Rig Veda
Text & Audio
Sūkta 95
1. Info |
To: | agni, or the fire at dawn | |
From: | kutsa āṅgirasa | |
Metres: | triṣṭubh |
2. Audio |
▪ by South Indian brahmins |
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▪ by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
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3. Preferences |
Show these variants of riks numbering: |
Mandala. Sukta. Rik |
Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik |
Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik |
Show these variants of vedic text: |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Show interlinear translation |
Show interlinear translation made in Sri Aurobindo’s light [?] |
Show grammar forms |
3. Text |
01.095.01 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.017 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
द्वे विरू॑पे चरतः॒ स्वर्थे॑ अ॒न्यान्या॑ व॒त्समुप॑ धापयेते ।
हरि॑र॒न्यस्यां॒ भव॑ति स्व॒धावां॑छु॒क्रो अ॒न्यस्यां॑ ददृशे सु॒वर्चाः॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
द्वे विरूपे चरतः स्वर्थे अन्यान्या वत्समुप धापयेते ।
हरिरन्यस्यां भवति स्वधावांछुक्रो अन्यस्यां ददृशे सुवर्चाः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
dvé vírūpe carataḥ svárthe anyā́nyā vatsámúpa dhāpayete ǀ
háriranyásyām bhávati svadhā́vāñchukró anyásyām dadṛśe suvárcāḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
dve virūpe carataḥ svarthe anyānyā vatsamupa dhāpayete ǀ
hariranyasyām bhavati svadhāvāñchukro anyasyām dadṛśe suvarcāḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
द्वे इति॑ । विरू॑पे॒ इति॒ विऽरू॑पे । च॒र॒तः॒ । स्वर्थे॒ इति॑ सु॒ऽअर्थे॑ । अ॒न्याऽअ॑न्या । व॒त्सम् । उप॑ । धा॒प॒ये॒ते॒ इति॑ ।
हरिः॑ । अ॒न्यस्या॑म् । भव॑ति । स्व॒धाऽवा॑न् । शु॒क्रः । अ॒न्यस्या॑म् । द॒दृ॒शे॒ । सु॒ऽवर्चाः॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
द्वे इति । विरूपे इति विऽरूपे । चरतः । स्वर्थे इति सुऽअर्थे । अन्याऽअन्या । वत्सम् । उप । धापयेते इति ।
हरिः । अन्यस्याम् । भवति । स्वधाऽवान् । शुक्रः । अन्यस्याम् । ददृशे । सुऽवर्चाः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
dvé íti ǀ vírūpe íti ví-rūpe ǀ carataḥ ǀ svárthe íti su-árthe ǀ anyā́-anyā ǀ vatsám ǀ úpa ǀ dhāpayete íti ǀ
háriḥ ǀ anyásyām ǀ bhávati ǀ svadhā́-vān ǀ śukráḥ ǀ anyásyām ǀ dadṛśe ǀ su-várcāḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
dve iti ǀ virūpe iti vi-rūpe ǀ carataḥ ǀ svarthe iti su-arthe ǀ anyā-anyā ǀ vatsam ǀ upa ǀ dhāpayete iti ǀ
hariḥ ǀ anyasyām ǀ bhavati ǀ svadhā-vān ǀ śukraḥ ǀ anyasyām ǀ dadṛśe ǀ su-varcāḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Two {Mothers} of different forms move to {one} good goal, one by one {they} suckle the Calf; {he} faithful to his self-law becomes bright in one {in Day}, in another {in Night} {he,} blazing , well illuming, has became visible.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Two {Mothers} ← [1] dve iti (noun F-N double) ← dva
of different forms ← [2] virūpe iti vi-rūpe (noun F-N double) ← virūpa
move ← [3] carataḥ (verb Present Active double 3rd) ← car
to {one} good goal ← [4] svarthe iti su-arthe (noun F-N double) ← svartha
one by one ← [5] anyā-anyā (noun F-N single) ← anya
{they} suckle ← [7] upa (preposition); [8] dhāpayete iti (verb Present double 3rd) ← dhe
the Calf ← [6] vatsam (noun M-Ac single) ← vatsa
; {he} ← [11] bhavati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← bhū
faithful to his self-law ← [12] svadhā-vān (noun M-N single) ← svadhāvat
becomes ← [11] bhavati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← bhū
bright ← [9] hariḥ (noun M-N single) ← hari
in one {in Day} ← [10] anyasyām (noun F-L single) ← anya
in another {in Night} ← [14] anyasyām (noun F-L single) ← anya
{he,} blazing ← [13] śukraḥ (noun M-N single) ← śukra
well illuming ← [16] su-varcāḥ (noun M-N single) ← suvarcas
has became visible ← [15] dadṛśe (verb Perfect Middle single 3rd) ← dṛś
01.095.02 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.018 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
दशे॒मं त्वष्टु॑र्जनयंत॒ गर्भ॒मतं॑द्रासो युव॒तयो॒ विभृ॑त्रं ।
ति॒ग्मानी॑कं॒ स्वय॑शसं॒ जने॑षु वि॒रोच॑मानं॒ परि॑ षीं नयंति ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
दशेमं त्वष्टुर्जनयंत गर्भमतंद्रासो युवतयो विभृत्रं ।
तिग्मानीकं स्वयशसं जनेषु विरोचमानं परि षीं नयंति ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
dáśemám tváṣṭurjanayanta gárbhamátandrāso yuvatáyo víbhṛtram ǀ
tigmā́nīkam sváyaśasam jáneṣu virócamānam pári ṣīm nayanti ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
daśemam tvaṣṭurjanayanta garbhamatandrāso yuvatayo vibhṛtram ǀ
tigmānīkam svayaśasam janeṣu virocamānam pari ṣīm nayanti ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
दश॑ । इ॒मम् । त्वष्टुः॑ । ज॒न॒य॒न्त॒ । गर्भ॑म् । अत॑न्द्रासः । यु॒व॒तयः॑ । विऽभृ॑त्रम् ।
ति॒ग्मऽअ॑नी॑कम् । स्वऽय॑शसम् । जने॑षु । वि॒ऽरोच॑मानम् । परि॑ । सी॒म् । न॒य॒न्ति॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
दश । इमम् । त्वष्टुः । जनयन्त । गर्भम् । अतन्द्रासः । युवतयः । विऽभृत्रम् ।
तिग्मऽअनीकम् । स्वऽयशसम् । जनेषु । विऽरोचमानम् । परि । सीम् । नयन्ति ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
dáśa ǀ imám ǀ tváṣṭuḥ ǀ janayanta ǀ gárbham ǀ átandrāsaḥ ǀ yuvatáyaḥ ǀ ví-bhṛtram ǀ
tigmá-anīkam ǀ svá-yaśasam ǀ jáneṣu ǀ vi-rócamānam ǀ pári ǀ sīm ǀ nayanti ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
daśa ǀ imam ǀ tvaṣṭuḥ ǀ janayanta ǀ garbham ǀ atandrāsaḥ ǀ yuvatayaḥ ǀ vi-bhṛtram ǀ
tigma-anīkam ǀ sva-yaśasam ǀ janeṣu ǀ vi-rocamānam ǀ pari ǀ sīm ǀ nayanti ǁ
interlinear translation
Ten unwearied young {mothers-currents} gave birth to this embryo of Tvashtri , born everywhere, flame-faced; self-luminous in peoples, shining everywhere, {they} bring him on all sides.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Ten ← [1] daśa (noun M-V single)
unwearied ← [6] atandrāsaḥ = atandrāḥ (noun F-N plural) ← atandra
young {mothers-currents} ← [7] yuvatayaḥ (noun F-N plural) ← yuvati
gave birth ← [4] janayanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← jan
to this ← [2] imam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← iyam
embryo ← [5] garbham (noun M-Ac single) ← garbha
of Tvashtri ← [3] tvaṣṭuḥ (noun M-G single) ← tvaṣṭṛ
born everywhere ← [8] vi-bhṛtram (noun M-Ac single) ← vibhṛtra
flame-faced ← [9] tigma-anīkam (noun M-Ac single) ← tigmānīka
; self-luminous ← [10] sva-yaśasam (noun M-Ac single) ← svayaśas
in peoples ← [11] janeṣu (noun M-L plural) ← jana
shining everywhere ← [12] vi-rocamānam (noun M-Ac single) ← rocamāna
{they} bring ← [15] nayanti (verb Present Active plural 3rd) ← nī
him ← [14] sīm (indeclinable word; pronoun)
on all sides ← [13] pari (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
01.095.03 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.019 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
त्रीणि॒ जाना॒ परि॑ भूषंत्यस्य समु॒द्र एकं॑ दि॒व्येक॑म॒प्सु ।
पूर्वा॒मनु॒ प्र दिशं॒ पार्थि॑वानामृ॒तून्प्र॒शास॒द्वि द॑धावनु॒ष्ठु ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
त्रीणि जाना परि भूषंत्यस्य समुद्र एकं दिव्येकमप्सु ।
पूर्वामनु प्र दिशं पार्थिवानामृतून्प्रशासद्वि दधावनुष्ठु ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
trī́ṇi jā́nā pári bhūṣantyasya samudrá ékam divyékamapsú ǀ
pū́rvāmánu prá díśam pā́rthivānāmṛtū́npraśā́sadví dadhāvanuṣṭhú ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
trīṇi jānā pari bhūṣantyasya samudra ekam divyekamapsu ǀ
pūrvāmanu pra diśam pārthivānāmṛtūnpraśāsadvi dadhāvanuṣṭhu ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
त्रीणि॑ । जाना॑ । परि॑ । भू॒ष॒न्ति॒ । अ॒स्य॒ । स॒मु॒द्रे । एक॑म् । दि॒वि । एक॑म् । अ॒प्ऽसु ।
पूर्वा॑म् । अनु॑ । प्र । दिश॑म् । पार्थि॑वानाम् । ऋ॒तून् । प्र॒ऽशास॑त् । वि । द॒धौ॒ । अ॒नु॒ष्ठु ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
त्रीणि । जाना । परि । भूषन्ति । अस्य । समुद्रे । एकम् । दिवि । एकम् । अप्ऽसु ।
पूर्वाम् । अनु । प्र । दिशम् । पार्थिवानाम् । ऋतून् । प्रऽशासत् । वि । दधौ । अनुष्ठु ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
trī́ṇi ǀ jā́nā ǀ pári ǀ bhūṣanti ǀ asya ǀ samudré ǀ ékam ǀ diví ǀ ékam ǀ ap-sú ǀ
pū́rvām ǀ ánu ǀ prá ǀ díśam ǀ pā́rthivānām ǀ ṛtū́n ǀ pra-śā́sat ǀ ví ǀ dadhau ǀ anuṣṭhú ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
trīṇi ǀ jānā ǀ pari ǀ bhūṣanti ǀ asya ǀ samudre ǀ ekam ǀ divi ǀ ekam ǀ ap-su ǀ
pūrvām ǀ anu ǀ pra ǀ diśam ǀ pārthivānām ǀ ṛtūn ǀ pra-śāsat ǀ vi ǀ dadhau ǀ anuṣṭhu ǁ
interlinear translation
Three his birth places surround from all sides : one {is} in Ocean , one {is} in Heaven , in the Waters ; when {he has proclaimed} the laws of the Truth to the first {region of Heaven} {he} proclaimed {them} to the region of earths , {he} established {them} everywhere at once.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Three ← [1] trīṇi (number N-N plural) ← tri
his ← [5] asya (pronoun M-G single) ← iyam
birth places ← [2] jānā = jānāni (noun N-N plural) ← jāna
surround ← [4] bhūṣanti (verb Present Active plural 3rd) ← bhūṣ
from all sides ← [3] pari (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
one {is} ← [7] ekam (noun N-N single) ← eka
in Ocean ← [6] samudre (noun M-L single) ← samudra
one {is} ← [9] ekam (noun N-N single) ← eka
in Heaven ← [8] divi (noun M-L single) ← div
in the Waters ← [10] ap-su (noun F-L plural) ← ap
; when ← [12] anu (indeclinable word; preposition)
{he has proclaimed} ← [13] pra (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
the laws of the Truth ← [16] ṛtūn (noun M-Ac plural) ← ṛtu
to the first {region of Heaven} ← [11] pūrvām (noun F-Ac single) ← pūrva
{he} proclaimed {them} ← [17] pra-śāsat (verb Imperfect Active single 3rd) ← śās
to the region ← [14] diśam (noun F-Ac single) ← diś
of earths ← [15] pārthivānām (noun M-G plural) ← pārthiva
{he} established {them} ← [19] dadhau (verb Perfect Active single 3rd) ← dhā
everywhere ← [18] vi (indeclinable word; adverb)
at once ← [20] anuṣṭhu (indeclinable word; adverb)
01.095.04 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.020 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
क इ॒मं वो॑ नि॒ण्यमा चि॑केत व॒त्सो मा॒तॄर्ज॑नयत स्व॒धाभिः॑ ।
ब॒ह्वी॒नां गर्भो॑ अ॒पसा॑मु॒पस्था॑न्म॒हान्क॒विर्निश्च॑रति स्व॒धावा॑न् ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
क इमं वो निण्यमा चिकेत वत्सो मातॄर्जनयत स्वधाभिः ।
बह्वीनां गर्भो अपसामुपस्थान्महान्कविर्निश्चरति स्वधावान् ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ká imám vo niṇyámā́ ciketa vatsó mātṝ́rjanayata svadhā́bhiḥ ǀ
bahvīnā́m gárbho apásāmupásthānmahā́nkavírníścarati svadhā́vān ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ka imam vo niṇyamā ciketa vatso mātṝrjanayata svadhābhiḥ ǀ
bahvīnām garbho apasāmupasthānmahānkavirniścarati svadhāvān ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
कः । इ॒मम् । वः॒ । नि॒ण्यम् । आ । चि॒के॒त॒ । व॒त्सः । मा॒तॄः । ज॒न॒य॒त॒ । स्व॒धाभिः॑ ।
ब॒ह्वी॒नाम् । गर्भः॑ । अ॒पसा॑म् । उ॒पऽस्था॑त् । म॒हान् । क॒विः । निः । च॒र॒ति॒ । स्व॒धाऽवा॑न् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
कः । इमम् । वः । निण्यम् । आ । चिकेत । वत्सः । मातॄः । जनयत । स्वधाभिः ।
बह्वीनाम् । गर्भः । अपसाम् । उपऽस्थात् । महान् । कविः । निः । चरति । स्वधाऽवान् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
káḥ ǀ imám ǀ vaḥ ǀ niṇyám ǀ ā́ ǀ ciketa ǀ vatsáḥ ǀ mātṝ́ḥ ǀ janayata ǀ svadhā́bhiḥ ǀ
bahvīnā́m ǀ gárbhaḥ ǀ apásām ǀ upá-sthāt ǀ mahā́n ǀ kavíḥ ǀ níḥ ǀ carati ǀ svadhā́-vān ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
kaḥ ǀ imam ǀ vaḥ ǀ niṇyam ǀ ā ǀ ciketa ǀ vatsaḥ ǀ mātṝḥ ǀ janayata ǀ svadhābhiḥ ǀ
bahvīnām ǀ garbhaḥ ǀ apasām ǀ upa-sthāt ǀ mahān ǀ kaviḥ ǀ niḥ ǀ carati ǀ svadhā-vān ǁ
interlinear translation
Which of you has perceived his secret, {that} the Calf gave birth to the Mothers by laws of own nature? The embryo within many working ones, the great Seer comes out, faithful to his self-law.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Which ← [1] kaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← ka
of you ← [3] vaḥ (pronoun G plural) ← tva
has perceived ← [5] ā (preposition); [6] ciketa (verb Perfect Active single 3rd) ← cit
his ← [2] imam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← iyam
secret ← [4] niṇyam (noun M-Ac single) ← niṇya
{that} the Calf ← [7] vatsaḥ (noun M-N single) ← vatsa
gave birth ← [9] janayata = ajanayata (verb Imperfect Middle single 3rd) ← jan
to the Mothers ← [8] mātṝḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← mātṛ
by laws of own nature ← [10] svadhābhiḥ (noun F-I plural) ← svadhā
The embryo ← [12] garbhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← garbha
within ← [14] upa-sthāt (noun M-Ab single) ← upastha
many ← [11] bahvīnām (noun F-G plural) ← bahu
working ones ← [13] apasām = apasānām (noun F-G plural) ← apas
the great ← [15] mahān (noun M-N single) ← mahat
Seer ← [16] kaviḥ (noun M-N single) ← kavi
comes out ← [17] niḥ (indeclinable word; preposition); [18] carati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← car
faithful to his self-law ← [19] svadhā-vān (noun M-N single) ← svadhāvat
01.095.05 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.021 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
आ॒विष्ट्यो॑ वर्धते॒ चारु॑रासु जि॒ह्माना॑मू॒र्ध्वः स्वय॑शा उ॒पस्थे॑ ।
उ॒भे त्वष्टु॑र्बिभ्यतु॒र्जाय॑मानात्प्रती॒ची सिं॒हं प्रति॑ जोषयेते ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
आविष्ट्यो वर्धते चारुरासु जिह्मानामूर्ध्वः स्वयशा उपस्थे ।
उभे त्वष्टुर्बिभ्यतुर्जायमानात्प्रतीची सिंहं प्रति जोषयेते ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
āvíṣṭyo vardhate cā́rurāsu jihmā́nāmūrdhváḥ sváyaśā upásthe ǀ
ubhé tváṣṭurbibhyaturjā́yamānātpratīcī́ siṃhám práti joṣayete ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
āviṣṭyo vardhate cārurāsu jihmānāmūrdhvaḥ svayaśā upasthe ǀ
ubhe tvaṣṭurbibhyaturjāyamānātpratīcī siṃham prati joṣayete ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
आ॒विःऽत्यः॑ । व॒र्ध॒ते॒ । चारुः॑ । आ॒सु॒ । जि॒ह्माना॑म् । ऊ॒र्ध्वः । स्वऽय॑शाः । उ॒पऽस्थे॑ ।
उ॒भे इति॑ । त्वष्टुः॑ । बि॒भ्य॒तुः॒ । जाय॑मानात् । प्र॒ती॒ची इति॑ । सिं॒हम् । प्रति॑ । जो॒ष॒ये॒ते॒ इति॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
आविःऽत्यः । वर्धते । चारुः । आसु । जिह्मानाम् । ऊर्ध्वः । स्वऽयशाः । उपऽस्थे ।
उभे इति । त्वष्टुः । बिभ्यतुः । जायमानात् । प्रतीची इति । सिंहम् । प्रति । जोषयेते इति ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
āvíḥ-tyaḥ ǀ vardhate ǀ cā́ruḥ ǀ āsu ǀ jihmā́nām ǀ ūrdhváḥ ǀ svá-yaśāḥ ǀ upá-sthe ǀ
ubhé íti ǀ tváṣṭuḥ ǀ bibhyatuḥ ǀ jā́yamānāt ǀ pratīcī́ íti ǀ siṃhám ǀ práti ǀ joṣayete íti ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
āviḥ-tyaḥ ǀ vardhate ǀ cāruḥ ǀ āsu ǀ jihmānām ǀ ūrdhvaḥ ǀ sva-yaśāḥ ǀ upa-sthe ǀ
ubhe iti ǀ tvaṣṭuḥ ǀ bibhyatuḥ ǀ jāyamānāt ǀ pratīcī iti ǀ siṃham ǀ prati ǀ joṣayete iti ǁ
interlinear translation
Manifested, {he} increases, the beautiful, self-luminous, high, within these oblique ones; both {Earth and Heaven} have feared the born from Tvashtri , fronting towards, {they} accept Lion.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Manifested ← [1] āviḥ-tyaḥ (noun M-N single) ← āviṣṭya
{he} increases ← [2] vardhate (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← vṛdh
the beautiful ← [3] cāruḥ (noun M-N single) ← cāru
self-luminous ← [7] sva-yaśāḥ (noun M-N single) ← svayaśas
high ← [6] ūrdhvaḥ (noun M-N single) ← ūrdhva
within ← [8] upa-sthe (noun M-L single) ← upastha
these ← [4] āsu (pronoun F-L plural) ← iyam
oblique ones ← [5] jihmānām (noun F-G plural) ← jihma
; both {Earth and Heaven} ← [9] ubhe iti (noun N-N double) ← ubha
have feared ← [11] bibhyatuḥ (verb Perfect Active double 3rd) ← bhī
the born ← [12] jāyamānāt (Participle M-Ab single Present Middle) ← jāyamāna
from Tvashtri ← [10] tvaṣṭuḥ (noun M-Ab single) ← tvaṣṭṛ
fronting ← [13] pratīcī iti (noun F-N single) ← pratīcī
towards ← [15] prati (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
{they} accept ← [16] joṣayete iti (verb Present Middle or Passive double 3rd) ← juṣ
Lion ← [14] siṃham (noun M-Ac single) ← siṃha
01.095.06 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.022 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
उ॒भे भ॒द्रे जो॑षयेते॒ न मेने॒ गावो॒ न वा॒श्रा उप॑ तस्थु॒रेवैः॑ ।
स दक्षा॑णां॒ दक्ष॑पतिर्बभूवां॒जंति॒ यं द॑क्षिण॒तो ह॒विर्भिः॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
उभे भद्रे जोषयेते न मेने गावो न वाश्रा उप तस्थुरेवैः ।
स दक्षाणां दक्षपतिर्बभूवांजंति यं दक्षिणतो हविर्भिः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ubhé bhadré joṣayete ná méne gā́vo ná vāśrā́ úpa tasthurévaiḥ ǀ
sá dákṣāṇām dákṣapatirbabhūvāñjánti yám dakṣiṇató havírbhiḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ubhe bhadre joṣayete na mene gāvo na vāśrā upa tasthurevaiḥ ǀ
sa dakṣāṇām dakṣapatirbabhūvāñjanti yam dakṣiṇato havirbhiḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
उ॒भे इति॑ । भ॒द्रे इति॑ । जो॒ष॒ये॒ते॒ इति॑ । न । मेने॒ इति॑ । गावः॑ । न । वा॒श्राः । उप॑ । त॒स्थुः॒ । एवैः॑ ।
सः । दक्षा॑णाम् । दक्ष॑ऽपतिः । ब॒भू॒व॒ । अ॒ञ्जन्ति॑ । यम् । द॒क्षि॒ण॒तः । ह॒विःऽभिः॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
उभे इति । भद्रे इति । जोषयेते इति । न । मेने इति । गावः । न । वाश्राः । उप । तस्थुः । एवैः ।
सः । दक्षाणाम् । दक्षऽपतिः । बभूव । अञ्जन्ति । यम् । दक्षिणतः । हविःऽभिः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ubhé íti ǀ bhadré íti ǀ joṣayete íti ǀ ná ǀ méne íti ǀ gā́vaḥ ǀ ná ǀ vāśrā́ḥ ǀ úpa ǀ tasthuḥ ǀ évaiḥ ǀ
sáḥ ǀ dákṣāṇām ǀ dákṣa-patiḥ ǀ babhūva ǀ añjánti ǀ yám ǀ dakṣiṇatáḥ ǀ havíḥ-bhiḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ubhe iti ǀ bhadre iti ǀ joṣayete iti ǀ na ǀ mene iti ǀ gāvaḥ ǀ na ǀ vāśrāḥ ǀ upa ǀ tasthuḥ ǀ evaiḥ ǀ
saḥ ǀ dakṣāṇām ǀ dakṣa-patiḥ ǀ babhūva ǀ añjanti ǀ yam ǀ dakṣiṇataḥ ǀ haviḥ-bhiḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Both {Earth and Heave} like two happy women accept {him}, like lowing cows {they} have approached by their movements; he, Lord of discernment , has came into being, he, whom {the seers} make shine with discernment by the offerings .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Both {Earth and Heave} ← [1] ubhe iti (noun N-N double) ← ubha
like ← [4] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
two happy ← [2] bhadre iti (noun F-Ac double) ← bhadra
women ← [5] mene iti (noun F-N double) ← menā
accept {him} ← [3] joṣayete iti (verb Present Middle or Passive double 3rd) ← juṣ
like ← [7] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
lowing ← [8] vāśrāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← vāśra
cows ← [6] gāvaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← go
{they} have approached ← [9] upa (preposition); [10] tasthuḥ (verb Perfect Active plural 3rd) ← sthā
by their movements ← [11] evaiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← eva
; he ← [12] saḥ (pronoun M-N single 3rd) ← sa
Lord of discernment ← [13] dakṣāṇām (noun N-G plural) ← dakṣa; [14] dakṣa-patiḥ (noun M-N single) ← dakṣapati
has came into being ← [15] babhūva (verb Perfect Active single 3rd) ← bhū
he, whom ← [17] yam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← yad
{the seers} make shine ← [16] añjanti (verb Present Active plural 3rd) ← añj
with discernment ← [18] dakṣiṇataḥ (indeclinable word; adverb) ← dakṣiṇatas
by the offerings ← [19] haviḥ-bhiḥ (noun N-I plural) ← havis
01.095.07 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.023 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
उद्यं॑यमीति सवि॒तेव॑ बा॒हू उ॒भे सिचौ॑ यतते भी॒म ऋं॒जन् ।
उच्छु॒क्रमत्क॑मजते सि॒मस्मा॒न्नवा॑ मा॒तृभ्यो॒ वस॑ना जहाति ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
उद्यंयमीति सवितेव बाहू उभे सिचौ यतते भीम ऋंजन् ।
उच्छुक्रमत्कमजते सिमस्मान्नवा मातृभ्यो वसना जहाति ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
údyaṃyamīti savitéva bāhū́ ubhé sícau yatate bhīmá ṛñján ǀ
úcchukrámátkamajate simásmānnávā mātṛ́bhyo vásanā jahāti ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
udyaṃyamīti saviteva bāhū ubhe sicau yatate bhīma ṛñjan ǀ
ucchukramatkamajate simasmānnavā mātṛbhyo vasanā jahāti ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
उत् । यं॒य॒मी॒ति॒ । स॒वि॒ताऽइ॑व । बा॒हू इति॑ । उ॒भे इति॑ । सिचौ॑ । य॒त॒ते॒ । भी॒मः । ऋ॒ञ्जन् ।
उत् । शु॒क्रम् । अत्क॑म् । अ॒ज॒ते॒ । सि॒मस्मा॑त् । नवा॑ । मा॒तृऽभ्यः॑ । वस॑ना । ज॒हा॒ति॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
उत् । यंयमीति । सविताऽइव । बाहू इति । उभे इति । सिचौ । यतते । भीमः । ऋञ्जन् ।
उत् । शुक्रम् । अत्कम् । अजते । सिमस्मात् । नवा । मातृऽभ्यः । वसना । जहाति ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
út ǀ yaṃyamīti ǀ savitā́-iva ǀ bāhū́ íti ǀ ubhé íti ǀ sícau ǀ yatate ǀ bhīmáḥ ǀ ṛñján ǀ
út ǀ śukrám ǀ átkam ǀ ajate ǀ simásmāt ǀ návā ǀ mātṛ́-bhyaḥ ǀ vásanā ǀ jahāti ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ut ǀ yaṃyamīti ǀ savitā-iva ǀ bāhū iti ǀ ubhe iti ǀ sicau ǀ yatate ǀ bhīmaḥ ǀ ṛñjan ǀ
ut ǀ śukram ǀ atkam ǀ ajate ǀ simasmāt ǀ navā ǀ mātṛ-bhyaḥ ǀ vasanā ǀ jahāti ǁ
interlinear translation
Like Savitri – both arms, {he} raises both Borders, the formidable, the gaining, {he} keeps pace; {he} uplifts from himself the blazing cover, {he} removes from the Mothers new robe.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Like Savitri ← [3] savitā-iva (noun M-N single) ← savitṛ
both arms ← [4] bāhū iti (noun F-Ac double) ← bāhu
{he} raises ← [1] ut (indeclinable word; adverb, particle); [2] yaṃyamīti (verb Intensitive single 3rd) ← yam
both ← [5] ubhe iti (noun F-Ac double) ← ubha
Borders ← [6] sicau (noun F-Ac double) ← sic
the formidable ← [8] bhīmaḥ (noun M-N single) ← bhīma
the gaining ← [9] ṛñjan (Participle M-N single) ← ṛñj
{he} keeps pace ← [7] yatate (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← yat
; {he} uplifts ← [10] ut (indeclinable word; adverb, particle); [13] ajate (verb Present Passive single 3rd) ← aj
from himself ← [14] simasmāt (pronoun Ab single) ← sima
the blazing ← [11] śukram (noun M-Ac single) ← śukra
cover ← [12] atkam (noun M-Ac single) ← atka
{he} removes ← [18] jahāti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← hā
from the Mothers ← [16] mātṛ-bhyaḥ (noun F-Ab plural) ← mātṛ
new ← [15] navā (noun F-N single) ← nava
robe ← [17] vasanā (noun F-N single) ← vasana
01.095.08 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.024 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
त्वे॒षं रू॒पं कृ॑णुत॒ उत्त॑रं॒ यत्सं॑पृंचा॒नः सद॑ने॒ गोभि॑र॒द्भिः ।
क॒विर्बु॒ध्नं परि॑ मर्मृज्यते॒ धीः सा दे॒वता॑ता॒ समि॑तिर्बभूव ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
त्वेषं रूपं कृणुत उत्तरं यत्संपृंचानः सदने गोभिरद्भिः ।
कविर्बुध्नं परि मर्मृज्यते धीः सा देवताता समितिर्बभूव ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
tveṣám rūpám kṛṇuta úttaram yátsampṛñcānáḥ sádane góbhiradbhíḥ ǀ
kavírbudhnám pári marmṛjyate dhī́ḥ sā́ devátātā sámitirbabhūva ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
tveṣam rūpam kṛṇuta uttaram yatsampṛñcānaḥ sadane gobhiradbhiḥ ǀ
kavirbudhnam pari marmṛjyate dhīḥ sā devatātā samitirbabhūva ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
त्वे॒षम् । रू॒पम् । कृ॒णु॒ते॒ । उत्ऽत॑रम् । यत् । स॒म्ऽपृ॒ञ्चा॒नः । सद॑ने । गोभिः॑ । अ॒त्ऽभिः ।
क॒विः । बु॒ध्नम् । परि॑ । म॒र्मृ॒ज्य॒ते॒ । धीः । सा । दे॒वऽता॑ता । सम्ऽइ॑तिः । ब॒भू॒व॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
त्वेषम् । रूपम् । कृणुते । उत्ऽतरम् । यत् । सम्ऽपृञ्चानः । सदने । गोभिः । अत्ऽभिः ।
कविः । बुध्नम् । परि । मर्मृज्यते । धीः । सा । देवऽताता । सम्ऽइतिः । बभूव ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
tveṣám ǀ rūpám ǀ kṛṇute ǀ út-taram ǀ yát ǀ sam-pṛñcānáḥ ǀ sádane ǀ góbhiḥ ǀ at-bhíḥ ǀ
kavíḥ ǀ budhnám ǀ pári ǀ marmṛjyate ǀ dhī́ḥ ǀ sā́ ǀ devá-tātā ǀ sám-itiḥ ǀ babhūva ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
tveṣam ǀ rūpam ǀ kṛṇute ǀ ut-taram ǀ yat ǀ sam-pṛñcānaḥ ǀ sadane ǀ gobhiḥ ǀ at-bhiḥ ǀ
kaviḥ ǀ budhnam ǀ pari ǀ marmṛjyate ǀ dhīḥ ǀ sā ǀ deva-tātā ǀ sam-itiḥ ǀ babhūva ǁ
interlinear translation
When the upper form becomes blazing , the Seer uniting at home with cows {and} with the Waters , illuminates everywhere the Foundation <the Earth> , {and} that thought coming together with the gods was born.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
When ← [5] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun) ← yad
the upper ← [4] ut-taram (noun N-N single) ← uttara
form ← [2] rūpam (noun N-N single) ← rūpa
becomes ← [3] kṛṇute (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← kṛ
blazing ← [1] tveṣam (noun N-N single) ← tveṣa
the Seer ← [10] kaviḥ (noun M-N single) ← kavi
uniting ← [6] sam-pṛñcānaḥ (Participle M-N single present Middle or Passive) ← sampṛc
at home ← [7] sadane (noun M-L single) ← sadana
with cows ← [8] gobhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← go
{and} with the Waters ← [9] at-bhiḥ (noun F-I plural) ← ap
illuminates ← [13] marmṛjyate (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← mṛj
everywhere ← [12] pari (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
the Foundation <the Earth> ← [11] budhnam (noun N-N single) ← budhna
{and} that ← [15] sā (noun F-N single)
thought ← [14] dhīḥ (noun F-N single) ← dhī
coming together ← [17] sam-itiḥ (noun F-N single) ← samiti
with the gods ← [16] deva-tātā (noun F-I single) ← devatāt
was born ← [18] babhūva (verb Perfect Active single 3rd) ← bhū
01.095.09 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.025 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
उ॒रु ते॒ ज्रयः॒ पर्ये॑ति बु॒ध्नं वि॒रोच॑मानं महि॒षस्य॒ धाम॑ ।
विश्वे॑भिरग्ने॒ स्वय॑शोभिरि॒द्धोऽद॑ब्धेभिः पा॒युभिः॑ पाह्य॒स्मान् ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
उरु ते ज्रयः पर्येति बुध्नं विरोचमानं महिषस्य धाम ।
विश्वेभिरग्ने स्वयशोभिरिद्धोऽदब्धेभिः पायुभिः पाह्यस्मान् ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
urú te jráyaḥ páryeti budhnám virócamānam mahiṣásya dhā́ma ǀ
víśvebhiragne sváyaśobhiriddhó’dabdhebhiḥ pāyúbhiḥ pāhyasmā́n ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
uru te jrayaḥ paryeti budhnam virocamānam mahiṣasya dhāma ǀ
viśvebhiragne svayaśobhiriddho’dabdhebhiḥ pāyubhiḥ pāhyasmān ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
उ॒रु । ते॒ । ज्रयः॑ । परि॑ । ए॒ति॒ । बु॒ध्नम् । वि॒ऽरोच॑मानम् । म॒हि॒षस्य॑ । धाम॑ ।
विश्वे॑भिः । अ॒ग्ने॒ । स्वय॑शःऽभिः । इ॒द्धः । अद॑ब्धेभिः । पा॒युऽभिः॑ । पा॒हि॒ । अ॒स्मान् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
उरु । ते । ज्रयः । परि । एति । बुध्नम् । विऽरोचमानम् । महिषस्य । धाम ।
विश्वेभिः । अग्ने । स्वयशःऽभिः । इद्धः । अदब्धेभिः । पायुऽभिः । पाहि । अस्मान् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
urú ǀ te ǀ jráyaḥ ǀ pári ǀ eti ǀ budhnám ǀ vi-rócamānam ǀ mahiṣásya ǀ dhā́ma ǀ
víśvebhiḥ ǀ agne ǀ sváyaśaḥ-bhiḥ ǀ iddháḥ ǀ ádabdhebhiḥ ǀ pāyú-bhiḥ ǀ pāhi ǀ asmā́n ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
uru ǀ te ǀ jrayaḥ ǀ pari ǀ eti ǀ budhnam ǀ vi-rocamānam ǀ mahiṣasya ǀ dhāma ǀ
viśvebhiḥ ǀ agne ǀ svayaśaḥ-bhiḥ ǀ iddhaḥ ǀ adabdhebhiḥ ǀ pāyu-bhiḥ ǀ pāhi ǀ asmān ǁ
interlinear translation
Thy wide space spreads over the Foundation , the becoming bright dwelling of the Great one. Kindled , O Agni , do protect us with all self-luminous invincible protectors.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Thy ← [2] te (pronoun G single 2nd) ← tva
wide ← [1] uru (noun N-N single)
space ← [3] jrayaḥ (noun N-N single) ← jrayas
spreads over ← [4] pari (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [5] eti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← i
the Foundation ← [6] budhnam (noun N-Ac single) ← budhna
the becoming bright ← [7] vi-rocamānam (Participle N-Ac single Present Middle) ← viruc
dwelling ← [9] dhāma (noun N-Ac single) ← dhāman
of the Great one ← [8] mahiṣasya (noun M-G single) ← mahiṣa
Kindled ← [13] iddhaḥ (noun M-N single) ← iddha
O Agni ← [11] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
do protect ← [16] pāhi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← pā
us ← [17] asmān (pronoun Ac plural 1st) ← vayam
with all ← [10] viśvebhiḥ = viśvaiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← viśva
self-luminous ← [12] svayaśaḥ-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← svayaśas
invincible ← [14] adabdhebhiḥ = adabdhaiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← adabdha
protectors ← [15] pāyu-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← pāyu
01.095.10 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.026 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
धन्व॒न्त्स्रोतः॑ कृणुते गा॒तुमू॒र्मिं शु॒क्रैरू॒र्मिभि॑र॒भि न॑क्षति॒ क्षां ।
विश्वा॒ सना॑नि ज॒ठरे॑षु धत्ते॒ऽंतर्नवा॑सु चरति प्र॒सूषु॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
धन्वन्त्स्रोतः कृणुते गातुमूर्मिं शुक्रैरूर्मिभिरभि नक्षति क्षां ।
विश्वा सनानि जठरेषु धत्तेऽंतर्नवासु चरति प्रसूषु ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
dhánvantsrótaḥ kṛṇute gātúmūrmím śukráirūrmíbhirabhí nakṣati kṣā́m ǀ
víśvā sánāni jaṭháreṣu dhatte’ntárnávāsu carati prasū́ṣu ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
dhanvantsrotaḥ kṛṇute gātumūrmim śukrairūrmibhirabhi nakṣati kṣām ǀ
viśvā sanāni jaṭhareṣu dhatte’ntarnavāsu carati prasūṣu ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
धन्व॑न् । स्रोतः॑ । कृ॒णु॒ते॒ । गा॒तुम् । ऊ॒र्मिम् । शु॒क्रैः । ऊ॒र्मिऽभिः॑ । अ॒भि । न॒क्ष॒ति॒ । क्षाम् ।
विश्वा॑ । सना॑नि । ज॒ठरे॑षु । ध॒त्ते॒ । अ॒न्तः । नवा॑सु । च॒र॒ति॒ । प्र॒ऽसूषु॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
धन्वन् । स्रोतः । कृणुते । गातुम् । ऊर्मिम् । शुक्रैः । ऊर्मिऽभिः । अभि । नक्षति । क्षाम् ।
विश्वा । सनानि । जठरेषु । धत्ते । अन्तः । नवासु । चरति । प्रऽसूषु ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
dhánvan ǀ srótaḥ ǀ kṛṇute ǀ gātúm ǀ ūrmím ǀ śukráiḥ ǀ ūrmí-bhiḥ ǀ abhí ǀ nakṣati ǀ kṣā́m ǀ
víśvā ǀ sánāni ǀ jaṭháreṣu ǀ dhatte ǀ antáḥ ǀ návāsu ǀ carati ǀ pra-sū́ṣu ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
dhanvan ǀ srotaḥ ǀ kṛṇute ǀ gātum ǀ ūrmim ǀ śukraiḥ ǀ ūrmi-bhiḥ ǀ abhi ǀ nakṣati ǀ kṣām ǀ
viśvā ǀ sanāni ǀ jaṭhareṣu ǀ dhatte ǀ antaḥ ǀ navāsu ǀ carati ǀ pra-sūṣu ǁ
interlinear translation
{He} makes the Stream in the Desert , the going wave, {he} arrives at the dwelling by {his} blazing waves; {he} holds in {his} insides all eternal {things}, {and he} moves within {ever} new giving birth ones1.
1 In the desert of material existence Agni creates the life-giving stream of higher existence and enters the seer in his shining and successive advents. He contains in himself everything that is true and therefore eternal, and he always moves in those, who give to him his birth and a dwelling in themselves and his new embodiments in their creations-offerings.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{He} makes ← [3] kṛṇute (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← kṛ
the Stream ← [2] srotaḥ (noun N-N single) ← srotas
in the Desert ← [1] dhanvan = dhanvani (noun N-L single)
the going ← [4] gātum (noun M-Ac single) ← gātu
wave ← [5] ūrmim (noun M-Ac single) ← ūrmi
{he} arrives at ← [8] abhi (indeclinable word; preposition); [9] nakṣati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← nakṣ
the dwelling ← [10] kṣām (noun F-Ac single) ← kṣā
by {his} blazing ← [6] śukraiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← śukra
waves ← [7] ūrmi-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← ūrmi
; {he} holds ← [14] dhatte (verb Present Middle single 3rd) ← dhā
in {his} insides ← [13] jaṭhareṣu (noun N-L plural) ← jaṭhara
all ← [11] viśvā = viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← viśva
eternal {things} ← [12] sanāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← sana
{and he} moves ← [17] carati (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← car
within ← [15] antaḥ (indeclinable word; adverb) ← antar
{ever} new ← [16] navāsu (noun F-L plural) ← nava
giving birth ones ← [18] pra-sūṣu (noun M-L plural) ← prasū
01.095.11 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
/1.15.027 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ए॒वा नो॑ अग्ने स॒मिधा॑ वृधा॒नो रे॒वत्पा॑वक॒ श्रव॑से॒ वि भा॑हि ।
तन्नो॑ मि॒त्रो वरु॑णो मामहंता॒मदि॑तिः॒ सिंधुः॑ पृथि॒वी उ॒त द्यौः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
एवा नो अग्ने समिधा वृधानो रेवत्पावक श्रवसे वि भाहि ।
तन्नो मित्रो वरुणो मामहंतामदितिः सिंधुः पृथिवी उत द्यौः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
evā́ no agne samídhā vṛdhānó revátpāvaka śrávase ví bhāhi ǀ
tánno mitró váruṇo māmahantāmáditiḥ síndhuḥ pṛthivī́ utá dyáuḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
evā no agne samidhā vṛdhāno revatpāvaka śravase vi bhāhi ǀ
tanno mitro varuṇo māmahantāmaditiḥ sindhuḥ pṛthivī uta dyauḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
ए॒व । नः॒ । अ॒ग्ने॒ । स॒म्ऽइधा॑ । वृ॒धा॒नः । रे॒वत् । पा॒व॒क॒ । श्रव॑से । वि । भा॒हि॒ ।
तत् । नः॒ । मि॒त्रः । वरु॑णः । म॒म॒ह॒न्ता॒म् । अदि॑तिः । सिन्धुः॑ । पृ॒थि॒वी । उ॒त । द्यौः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
एव । नः । अग्ने । सम्ऽइधा । वृधानः । रेवत् । पावक । श्रवसे । वि । भाहि ।
तत् । नः । मित्रः । वरुणः । ममहन्ताम् । अदितिः । सिन्धुः । पृथिवी । उत । द्यौः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
evá ǀ naḥ ǀ agne ǀ sam-ídhā ǀ vṛdhānáḥ ǀ revát ǀ pāvaka ǀ śrávase ǀ ví ǀ bhāhi ǀ
tát ǀ naḥ ǀ mitráḥ ǀ váruṇaḥ ǀ mamahantām ǀ áditiḥ ǀ síndhuḥ ǀ pṛthivī́ ǀ utá ǀ dyáuḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
eva ǀ naḥ ǀ agne ǀ sam-idhā ǀ vṛdhānaḥ ǀ revat ǀ pāvaka ǀ śravase ǀ vi ǀ bhāhi ǀ
tat ǀ naḥ ǀ mitraḥ ǀ varuṇaḥ ǀ mamahantām ǀ aditiḥ ǀ sindhuḥ ǀ pṛthivī ǀ uta ǀ dyauḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Thus for us, O Agni , having increased by kindling, the opulent , O purifying, do shine widely for hearing {of the Truth} ; may Mitra , Varuna increase that for us, Aditi , Ocean , Earth and Heaven .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Thus ← [1] eva (indeclinable word; adverb)
for us ← [2] naḥ (pronoun D plural 1st) ← vayam
O Agni ← [3] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
having increased ← [5] vṛdhānaḥ (Participle M-N single) ← vṛdh
by kindling ← [4] sam-idhā (noun M-I single) ← samidh
the opulent ← [6] revat = revān (noun M-N single)
O purifying ← [7] pāvaka (noun M-V single)
do shine widely ← [9] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [10] bhāhi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← bhā
for hearing {of the Truth} ← [8] śravase (noun N-D single) ← śravas
; may ← [15] mamahantām (verb Subjunctive plural 3rd) ← mah
Mitra ← [13] mitraḥ (noun M-N single) ← mitra
Varuna ← [14] varuṇaḥ (noun M-N single) ← varuṇa
increase ← [15] mamahantām (verb Subjunctive plural 3rd) ← mah
that ← [11] tat (pronoun)
for us ← [12] naḥ (pronoun D plural 1st) ← vayam
Aditi ← [16] aditiḥ (noun F-N single) ← aditi
Ocean ← [17] sindhuḥ (noun M-N single) ← sindhu
Earth ← [18] pṛthivī (noun F-N single)
and ← [19] uta (indeclinable word; copulative)
Heaven ← [20] dyauḥ (noun M-N single) ← div
Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo |
1. 19171
4. Who has perceived this truth occult, that the Child gives being to the Mothers by the workings of his nature? An offspring from the lap of manyWaters, he comes forth from them a seer possessed of his whole law of nature.
5. Manifested, he grows in the lap of their crookednesses and becomes high, beautiful and glorious.
1.95.1. Day and Night have different forms, but are travellers to one perfect goal; they suckle alternately the divine Child. In our day he becomes the brilliant Sun and is master of the law of his nature; through our night he is visible in the purity of his brightness and the energy of his lustres.
1.95.2. Ten powers of the Thought, young and sleepless goddesses, gave birth to this child of the Maker who is carried very variously and widely. They lead him abroad through the world in a flaming splendour, his keen power of light self-lustrous in all things born.
1.95.3. There are three births of him that seek to come into being around us, one is in the ocean of the infinite, one is in the heavens, one is in the waters that descend from the heavens. In the supreme region of mind, the eastern direction of earthly beings, he declares the seasons of their sacrifice and ordains them in their succession.
1.95.4. Which of you has awakened to the knowledge of this secret thing, that it is the Child who gives birth to his own mothers by the right workings of the law of his nature? Born in the womb of many waters, he comes forth from their lap a vast Seer, possessed of the law of his being.
1.95.5. Very bright and pleasant he increases in them and is made manifest; in the lap of their crooked windings, he is straight-exalted and self-lustrous. Heaven and earth both had fear of their Maker in his birth; they are driven trembling towards the young lion and woo him to their love.
1.95.6. They woo him to their love like women and both grow full of happiness. The thoughts of the Light come voiceful to him in all their movements like lowing cows and he becomes the master of all judgments and discernings whom men anoint with their offerings on the right hand of the altar.
1.95.7. Like the creating Sun he lifts up his arms to heaven and terrible in his force, adorning both his wives, he labours working into brightness both these fields of his outpouring; he drives upward the shining veil of thought from all that is; he plucks off their new robes from his mothers.
1.95.8. When he joins himself in his seat and home to the rays of the Truth and to its streams, when he makes for himself that higher flaming form of his, then as the seer and thinker he delivers into a bright clearness that divine foundation. In our forming of the godheads, it is he that is their union and coming together.
1.95.9. The speed of thee encompasses the wideness, the foundation, the far-shining abode of the vast Godhead. O Flame, lit into thy full height guard us with all thy universal self-illuminings, guards invincible.
1.95.10. He creates on our desert earth the stream, the moving billow, and by its shining waves of light he ascends to the heavens; he holds all old and lasting things in his bellies and moves in all new births.
1.95.11. So, O Flame, increase by the fuel that we heap for thee; and, O purifier, shine wide and opulently that we may possess inspired knowledge. That may the Lords of Harmony and Wideness increase in us, the Mother infinite and the great ocean and earth and heaven.
3. Circa 19133
1.95.1 स्वर्थे. = सुऽअर्थे S. शोभनगमनागमने (स्वरणे) । यद्वा अर्थः प्रयोजनं. Rt ऋ — भावे कर्मणि वा थन्प्रत्ययः. He takes it as dual plural, adjective. May it not be singular locative noun — udatta on first syllable of second member of compound a poetical usage आद्युदात्तं द्व्यच् छंदसीति; but this seems to be the rule with compounds of सु
वत्सं. S. each her own son. अन्यान्या = परस्परव्यतिहारेण स्वकीयं रसं पाययतः. Agni is the Day’s, Surya the Night’s. अन्यस्यां. Other than his own mother
हरिः. S. रसहरणशील आदित्यः!!
ददृशे. दृशेश्छंदसि लुङ्लङ्लिट इति वर्यमाने लिट्
1.95.2 दश. The ten regions from the clouds — or ten fingers from the air-element.
त्वष्टुः दीप्तान्मध्यमाद्वायोः. He quotes Sruti अग्नेर्हि वायुः कारणं
वायोरग्निः He derives from त्विष् = to shine.
युवतथः. नित्यतरुण्यः or अपृथक्कृत्य वर्तमानाः
विभृत्रं. S. विहृतं. He explains the र् as a poetical form and भ हृग्रहोर्भ इति भत्वं । जाठररूपेण विभज्य वर्तमानं = सर्वेषु भूतेषु विहृतं स्वयशसं. स्वायत्तयशस्कं । अतिशयेन यशस्विनमित्यर्थः
जनेषु जनपदेषु सर्वदेशेषु. परि सीं नयंति सर्वे जनाः स्वकीयं देशं प्रापयंति
1.95.3 जाना. जननानि जन्मानि
परिभूषंति S. परितोऽलंकुर्वंति or परि for सम् = संभवंति
अप्सु. S. अंतरिक्षनाम प्रशासत् प्रकर्षेण ज्ञापयन् and प्रदिशं = प्रकृष्टां ककुभं
अनुष्ठु. S. सम्यगनुक्रमेण. He says like सुष्ठु it equals सम्यक्!
1.95.4 निण्यं S. गर्भरूपेणांतर्हितं (अबादिषु)
वत्सो मातॄः S. Agni as lightning child of the cloud-waters produces these cloud-waters by the foods of the offering. S. quotes Smriti अग्नौ प्रास्ताहुतिः सम्यगादित्यमुपतिष्ठते । आदित्याज्जायते वृष्टिर्वृष्टेरन्नं ततः प्रजा इति
अपसामुपस्थात् S. समुद्रात्!! In 5 he takes it differently.
1.95.5 आविष्ट्यो. आविःशब्दाच्छंदसि — आविर्भूतः प्रकाशमानः
चारुः S. शोभनदीप्तिः सन्
जिह्मानां S. कुटिलानां मेघेषु तिर्यगवस्थितानां.
सिंहं. S. सहनशीलमभिभवनशीलं
उभे. S. द्यावापृथिव्यौ. Yaska suggests also Day and Night or two armies. So also S. in next verse.
1.95.6 [S.] भद्रे भजनीये शोभनांग्यौ जोषयेते. S. सेवेते like servant girls to a king
गावो न उपतस्थुः S. takes all as part of the simile; but the construction is, it was as if cows came to [S.] their calf — गावः = रश्मयः
एवैः स्वकीयैश्चरित्रैः — इण् गतौ
दक्षाणां दक्षपतिः [S.] बलानां मध्ये यदतिशयितं बलं पस्याधिपतिः
दक्षिणतः the Ritwiks on the right side of the आहवनीय.
अंजंति. [S.] आर्द्रीकुर्वंति तर्पयंति
1.95.7 बाहू S. arms = rays सिचौ — सिंचतः फलेन संयोजयत इति सिचौ द्यावापृथिव्यौ
यतते स्वव्यापारे प्रयतते — यती प्रयत्ने ऋंजन् S. स्वतेजसा
अत्कं सारभूतं रसं उदजते ऊर्ध्वं रश्मिभिरादत्ते
सिमस्मात् S. सर्वस्माद्भूतजातात्
वसना. S. वृष्ट्युदकेभ्यः प्रत्यग्राणि सर्वस्य जगत आच्छादकानि तेजांसि उद्गमयति
1.95.8 उत्तरं. उत्कृष्टतरं
संपृंचानः वैद्युतरूपेन संयुक्तः सन् गोभिः गंत्रीभिः
अद्भिः. मेघस्थाभिः सदने अंतरिक्षे
बुध्नं. उदकस्य मूलभूतमंतरिक्षं धीः — धारकः
मर्मृज्यते. तदानीं मार्ष्टि स्वतेजसाच्छादयति — मृजूष् शुद्धौ
देवताता. देवनशीलेनाग्निना तता दीप्तिः
समितिः अस्माभिः स्तुता तेजसां संहतिर्बभूव
1.95.9 ज्रयः राक्षसादीनामभिभावुकं
महिषस्य. महतः धाम. तेजः स्वयशोभिः स्वकीयैस्तेजोभिः but like स्वयशसं it may be adjective.
1.95.10 धन्वन् — [S.] रिवि रवि धवि गत्यर्थाः धन्वांतरिक्षं धन्वंत्यस्मादाप इति यास्कः
गातुं गमनशीलं ऊर्मिं उदकसंघं
स्रोतः कृणुते स्रोतसा प्रवाहरूपेण युक्तं करोति
सनानि. जठरेषु धत्ते. S. अन्ननामैतत् — for that reason he gets into the new plants produced by the rain to ripen them and turn them into food.
1.95.11 रेवत् रयिमते धनयुक्ताय (चतूर्थ्या लुक्) श्रवसे अन्नाय दीप्यस्व
श्रवसे. Because he is the कविः
1 The Life Divine. XXIII Man and the Evolution // CWSA.– Vol. 21–22.– The Life Divine.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2005, pp. 856-879.
2 The Secret of the Veda. XVI. The Angiras Rishis // CWSA.– Vol. 15.– The Secret of the Veda.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998, pp. 159-172. 1-st published: Arya: A Philosophical Review. Monthly.– Vol.2, No 5 – December 1915, pp. 300-314.
3 CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 456-463. (Part 4 № 6).
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