ǁ
interlinear translation
aware the divine laws of works , {aware} the birth of human being,
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
aware ← [1] ā (preposition); [4] cikitvān (noun M-N single) ← cikitvas
the divine ← [2] daivyāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← daivya
laws of works ← [3] vratā (noun Ac plural) ← vrata
{aware} ← [5] ā (preposition)
the birth ← [8] janma (noun N-Ac single) ← janman
of human ← [6] mānuṣasya (noun M-G single) ← mānuṣa
being ← [7] janasya (noun M-G single) ← jana
01.070.03 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.053 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
गर्भो॒ यो अ॒पां गर्भो॒ वना॑नां॒ गर्भ॑श्च स्था॒तां गर्भ॑श्च॒रथां॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
गर्भो यो अपां गर्भो वनानां गर्भश्च स्थातां गर्भश्चरथां ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
gárbho yó apā́m gárbho vánānām gárbhaśca sthātā́m gárbhaścaráthām ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
garbho yo apām garbho vanānām garbhaśca sthātām garbhaścarathām ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
गर्भः॑ । यः । अ॒पाम् । गर्भः॑ । वना॑नाम् । गर्भः॑ । च॒ । स्था॒ताम् । गर्भः॑ । च॒रथा॑म् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
गर्भः । यः । अपाम् । गर्भः । वनानाम् । गर्भः । च । स्थाताम् । गर्भः । चरथाम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
gárbhaḥ ǀ yáḥ ǀ apā́m ǀ gárbhaḥ ǀ vánānām ǀ gárbhaḥ ǀ ca ǀ sthātā́m ǀ gárbhaḥ ǀ caráthām ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
garbhaḥ ǀ yaḥ ǀ apām ǀ garbhaḥ ǀ vanānām ǀ garbhaḥ ǀ ca ǀ sthātām ǀ garbhaḥ ǀ carathām ǁ
interlinear translation
who {is} the embryo of the Waters , the embryo of the Trees , the embryo of the standing ones and the embryo of the moving ones,
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
who {is} ← [2] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
the embryo ← [1] garbhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← garbha
of the Waters ← [3] apām (noun F-G plural) ← ap
the embryo ← [4] garbhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← garbha
of the Trees ← [5] vanānām (noun N-G plural) ← vana
the embryo ← [6] garbhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← garbha
of the standing ones ← [8] sthātām = sthātṝṇām (noun M-G plural) ← sthātṛ
and ← [7] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
the embryo ← [9] garbhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← garbha
of the moving ones ← [10] carathām = carathānām (noun M-G plural) ← caratha
01.070.04 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.054 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अद्रौ॑ चिदस्मा अं॒तर्दु॑रो॒णे वि॒शां न विश्वो॑ अ॒मृतः॑ स्वा॒धीः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अद्रौ चिदस्मा अंतर्दुरोणे विशां न विश्वो अमृतः स्वाधीः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ádrau cidasmā antárduroṇé viśā́m ná víśvo amṛ́taḥ svādhī́ḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
adrau cidasmā antarduroṇe viśām na viśvo amṛtaḥ svādhīḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अद्रौ॑ । चि॒त् । अ॒स्मै॒ । अ॒न्तः । दु॒रो॒णे । वि॒शाम् । न । विश्वः॑ । अ॒मृतः॑ । सु॒ऽआ॒धीः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अद्रौ । चित् । अस्मै । अन्तः । दुरोणे । विशाम् । न । विश्वः । अमृतः । सुऽआधीः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ádrau ǀ cit ǀ asmai ǀ antáḥ ǀ duroṇé ǀ viśā́m ǀ ná ǀ víśvaḥ ǀ amṛ́taḥ ǀ su-ādhī́ḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
adrau ǀ cit ǀ asmai ǀ antaḥ ǀ duroṇe ǀ viśām ǀ na ǀ viśvaḥ ǀ amṛtaḥ ǀ su-ādhīḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
{who is} for this {man} even in stone as in a house of men, the universal, the immortal , the perfect in thought.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{who is} for this {man} ← [3] asmai (pronoun M-D single) ← idam
even ← [2] cit (indeclinable word; particle)
in ← [4] antaḥ (indeclinable word; adverb) ← antar
stone ← [1] adrau (noun M-L single) ← adri
as ← [7] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
in a house ← [5] duroṇe (noun N-L single) ← duroṇa
of men ← [6] viśām (noun F-G plural) ← viś
the universal ← [8] viśvaḥ (noun M-N single) ← viśva
the immortal ← [9] amṛtaḥ (noun M-N single) ← amṛta
the perfect in thought ← [10] su-ādhīḥ (noun M-N single) ← svādhī
01.070.05 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.055 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
स हि क्ष॒पावाँ॑ अ॒ग्नी र॑यी॒णां दाश॒द्यो अ॑स्मा॒ अरं॑ सू॒क्तैः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
स हि क्षपावाँ अग्नी रयीणां दाशद्यो अस्मा अरं सूक्तैः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
sá hí kṣapā́vām̐ agnī́ rayīṇā́m dā́śadyó asmā áram sūktáiḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
sa hi kṣapāvām̐ agnī rayīṇām dāśadyo asmā aram sūktaiḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
सः । हि । क्ष॒पाऽवा॑न् । अ॒ग्निः । र॒यी॒णाम् । दाश॑त् । यः । अ॒स्मै॒ । अर॑म् । सु॒ऽउ॒क्तैः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
सः । हि । क्षपाऽवान् । अग्निः । रयीणाम् । दाशत् । यः । अस्मै । अरम् । सुऽउक्तैः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
sáḥ ǀ hí ǀ kṣapā́-vān ǀ agníḥ ǀ rayīṇā́m ǀ dā́śat ǀ yáḥ ǀ asmai ǀ áram ǀ su-uktáiḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
saḥ ǀ hi ǀ kṣapā-vān ǀ agniḥ ǀ rayīṇām ǀ dāśat ǀ yaḥ ǀ asmai ǀ aram ǀ su-uktaiḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
For he {is} Possessor of Night1, Agni , the giver of riches for this {Rishi}, who hastening {to Agni} with well speakings.
1 It is no coincidence that two characteristics coexist here – the Lord of the Night and the Giver of wealth – for in this Night Agni gives the riches of Day-Heaven.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
For ← [2] hi (indeclinable word; particle)
he {is} ← [1] saḥ (pronoun M-N single 3rd) ← sa
Possessor of Night ← [3] kṣapā-vān (noun M-N single) ← kṣapāvat
Agni ← [4] agniḥ (noun M-N single) ← agni
the giver ← [6] dāśat = dāśan (Participle M-N single)
of riches ← [5] rayīṇām (noun M-G plural) ← rayi
for this {Rishi} ← [8] asmai (pronoun M-D single) ← idam
who ← [7] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
hastening {to Agni} ← [9] aram (indeclinable word; adverb, adjective)
with well speakings ← [10] su-uktaiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← sūkta
01.070.06 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.056 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ए॒ता चि॑कित्वो॒ भूमा॒ नि पा॑हि दे॒वानां॒ जन्म॒ मर्तां॑श्च वि॒द्वान् ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
एता चिकित्वो भूमा नि पाहि देवानां जन्म मर्तांश्च विद्वान् ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
etā́ cikitvo bhū́mā ní pāhi devā́nām jánma mártāṃśca vidvā́n ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
etā cikitvo bhūmā ni pāhi devānām janma martāṃśca vidvān ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
ए॒ता । चि॒कि॒त्वः॒ । भूम॑ । नि । पा॒हि॒ । दे॒वाना॑म् । जन्म॑ । मर्ता॑न् । च॒ । वि॒द्वान् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
एता । चिकित्वः । भूम । नि । पाहि । देवानाम् । जन्म । मर्तान् । च । विद्वान् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
etā́ ǀ cikitvaḥ ǀ bhū́ma ǀ ní ǀ pāhi ǀ devā́nām ǀ jánma ǀ mártān ǀ ca ǀ vidvā́n ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
etā ǀ cikitvaḥ ǀ bhūma ǀ ni ǀ pāhi ǀ devānām ǀ janma ǀ martān ǀ ca ǀ vidvān ǁ
interlinear translation
O conscious, do protect these Earths , knowing birth of gods and mortals.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O conscious ← [2] cikitvaḥ (Participle M-V single)
do protect ← [4] ni (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [5] pāhi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← pā
these ← [1] etā = etāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← etad
Earths ← [3] bhūma = bhūmāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← bhūman
knowing ← [10] vidvān (noun M-N single) ← vidvas
birth ← [7] janma (noun N-Ac single) ← janman
of gods ← [6] devānām (noun M-G plural) ← deva
and ← [9] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
mortals ← [8] martān (noun M-Ac plural) ← marta
01.070.07 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.057 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
वर्धा॒न्यं पू॒र्वीः क्ष॒पो विरू॑पाः स्था॒तुश्च॒ रथ॑मृ॒तप्र॑वीतं ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
वर्धान्यं पूर्वीः क्षपो विरूपाः स्थातुश्च रथमृतप्रवीतं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
várdhānyám pūrvī́ḥ kṣapó vírūpāḥ sthātúśca ráthamṛtápravītam ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
vardhānyam pūrvīḥ kṣapo virūpāḥ sthātuśca rathamṛtapravītam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
वर्धा॑न् । यम् । पू॒र्वीः । क्ष॒पः । विऽरू॑पाः । स्था॒तुः । च॒ । रथ॑म् । ऋ॒तऽप्र॑वीतम् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
वर्धान् । यम् । पूर्वीः । क्षपः । विऽरूपाः । स्थातुः । च । रथम् । ऋतऽप्रवीतम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
várdhān ǀ yám ǀ pūrvī́ḥ ǀ kṣapáḥ ǀ ví-rūpāḥ ǀ sthātúḥ ǀ ca ǀ rátham ǀ ṛtá-pravītam ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
vardhān ǀ yam ǀ pūrvīḥ ǀ kṣapaḥ ǀ vi-rūpāḥ ǀ sthātuḥ ǀ ca ǀ ratham ǀ ṛta-pravītam ǁ
interlinear translation
Many nights of different forms the standing {and} the moving1 increased him coming from the Truth.
1 ca ratham, lit. “and chariot”, defective record, must be taken as caratham, “moving”.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Many ← [3] pūrvīḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← puru
nights ← [4] kṣapaḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← kṣap
of different forms ← [5] vi-rūpāḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← virūpa
the standing ← [6] sthātuḥ (noun M-G single) ← sthātṛ
{and} the moving ← [7] ca (indeclinable word; copulative); [8] ratham (noun N-N single) ← caratha
increased ← [1] vardhān = avardhan (verb Imperfect Active plural 3rd) ← vṛdh
him ← [2] yam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← yad
coming from the Truth ← [9] ṛta-pravītam (noun M-Ac single) ← ṛtapravīta
01.070.08 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.058 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अरा॑धि॒ होता॒ स्व१॒॑र्निष॑त्तः कृ॒ण्वन्विश्वा॒न्यपां॑सि स॒त्या ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अराधि होता स्वर्निषत्तः कृण्वन्विश्वान्यपांसि सत्या ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
árādhi hótā svárníṣattaḥ kṛṇvánvíśvānyápāṃsi satyā́ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
arādhi hotā svarniṣattaḥ kṛṇvanviśvānyapāṃsi satyā ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अरा॑धि । होता॑ । स्वः॑ । निऽस॑त्तः । कृ॒ण्वन् । विश्वा॑नि । अपां॑सि । स॒त्या ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अराधि । होता । स्वः । निऽसत्तः । कृण्वन् । विश्वानि । अपांसि । सत्या ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
árādhi ǀ hótā ǀ sváḥ ǀ ní-sattaḥ ǀ kṛṇván ǀ víśvāni ǀ ápāṃsi ǀ satyā́ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
arādhi ǀ hotā ǀ svaḥ ǀ ni-sattaḥ ǀ kṛṇvan ǀ viśvāni ǀ apāṃsi ǀ satyā ǁ
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
The Hotar ← [2] hotā (noun M-N single) ← hotṛ
sitting ← [4] ni-sattaḥ = niṣattaḥ (noun M-N single) ← niṣatta
in Svar ← [3] svaḥ (indeclinable word; noun) ← svar
all ← [6] viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← viśva
works ← [7] apāṃsi (noun N-Ac plural) ← apas
making ← [5] kṛṇvan = kṛṇvat (Participle M-N single) ← kṛ
true ← [8] satyā = satyāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← satya
was achieved ← [1] arādhi (verb Aorist Passive single 3rd) ← rādh
01.070.09 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.059 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
गोषु॒ प्रश॑स्तिं॒ वने॑षु धिषे॒ भरं॑त॒ विश्वे॑ ब॒लिं स्व॑र्णः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
गोषु प्रशस्तिं वनेषु धिषे भरंत विश्वे बलिं स्वर्णः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
góṣu práśastim váneṣu dhiṣe bháranta víśve balím svárṇaḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
goṣu praśastim vaneṣu dhiṣe bharanta viśve balim svarṇaḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
गोषु॑ । प्रऽश॑स्तिम् । वने॑षु । धि॒षे॒ । भर॑न्त । विश्वे॑ । ब॒लिम् । स्वः॑ । नः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
गोषु । प्रऽशस्तिम् । वनेषु । धिषे । भरन्त । विश्वे । बलिम् । स्वः । नः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
góṣu ǀ prá-śastim ǀ váneṣu ǀ dhiṣe ǀ bháranta ǀ víśve ǀ balím ǀ sváḥ ǀ naḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
goṣu ǀ pra-śastim ǀ vaneṣu ǀ dhiṣe ǀ bharanta ǀ viśve ǀ balim ǀ svaḥ ǀ naḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
{Thou} hast established the expression in cows , in trees ; all {them} brought our offering in Svar .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{Thou} hast established ← [4] dhiṣe (verb Perfect Middle single 2nd) ← dhā
the expression ← [2] pra-śastim (noun F-Ac single) ← praśasti
in cows ← [1] goṣu (noun M-L plural) ← go
in trees ← [3] vaneṣu (noun N-L plural) ← vana
; all {them} ← [6] viśve (noun M-N plural) ← viśva
brought ← [5] bharanta = abharanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← bhṛ
our ← [9] naḥ (pronoun G plural 1st) ← vayam
offering ← [7] balim (noun M-Ac single) ← bali
in Svar ← [8] svaḥ (indeclinable word; noun) ← svar
01.070.10 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.060 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
वि त्वा॒ नरः॑ पुरु॒त्रा स॑पर्यन्पि॒तुर्न जिव्रे॒र्वि वेदो॑ भरंत ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
वि त्वा नरः पुरुत्रा सपर्यन्पितुर्न जिव्रेर्वि वेदो भरंत ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ví tvā náraḥ purutrā́ saparyanpitúrná jívrerví védo bharanta ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
vi tvā naraḥ purutrā saparyanpiturna jivrervi vedo bharanta ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
वि । त्वा॒ । नरः॑ । पु॒रु॒ऽत्रा । स॒प॒र्य॒न् । पि॒तुः । न । जिव्रेः॑ । वि । वेदः॑ । भ॒र॒न्त॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
वि । त्वा । नरः । पुरुऽत्रा । सपर्यन् । पितुः । न । जिव्रेः । वि । वेदः । भरन्त ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ví ǀ tvā ǀ náraḥ ǀ puru-trā́ ǀ saparyan ǀ pitúḥ ǀ ná ǀ jívreḥ ǀ ví ǀ védaḥ ǀ bharanta ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
vi ǀ tvā ǀ naraḥ ǀ puru-trā ǀ saparyan ǀ pituḥ ǀ na ǀ jivreḥ ǀ vi ǀ vedaḥ ǀ bharanta ǁ
interlinear translation
The manly ones in many ways worshiped thee, {they} outspread {thee} like knowledge of an old father ,
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
The manly ones ← [3] naraḥ (noun M-N plural) ← nṛ
in many ways ← [4] puru-trā (indeclinable word; adverb) ← purutrā
worshiped ← [1] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [5] saparyan (verb Imperfect Active plural 3rd) ← saparya
thee ← [2] tvā (pronoun Ac single 2nd) ← tva
{they} outspread {thee} ← [9] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [11] bharanta = abharanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← bhṛ
like ← [7] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
knowledge ← [10] vedaḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← vedas
of an old ← [8] jivreḥ (noun M-G single) ← jivri
father ← [6] pituḥ (noun M-Ab single) ← pitṛ
01.070.11 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.061 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
सा॒धुर्न गृ॒ध्नुरस्ते॑व॒ शूरो॒ याते॑व भी॒मस्त्वे॒षः स॒मत्सु॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
साधुर्न गृध्नुरस्तेव शूरो यातेव भीमस्त्वेषः समत्सु ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
sādhúrná gṛdhnúrásteva śū́ro yā́teva bhīmástveṣáḥ samátsu ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
sādhurna gṛdhnurasteva śūro yāteva bhīmastveṣaḥ samatsu ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
सा॒धुः । न । गृ॒ध्नुः । अस्ता॑ऽइव । शूरः॑ । याता॑ऽइव । भी॒मः । त्वे॒षः । स॒मत्ऽसु॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
साधुः । न । गृध्नुः । अस्ताऽइव । शूरः । याताऽइव । भीमः । त्वेषः । समत्ऽसु ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
sādhúḥ ǀ ná ǀ gṛdhnúḥ ǀ ástā-iva ǀ śū́raḥ ǀ yā́tā-iva ǀ bhīmáḥ ǀ tveṣáḥ ǀ samát-su ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
sādhuḥ ǀ na ǀ gṛdhnuḥ ǀ astā-iva ǀ śūraḥ ǀ yātā-iva ǀ bhīmaḥ ǀ tveṣaḥ ǀ samat-su ǁ
interlinear translation
{thee who} as hungry to achieve {is} the leading straight to the goal, like archer-hero , like terrible assailant blazing in battles.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{thee who} as ← [2] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
hungry to achieve ← [3] gṛdhnuḥ (noun M-N single) ← gṛdhnu
{is} the leading straight to the goal ← [1] sādhuḥ (noun M-N single) ← sādhu
like archer- ← [4] astā-iva (noun M-N single) ← astṛ
hero ← [5] śūraḥ (noun M-N single) ← śūra
like terrible ← [7] bhīmaḥ (noun M-N single) ← bhīma
assailant ← [6] yātā-iva (noun M-N single) ← yātṛ
blazing ← [8] tveṣaḥ (noun M-N single) ← tveṣa
in battles ← [9] samat-su (noun F-L plural) ← samad
Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo |
1. 19461
1.70.1-2. May we win the many Riches, may the Fire, flaming high with his light, master by the thinking mind, take possession of all things that are, he who knows the laws of the divine workings and knows the birth of the human being.
1.70.3-4. He is the child of the waters, the child of the forests, the child of things stable and the child of things that move. Even in the stone he is there for man, he is there in the middle of his house, — he is as one universal in creatures; he is the Immortal, the perfect thinker.
1.70.5-6. The Fire is a master of the nights, he gives of the Riches to him who prepares for him the sacrifice with the perfect words. O thou who art conscious, guard, as the knower, these worlds, and the birth of the Gods, and mortal men.
1.70.7-8. Many nights of different forms have increased him, the Fire who came forth from the Truth, who is the stable and the moving: the priest of the call, he is achieved for us, seated in the sun-world2, making true all our works.
1.70.9-10. Thou establishest word of thee in the Ray-Cow and in the forests; it is as if all were bringing the sun-world as offering. Men in many parts serve thee and gather in knowledge as from a long-lived father.
1.70.11. He is like one efficient in works and hungry to seize, heroic like one shooting arrows, terrible like an assailant charging, he is a splendour in our battles.
2. August 19203
1. Men battling by our mind of thought may we make conquest of many powers and Agni burning brightly enjoy and possess in us all things that are
2. know the divine workings and know the births of the human creature
3. He is the child of the waters and the child of the forests and the child of things stable and the child of things that move
4. He is there for man in the stone of the mountain and within in the house. He is one universal to the peoples and the Immortal and the right-thinking One.
5. The Fire is master of the nights and imparts to man sufficiency of his treasures by the power of perfect words
6. O knower, who hast knowledge of the births of the gods and knowledge of mortals, guard these earths
7. Many nights that are different in form increase one who is the moving and the stable, one who has come from the Truth
8. He is a priest of sacrifice and enriches us where he sits in the world of the sun making our works things of truth.
9. Thou thinkest out thy hymn of utterance in the rays and in the forests and all the gods carry to us the light of the sun-world as a sacrifice
10. Men do thee service in the manifoldness and come bringing from thee riches of knowledge as from an aged father
11. He is like a perfecter of works, one who is a hungry seizer. He is like a hero shooting arrows and like a terrible assailant in the battle.
1 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 1946 // CWSA.– Vol. 16.– Hymns to the Mystic Fire.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2013, pp. 31-113.
2 Or, the sun,
3 Parashara’s Hymns to the Lord of the Flame // CWSA.– Vol. 15.– The Secret of the Veda.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998, pp. 582-590. 1-st published: Arya: A Philosophical Review. Monthly.– Vol.7, No 1 – August 1920, pp. 582-590.
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