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Sūkta 9


1. Info

To:    indra
From:   madhucchandas vaiśvāmitra
Metres:   gāyatrī


2. Audio


▪   by South Indian brahmins


▪   by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.



3. Preferences


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Mandala. Sukta. Rik


Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik


Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik


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3. Text

01.009.01   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.011   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

इंद्रेहि॒ मत्स्यंध॑सो॒ विश्वे॑भिः सोम॒पर्व॑भिः ।

म॒हाँ अ॑भि॒ष्टिरोज॑सा ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

इंद्रेहि मत्स्यंधसो विश्वेभिः सोमपर्वभिः ।

महाँ अभिष्टिरोजसा ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

índréhi mátsyándhaso víśvebhiḥ somapárvabhiḥ ǀ

mahā́m̐ abhiṣṭírójasā ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

indrehi matsyandhaso viśvebhiḥ somaparvabhiḥ ǀ

mahām̐ abhiṣṭirojasā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

इन्द्र॑ । आ । इ॒हि॒ । मत्सि॑ । अन्ध॑सः । विश्वे॑भिः । सो॒म॒पर्व॑ऽभिः ।

म॒हान् । अ॒भि॒ष्टिः । ओज॑सा ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

इन्द्र । आ । इहि । मत्सि । अन्धसः । विश्वेभिः । सोमपर्वऽभिः ।

महान् । अभिष्टिः । ओजसा ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

índra ǀ ā́ ǀ ihi ǀ mátsi ǀ ándhasaḥ ǀ víśvebhiḥ ǀ somapárva-bhiḥ ǀ

mahā́n ǀ abhiṣṭíḥ ǀ ójasā ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

indra ǀ ā ǀ ihi ǀ matsi ǀ andhasaḥ ǀ viśvebhiḥ ǀ somaparva-bhiḥ ǀ

mahān ǀ abhiṣṭiḥ ǀ ojasā ǁ

interlinear translation

O Indra , do come, do intoxicate thyself with soma juice, with all joints of soma , the Great, approaching  with force.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

O Indra   ←   [1] indra (noun M-V single)

do come   ←   [2] ā (preposition); [3] ihi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  i

do intoxicate thyself   ←   [4] matsi (verb Imperative single 2nd)  ←  mad

with soma juice   ←   [5] andhasaḥ (noun N-Ab single)  ←  andhas

with all   ←   [6] viśvebhiḥ = viśvaiḥ (noun N-I plural)  ←  viśva

joints of soma   ←   [7] somaparva-bhiḥ (noun N-I plural)  ←  somaparvan

the Great   ←   [8] mahān (noun M-N single)  ←  mahat

approaching   ←   [9] abhiṣṭiḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  abhiṣṭi

with force   ←   [10] ojasā (noun N-I single)  ←  ojas

01.009.02   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.012   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

एमे॑नं सृजता सु॒ते मं॒दिमिंद्रा॑य मं॒दिने॑ ।

चक्रिं॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ चक्र॑ये ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

एमेनं सृजता सुते मंदिमिंद्राय मंदिने ।

चक्रिं विश्वानि चक्रये ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

émenam sṛjatā suté mandímíndrāya mandíne ǀ

cákrim víśvāni cákraye ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

emenam sṛjatā sute mandimindrāya mandine ǀ

cakrim viśvāni cakraye ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

आ । ई॒म् । ए॒न॒म् । सृ॒ज॒त॒ । सु॒ते । म॒न्दिम् । इन्द्रा॑य । म॒न्दिने॑ ।

चक्रि॑म् । विश्वा॑नि । चक्र॑ये ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

आ । ईम् । एनम् । सृजत । सुते । मन्दिम् । इन्द्राय । मन्दिने ।

चक्रिम् । विश्वानि । चक्रये ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ā́ ǀ īm ǀ enam ǀ sṛjata ǀ suté ǀ mandím ǀ índrāya ǀ mandíne ǀ

cákrim ǀ víśvāni ǀ cákraye ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

ā ǀ īm ǀ enam ǀ sṛjata ǀ sute ǀ mandim ǀ indrāya ǀ mandine ǀ

cakrim ǀ viśvāni ǀ cakraye ǁ

interlinear translation

Now, {O poets}, do release in the pressed out  this intoxicating {hymn} for rapturous drinker Indra , the active {Soma} for the Doer of all actions.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Now   ←   [2] īm (indeclinable word; particle)

{O poets}, do release   ←   [1] ā (preposition); [4] sṛjata (verb Present Imperative Active plural 2nd)  ←  sṛj

in the pressed out   ←   [5] sute (noun M-L single)  ←  suta

this   ←   [3] enam (pronoun N-Ac single)  ←  ena

intoxicating {hymn}   ←   [6] mandim (noun Ac single)  ←  mandin

for rapturous drinker   ←   [8] mandine (noun M-D single)  ←  mandin

Indra   ←   [7] indrāya (noun M-D single)  ←  indra

the active {Soma}   ←   [9] cakrim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  cakri

for the Doer   ←   [11] cakraye (noun M-D single)  ←  cakri

of all actions   ←   [10] viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural)  ←  viśva

01.009.03   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.013   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

मत्स्वा॑ सुशिप्र मं॒दिभिः॒ स्तोमे॑भिर्विश्वचर्षणे ।

सचै॒षु सव॑ने॒ष्वा ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

मत्स्वा सुशिप्र मंदिभिः स्तोमेभिर्विश्वचर्षणे ।

सचैषु सवनेष्वा ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

mátsvā suśipra mandíbhiḥ stómebhirviśvacarṣaṇe ǀ

sácaiṣú sávaneṣvā́ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

matsvā suśipra mandibhiḥ stomebhirviśvacarṣaṇe ǀ

sacaiṣu savaneṣvā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

मत्स्व॑ । सु॒ऽशि॒प्र॒ । म॒न्दिऽभिः॑ । स्तोमे॑भिः । वि॒श्व॒ऽच॒र्ष॒णे॒ ।

सचा॑ । ए॒षु । सव॑नेषु । आ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

मत्स्व । सुऽशिप्र । मन्दिऽभिः । स्तोमेभिः । विश्वऽचर्षणे ।

सचा । एषु । सवनेषु । आ ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

mátsva ǀ su-śipra ǀ mandí-bhiḥ ǀ stómebhiḥ ǀ viśva-carṣaṇe ǀ

sácā ǀ eṣú ǀ sávaneṣu ǀ ā́ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

matsva ǀ su-śipra ǀ mandi-bhiḥ ǀ stomebhiḥ ǀ viśva-carṣaṇe ǀ

sacā ǀ eṣu ǀ savaneṣu ǀ ā ǁ

interlinear translation

Do intoxicate thyself, O strong-jawed, with intoxicating hymns, O all-seeing, do cleave to these pressings .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Do intoxicate thyself   ←   [1] matsva (verb Imperative single 2nd)  ←  mad

O strong-jawed   ←   [2] su-śipra (noun N-V single)  ←  suśipra

with intoxicating   ←   [3] mandi-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  mandin

hymns   ←   [4] stomebhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  stoma

O all-seeing   ←   [5] viśva-carṣaṇe (noun M-V single)  ←  viśvacarṣaṇi

do cleave   ←   [6] sacā (verb Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  sac; [9] ā (preposition)

to these   ←   [7] eṣu (pronoun M-L plural)  ←  iyam

pressings   ←   [8] savaneṣu (noun N-L plural)  ←  savana

01.009.04   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.014   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

असृ॑ग्रमिंद्र ते॒ गिरः॒ प्रति॒ त्वामुद॑हासत ।

अजो॑षा वृष॒भं पतिं॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

असृग्रमिंद्र ते गिरः प्रति त्वामुदहासत ।

अजोषा वृषभं पतिं ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ásṛgramindra te gíraḥ práti tvā́múdahāsata ǀ

ájoṣā vṛṣabhám pátim ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

asṛgramindra te giraḥ prati tvāmudahāsata ǀ

ajoṣā vṛṣabham patim ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

असृ॑ग्रम् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । ते॒ । गिरः॑ । प्रति॑ । त्वाम् । उत् । अ॒हा॒स॒त॒ ।

अजो॑षाः । वृ॒ष॒भम् । पति॑म् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

असृग्रम् । इन्द्र । ते । गिरः । प्रति । त्वाम् । उत् । अहासत ।

अजोषाः । वृषभम् । पतिम् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ásṛgram ǀ indra ǀ te ǀ gíraḥ ǀ práti ǀ tvā́m ǀ út ǀ ahāsata ǀ

ájoṣāḥ ǀ vṛṣabhám ǀ pátim ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

asṛgram ǀ indra ǀ te ǀ giraḥ ǀ prati ǀ tvām ǀ ut ǀ ahāsata ǀ

ajoṣāḥ ǀ vṛṣabham ǀ patim ǁ

interlinear translation

{ I } released the words  for thee, O Indra , {they} rushed upwards to thee, insatiable, to the Bull-Lord.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

{ I } released   ←   [1] asṛgram (verb Aorist single 1st)  ←  sṛj

the words   ←   [4] giraḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  gir

for thee   ←   [3] te (pronoun D single 2nd)  ←  tva

O Indra   ←   [2] indra (noun M-V single)

{they} rushed   ←   [8] ahāsata (verb Aorist Middle plural 3rd)  ←  hā

upwards   ←   [7] ut (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

to   ←   [5] prati (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

thee   ←   [6] tvām (pronoun Ac single 2nd)  ←  tva

insatiable   ←   [9] ajoṣāḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  ajoṣa

to the Bull-   ←   [10] vṛṣabham (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vṛṣabha

Lord   ←   [11] patim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  pati

01.009.05   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.015   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

सं चो॑दय चि॒त्रम॒र्वाग्राध॑ इंद्र॒ वरे॑ण्यं ।

अस॒दित्ते॑ वि॒भु प्र॒भु ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

सं चोदय चित्रमर्वाग्राध इंद्र वरेण्यं ।

असदित्ते विभु प्रभु ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

sám codaya citrámarvā́grā́dha indra váreṇyam ǀ

ásadítte vibhú prabhú ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

sam codaya citramarvāgrādha indra vareṇyam ǀ

asaditte vibhu prabhu ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

सम् । चो॒द॒य॒ । चि॒त्रम् । अ॒र्वाक् । राधः॑ । इ॒न्द्र॒ । वरे॑ण्यम् ।

अस॑त् । इत् । ते॒ । वि॒ऽभु । प्र॒ऽभु ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

सम् । चोदय । चित्रम् । अर्वाक् । राधः । इन्द्र । वरेण्यम् ।

असत् । इत् । ते । विऽभु । प्रऽभु ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

sám ǀ codaya ǀ citrám ǀ arvā́k ǀ rā́dhaḥ ǀ indra ǀ váreṇyam ǀ

ásat ǀ ít ǀ te ǀ vi-bhú ǀ pra-bhú ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

sam ǀ codaya ǀ citram ǀ arvāk ǀ rādhaḥ ǀ indra ǀ vareṇyam ǀ

asat ǀ it ǀ te ǀ vi-bhu ǀ pra-bhu ǁ

interlinear translation

Altogether do urge downward manifold desirable wealth , O Indra , let {it} be truly yours, being everywhere, coming forward.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Altogether   ←   [1] sam (indeclinable word; adverb)

do urge   ←   [2] codaya (verb Present causative Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  cud

downward   ←   [4] arvāk (indeclinable word; adverb)

manifold   ←   [3] citram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  citra

desirable   ←   [7] vareṇyam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vareṇya

wealth   ←   [5] rādhaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  rādhas

O Indra   ←   [6] indra (noun M-V single)

let {it} be   ←   [8] asat (verb Subjunctive single 3rd)  ←  as

truly   ←   [9] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

yours   ←   [10] te (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

being everywhere   ←   [11] vi-bhu (noun N-Ac single)  ←  vibhū

coming forward   ←   [12] pra-bhu (noun N-Ac single)  ←  prabhu

01.009.06   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.016   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अ॒स्मान्त्सु तत्र॑ चोद॒येंद्र॑ रा॒ये रभ॑स्वतः ।

तुवि॑द्युम्न॒ यश॑स्वतः ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अस्मान्त्सु तत्र चोदयेंद्र राये रभस्वतः ।

तुविद्युम्न यशस्वतः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

asmā́ntsú tátra codayéndra rāyé rábhasvataḥ ǀ

túvidyumna yáśasvataḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

asmāntsu tatra codayendra rāye rabhasvataḥ ǀ

tuvidyumna yaśasvataḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अ॒स्मान् । सु । तत्र॑ । चो॒द॒य॒ । इन्द्र॑ । रा॒ये । रभ॑स्वतः ।

तुवि॑ऽद्युम्न । यश॑स्वतः ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अस्मान् । सु । तत्र । चोदय । इन्द्र । राये । रभस्वतः ।

तुविऽद्युम्न । यशस्वतः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

asmā́n ǀ sú ǀ tátra ǀ codaya ǀ índra ǀ rāyé ǀ rábhasvataḥ ǀ

túvi-dyumna ǀ yáśasvataḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

asmān ǀ su ǀ tatra ǀ codaya ǀ indra ǀ rāye ǀ rabhasvataḥ ǀ

tuvi-dyumna ǀ yaśasvataḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

Then do urge us well for the wealth , O Indra , O thou of many illuminations , {us} full of ecstasy, full of hearing {of the Truth} .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Then   ←   [3] tatra (indeclinable word; adverb)

do urge   ←   [4] codaya (verb Present causative Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  cud

us   ←   [1] asmān (pronoun Ac plural 1st)  ←  vayam

well   ←   [2] su (indeclinable word; adverb, adjective)

for the wealth   ←   [6] rāye (noun M-D single)  ←  rai

O Indra   ←   [5] indra (noun M-V single)

O thou of many illuminations   ←   [8] tuvi-dyumna (noun M-V single)  ←  tuvidyumna

{us} full of ecstasy   ←   [7] rabhasvataḥ (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  rabhasvat

full of hearing {of the Truth}   ←   [9] yaśasvataḥ (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  yaśasvat

01.009.07   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.017   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

सं गोम॑दिंद्र॒ वाज॑वद॒स्मे पृ॒थु श्रवो॑ बृ॒हत् ।

वि॒श्वायु॑र्धे॒ह्यक्षि॑तं ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

सं गोमदिंद्र वाजवदस्मे पृथु श्रवो बृहत् ।

विश्वायुर्धेह्यक्षितं ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

sám gómadindra vā́javadasmé pṛthú śrávo bṛhát ǀ

viśvā́yurdhehyákṣitam ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

sam gomadindra vājavadasme pṛthu śravo bṛhat ǀ

viśvāyurdhehyakṣitam ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

सम् । गोऽम॑त् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । वाज॑ऽवत् । अ॒स्मे इति॑ । पृ॒थु । श्रवः॑ । बृ॒हत् ।

वि॒श्वऽआ॑युः । धे॒हि॒ । अक्षि॑तम् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

सम् । गोऽमत् । इन्द्र । वाजऽवत् । अस्मे इति । पृथु । श्रवः । बृहत् ।

विश्वऽआयुः । धेहि । अक्षितम् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

sám ǀ gó-mat ǀ indra ǀ vā́ja-vat ǀ asmé íti ǀ pṛthú ǀ śrávaḥ ǀ bṛhát ǀ

viśvá-āyuḥ ǀ dhehi ǀ ákṣitam ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

sam ǀ go-mat ǀ indra ǀ vāja-vat ǀ asme iti ǀ pṛthu ǀ śravaḥ ǀ bṛhat ǀ

viśva-āyuḥ ǀ dhehi ǀ akṣitam ǁ

interlinear translation

O Indra , O everywhere living , do uphold in us altogether the wide hearing {of the Truth}  full of cows (of supramental perceptions) , abundant  great , inexhaustible.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

O Indra   ←   [3] indra (noun M-V single)

O everywhere living   ←   [9] viśva-āyuḥ (noun M-V single)  ←  viśvāyu

do uphold   ←   [10] dhehi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  dhā

in us   ←   [5] asme iti (pronoun L plural 1st)  ←  vayam

altogether   ←   [1] sam (indeclinable word; adverb)

the wide   ←   [6] pṛthu (noun N-Ac single)

hearing {of the Truth}   ←   [7] śravaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  śravas

full of cows (of supramental perceptions)   ←   [2] go-mat (noun N-Ac single)  ←  gomat

abundant   ←   [4] vāja-vat (noun N-Ac single)  ←  vājavat

great   ←   [8] bṛhat (noun N-Ac single)

inexhaustible   ←   [11] akṣitam (noun N-Ac single)  ←  akṣita

01.009.08   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.018   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अ॒स्मे धे॑हि॒ श्रवो॑ बृ॒हद्द्यु॒म्नं स॑हस्र॒सात॑मं ।

इंद्र॒ ता र॒थिनी॒रिषः॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अस्मे धेहि श्रवो बृहद्द्युम्नं सहस्रसातमं ।

इंद्र ता रथिनीरिषः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

asmé dhehi śrávo bṛháddyumnám sahasrasā́tamam ǀ

índra tā́ rathínīríṣaḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

asme dhehi śravo bṛhaddyumnam sahasrasātamam ǀ

indra tā rathinīriṣaḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अ॒स्मे इति॑ । धे॒हि॒ । श्रवः॑ । बृ॒हत् । द्यु॒म्नम् । स॒ह॒स्र॒ऽसात॑मम् ।

इन्द्र॑ । ताः । र॒थिनीः॑ । इषः॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अस्मे इति । धेहि । श्रवः । बृहत् । द्युम्नम् । सहस्रऽसातमम् ।

इन्द्र । ताः । रथिनीः । इषः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

asmé íti ǀ dhehi ǀ śrávaḥ ǀ bṛhát ǀ dyumnám ǀ sahasra-sā́tamam ǀ

índra ǀ tā́ḥ ǀ rathínīḥ ǀ íṣaḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

asme iti ǀ dhehi ǀ śravaḥ ǀ bṛhat ǀ dyumnam ǀ sahasra-sātamam ǀ

indra ǀ tāḥ ǀ rathinīḥ ǀ iṣaḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

O Indra  do hold in us the vast  hearing {of the Truth} , the most powerful to thousanfold winning illumination {of the Truth} , these charioteers  impulsions.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

O Indra   ←   [7] indra (noun M-V single)

do hold   ←   [2] dhehi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  dhā

in us   ←   [1] asme iti (pronoun D plural 1st)  ←  vayam

the vast   ←   [4] bṛhat (noun N-Ac single)

hearing {of the Truth}   ←   [3] śravaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  śravas

the most powerful to thousanfold winning   ←   [6] sahasra-sātamam (noun N-Ac single)  ←  sahasrasātama

illumination {of the Truth}   ←   [5] dyumnam (noun N-Ac single)  ←  dyumna

these   ←   [8] tāḥ (pronoun F-Ac plural)  ←  sā

charioteers   ←   [9] rathinīḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  rathin

impulsions   ←   [10] iṣaḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  iṣ

01.009.09   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.019   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

वसो॒रिंद्रं॒ वसु॑पतिं गी॒र्भिर्गृ॒णंत॑ ऋ॒ग्मियं॑ ।

होम॒ गंता॑रमू॒तये॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

वसोरिंद्रं वसुपतिं गीर्भिर्गृणंत ऋग्मियं ।

होम गंतारमूतये ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

vásoríndram vásupatim gīrbhírgṛṇánta ṛgmíyam ǀ

hóma gántāramūtáye ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

vasorindram vasupatim gīrbhirgṛṇanta ṛgmiyam ǀ

homa gantāramūtaye ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

वसोः॑ । इन्द्र॑म् । वसु॑ऽपतिम् । गीः॒ऽभिः । गृ॒णन्तः॑ । ऋ॒ग्मिय॑म् ।

होम॑ । गन्ता॑रम् । ऊ॒तये॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

वसोः । इन्द्रम् । वसुऽपतिम् । गीःऽभिः । गृणन्तः । ऋग्मियम् ।

होम । गन्तारम् । ऊतये ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

vásoḥ ǀ índram ǀ vásu-patim ǀ gīḥ-bhíḥ ǀ gṛṇántaḥ ǀ ṛgmíyam ǀ

hóma ǀ gántāram ǀ ūtáye ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

vasoḥ ǀ indram ǀ vasu-patim ǀ gīḥ-bhiḥ ǀ gṛṇantaḥ ǀ ṛgmiyam ǀ

homa ǀ gantāram ǀ ūtaye ǁ

interlinear translation

{We} expressing Indra , the Lord of wealth , by words  from wealth , {we} call him who is full of riks; him going for our protection and grouth .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

{We} expressing   ←   [5] gṛṇantaḥ (Participle M-N plural)  ←  gṝ

Indra   ←   [2] indram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  indra

the Lord of wealth   ←   [3] vasu-patim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vasupati

by words   ←   [4] gīḥ-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  gir

from wealth   ←   [1] vasoḥ (noun M-Ab single)  ←  vasu

{we} call   ←   [7] homa (indeclinable word; verb Present plural 1st)  ←  hve

him who is full of riks   ←   [6] ṛgmiyam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ṛgmiya

; him going   ←   [8] gantāram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  gantṛ

for our protection and grouth   ←   [9] ūtaye (noun F-D single)  ←  ūti

01.009.10   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

01.03.020   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

सु॒तेसु॑ते॒ न्यो॑कसे बृ॒हद्बृ॑ह॒त एद॒रिः ।

इंद्रा॑य शू॒षम॑र्चति ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

सुतेसुते न्योकसे बृहद्बृहत एदरिः ।

इंद्राय शूषमर्चति ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

sutésute nyókase bṛhádbṛhatá édaríḥ ǀ

índrāya śūṣámarcati ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

sutesute nyokase bṛhadbṛhata edariḥ ǀ

indrāya śūṣamarcati ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

सु॒तेऽसु॑ते । निऽओ॑कसे । बृ॒हत् । बृ॒ह॒ते । आ । इत् । अ॒रिः ।

इन्द्रा॑य । शू॒षम् । अ॒र्च॒ति॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

सुतेऽसुते । निऽओकसे । बृहत् । बृहते । आ । इत् । अरिः ।

इन्द्राय । शूषम् । अर्चति ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

suté-sute ǀ ní-okase ǀ bṛhát ǀ bṛhaté ǀ ā́ ǀ ít ǀ aríḥ ǀ

índrāya ǀ śūṣám ǀ arcati ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

sute-sute ǀ ni-okase ǀ bṛhat ǀ bṛhate ǀ ā ǀ it ǀ ariḥ ǀ

indrāya ǀ śūṣam ǀ arcati ǁ

interlinear translation

In every pressing  for the vast  Dweller of the greatness , verily, Arya  sings  for Indra  a paean.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

In every pressing   ←   [1] sute-sute (noun M-L single)  ←  suta

for the vast   ←   [4] bṛhate (noun M-D single)  ←  bṛhat

Dweller   ←   [2] ni-okase (noun M-D single)  ←  nyokas

of the greatness   ←   [3] bṛhat (noun N-Ac single)

verily   ←   [6] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

Arya   ←   [7] ariḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  ari

sings   ←   [10] arcati (verb Present Active single 3rd)  ←  arc

for Indra   ←   [8] indrāya (noun M-D single)  ←  indra

a paean   ←   [9] śūṣam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  śūṣa

Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo

1. February 19161


1.9.4. Indra is, we have supposed, the Power of luminous Mind, master of the world of Light and its lightnings; the words or the thoughts are constantly imaged as cows or women, Indra as the Bull or husband, and the words desire him and are even spoken of as casting themselves upwards to seek him

2. Circa 19132

2. ... delight-giving for Indra the enjoyer, effective of action for the doer of all actions

3. Circa 19133

7. O Indra, life of all, order for us an inspired knowledge full of illumination and substance, wide and great and unimpaired.

I pass now to a third passage, also instructive, also full of that depth and fine knowledge of the movements of the higher consciousness which every Yogin must find in the Veda. It is in the 9th hymn of the Mandala and forms the seventh verse of that hymn. Sam gomad Indra vajavad asme prithu sravo brihat, visvayur dhehi akshitam. The only crucial question in this verse is the signification of sravas. With our modern ideas the sentence seems to us to demand that sravas should be translated here ‘fame’. Sravas is undoubtedly the same word as the Greek ϰλέος (originally ϰλέFος); it means a thing heard, rumour, report, and thence fame. If we take it in that sense, we shall have to translate “Arrange for us, O universal life, a luminous and solid, wide and great fame unimpaired.” I dismiss at once the idea that go and vaja can here signify cattle and food or wealth. “A herded and fooded or wealthy fame” to express “a fame for wealth of cattle and food” is a forceful turn of expression we might expect to find in Aeschylus or in Shakespeare; but I should hesitate, except in case of clear necessity, to admit it in the Veda or in any Sanscrit style of composition; for such expressions have always been alien to the Indian intellect. Our stylistic vagaries have been of another kind. But is luminous and solid fame much better? I shall suggest another meaning for sravas which will give as usual a deeper sense to the whole passage without our needing to depart by a hair’s breadth from the etymological significance of the words. Sruti in Sanscrit is a technical term, originally, for the means by which Vedic knowledge is acquired, inspiration in the suprarational mind; srutam is the knowledge of Veda. Similarly, we have in Vedic Sanscrit the forms srut and sravas. I take srut to mean inspired knowledge in the act of reception, sravas the thing acquired by the reception, inspired knowledge. Gomad immediately assumes its usual meaning “illuminated, full of illumination”. Vaja I take throughout the Veda as a technical Vedic expression for that substantiality of being-consciousness which is the basis of all special manifestation of being and power, all utayah and vibhutayah — it means by etymology extended being in force, va or to exist or move in extension and the vocable j which always gives the idea of force or brilliance or decisiveness in action or manifestation or contact. I shall accept no meaning which is inconsistent with this fundamental significance. Moreover the tendency of the old commentators to make all possible words, vaja, ritam etc mean sacrifice or food, must be rejected, — although a justification in etymology might always be made out for the effort. Vaja means substance in being, substance, plenty, strength, solidity, steadfastness. Here it obviously means “full of substance”, just as “gomad” full of luminousness,— not in the sense arthavat, but with another and psychological 106 connotation. I translate then, “O Indra, life of all, order for us an inspired knowledge full of illumination and substance, wide and great and unimpaired.” Anyone acquainted with Yoga will at once be struck by the peculiar and exact appropriateness of all these epithets; they will admit him at once by sympathy into the very heart of Madhuchchhanda’s experience and unite him in soul with that ancient son of Visvamitra. When Mahas, the supra-rational principle, begins with some clearness to work in Yoga, not on its own level, not swe dame, but in the mind, it works at first through the principle of Sruti — not Smriti or Drishti, but this Sruti is feeble and limited in its range, it is not prithu; broken and scattered in its working even when the range is wide, not unlimited in continuity, not brihat; not pouring in a flood of light, not gomat, but coming as a flash in the darkness, often with a pale glimmer like the first feebleness of dawn; not supported by a strong steady force and foundation of being, Sat, in manifestation, not vajavad, but working without foundation, in a void, like secondhand glimpses of Sat in nothingness, in vacuum, in Asat; and, therefore, easily impaired, easily lost hold of, easily stolen by the Panis or the Vritras. All these defects Madhuchchhanda has noticed in his own experience; his prayer is for an inspired knowledge which shall be full and free and perfect, not marred even in a small degree by these deficiencies.

4. 1912–134

1.9.1. Come, O Indra, thou takest rapture by all the bodily parts of this Matter, full of the great, setting thyself to it by thy force.

1.9.2. Increase thy strength, and do ye when the nectar is expressed create rapture for Indra the taker of joy, activity for the doer of all actions.

1.9.3. Rejoice, O swift of mood, with praises that awake delight, O thou all-doer; attach thyself to these outpourings.

1.9.4. When thou comest not to them, O Indra, thy voices laugh up to thee, seeking unfulfilled satisfaction to their lover and lord.

1.9.5. Excite entirely, O Indra, that manifold highest ecstasy below, — that Is of thee which is universal being and supreme.

1.9.6. Us too in that, O Indra, wholly excite to bliss; make us full of strong ecstasy and victorious strength, O thou brilliant in steadfast force.

1.9.7. So do thou dispose to us, O Indra, wide knowledge full of light, full of substance, in nature of that greatness, enduring all our life unimpaired.

1.9.8. Dispose to us knowledge of the large, a brilliance of utterly forceful steadfastness and, Indra, those rapturous masteries.

1.9.9. Declare ye with your words Indra of the Substance, lord of substance, full of the rik (knowledge); as he goeth we call on him for expansion of our being.

1.9.10. In every pouring of the nectar for capacity, of the large and increaser of the large, for Indra proceeds.


1 The Secret of the Veda. XVIII. The Human Fathers // CWSA.– Vol. 15.– The Secret of the Veda.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998, pp. 187-198. 1-st published: Arya: A Philosophical Review. Monthly.– Vol.2, No 7 – February 1916, pp. 422-434.


2 The Secret of the Veda // CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 149-154.


3 Note on the Word Go // CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, p. 99-110. 1-st published: Sri Aurobindo: Archives & Research: a biannual journal.– Volume 9, No1 (1985, April), pp. 50-60.


4 CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 204-208.


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