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Alphabet index of common names

 A   B   C   D   E 
 F   G   H   I   J 
 K   L   M   N   O 
P  Q   R   S   T 
 U   V   W   X   Y 
 Z   А   Б   В   Г 
 Д   Ж   З   И   Й 
 К   Л   М   Н   О 
 П   Р   С   Т   У 
 Ф   Х   Ц   Ч   Ш 
 Щ   Э   Я     

Pa da go ji – Burmese

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Pa de gaw gyi – Burmese

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Paalai – India (Tamil)

Wrightia tinctoria

Religious thought

Paarijat – India (Sanskrit), India (Hindi)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Paccai alari – India (Tamil)

Thevetia peruviana


Purified mind

Supramentalised mind

Paccha – India (Malayalam)

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Pacel – Indonesia (Malay)

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Pachagotla – India (Telugu)

Tecoma stans

Higher mind

Supramental victory (early name)

Pachavadambaramu – India (Telugu)

Ecbolium linneanum

Krishna’s influence in the Subconscient

Pacific rosewood – English

Thespesia populnea


Padat ngan – Burmese

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Padenarayan – India (Tamil)

Delonix elata

Mental fantasy

Padma – India (Hindi), India (Bengali), India (Sanskrit)

Nelumbo nucifera

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness

The Avatar

Padrian – India (Hindi)

Bauhinia variegata

Vital contentment

Päevalill – Estonian

Helianthus annuus

The body-consciousness undergoing the supramental transformation

Pagakkai – India (Tamil)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pagoda flower – English

Clerodendrum paniculatum


Clerodendrum splendens

Right attitude established

Clerodendrum X speciosum

Aspiration for the right attitude

Pagoda tree – English

Plumeria obtusa

Integral psychological perfection

Perfect psychological perfection

Pagoda-tree – English

Plumeria rubra

Psychological perfection

Psychological perfection in Matter

Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment

Pain killer tree – Caribbean islands (English)

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Paina – Portuguese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Paina-de-sapo – Brazil (Portuguese)

Asclepias curassavica

Response of the mind to the Supramental Light

Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light

Paina-lisa – Brazil (Portuguese)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Paineira – Brazil (Portuguese)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Paineira da India – Portuguese

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Paininha – Brazil (Portuguese)

Asclepias curassavica

Response of the mind to the Supramental Light

Response of the physical mind to the Supramental Light

Painkiller – English

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Painkorai – India (Tamil)

Ixora pavetta


Painted euphorbia – English

Euphorbia cyathophora

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Painted leaf – English

Euphorbia cyathophora

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Painted net leaf – English

Fittonia albivenis


Painted spurge – English

Euphorbia cyathophora

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Painted tickseed – English

Coreopsis tinctoria

Aesthetic taste (early name)

Cheerfulness in work for the Divine

Divine cheerfulness in aesthetic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in artistic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Radiating divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Paintedleaf – English

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Painted-leaf spurge – English

Euphorbia cyathophora

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Painted-nettle – English

Solenostemon scutellarioides

Spiritual awakening of the vital

Strength in the vital

Pakal – India (Tamil), Sinhalese

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pakalana (Hawaiian) – English

Telosma cordata

Vital plenitude

Pakarmula – India (Gujarati)

Costus speciosus

Integral revelation


Pakku – India (Tamil)

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pakli – India (Tamil)

Ocimum americanum

Conquering fervour

Pala indigo plant – English

Wrightia tinctoria

Religious thought

Palacu – India (Tamil)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palas – India (Hindi), English

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palasa – India (Sanskrit)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palash – India (Hindi)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palasha – India (Sanskrit)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palaspipal – India (Bengali)

Thespesia populnea


Palasu – India (Tamil)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Palinkiam – India (Tamil)

Ocimum americanum

Conquering fervour

Palleru-mullu – India (Tamil)

Tribulus terrestris

First mental awakening in Matter

Palma arec – Italian

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Palma catecu – Spanish

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Palma de coco – Spanish

Cocos nucifera


Palma del cocco – Italian

Cocos nucifera


Palma-de-Santa-Rita – Brazil (Portuguese)

Gladiolus murielae

The vital’s possibility of perfection

Palmera de coco – Spanish

Cocos nucifera


Palm-lily – English

Cordyline fruticosa


Palo campeche – English

Haematoxylum campechianum

Fairy freshness

Palo de abejas – Dominican Republic (Spanish)

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Palo de aceite – Dominican Republic (Spanish)

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Palo de la reina – Panama (Spanish)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Aesthetic power



Ananda in the physical

Beauty of Auroville

Beauty of Supramental Love

Beauty of supramental youth

Beauty of the new creation

Beauty of tomorrow

Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine

Blossoming of Auroville

Blossoming of the new creation

Charm of Auroville

Charm of the new creation

Concentration of Auroville

Concentration of the new creation

Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness

Continued perseverance and action

Controlled power

Dynamic power

Effective power of the Supermind

Effort of Auroville

Enlightened individual power


Firmness of Auroville

Firmness of the new creation

Flower of Auroville


Ideal of Auroville

Ideal of the new creation

Individual power

Light of purified power

Manifold Power of Auroville

Manifold Power of the new creation

Mentalised power

Power in the converted mind

Power in the service of the future

Power of action

Power of consciousness

Power of effort

Power of harmony

Power of integral purity

Power of perseverance

Power of progress

Power of realisation

Power of spiritual beauty

Power of success

Power of the future

Power of the psychic consciousness

Power of the Supramental Consciousness

Power to progress

Progress of Auroville

Progress of the new creation

Psychic power in existence

Realisation of Auroville

Realisation of the new creation

Spiritual beauty of Auroville

Success of Auroville

Supramental beauty in the physical

Supramental consciousness

Sweetness of Auroville

Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine

The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty

The charm of deceitful beauty

The divine principle of duplicity

Usefulness of Auroville

Usefulness of the new creation

Victorious beauty

Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will

Palo de rayo – Spanish

Parkinsonia aculeata


Palo de Santa María – Spanish

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Palo de tinta – English

Haematoxylum campechianum

Fairy freshness

Palo María – Spanish

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Palo negro – English

Haematoxylum campechianum

Fairy freshness

Palo verde – English

Parkinsonia aculeata


Palo verde mejicano – Spanish

Parkinsonia aculeata


Pambalimasu – India (Tamil)

Citrus maxima


Paminda pratti – India (Telugu)

Gossypium arboreum

Power in the most material vital (early name)

Success in the most material vital

Pampaleone – Italian

Citrus maxima


Pampara – India (Telugu)

Citrus maxima


Pampelmusa – Spanish

Citrus maxima


Pampelmuse – German

Citrus maxima


Pamplemousse – French, English

Citrus maxima


Pamplemousse doux des Antilles – French

Citrus maxima


Pamplemoussier – French

Citrus maxima


Pampoen – Afrikaans

Cucurbita maxima


Panama cherry – English

Muntingia calabura

Primitive succulence

Panama rose – English

Rondeletia odorata

Mahasaraswati’s perfection in works

Panama-berry – English

Muntingia calabura

Primitive succulence

Pancratier – French

Pancratium littorale

Occult power (early name)


Pancratium zeylanicum

Occult power (early name)


Pancratium – English

Pancratium littorale

Occult power (early name)


Pancratium zeylanicum

Occult power (early name)


Pancu – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pandan – English

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandan laoet – Malay

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandan pasir – Malay

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pândano – Portuguese

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandanus – English

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandanus palm – English

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandanuspalme – German

Pandanus tectorius

Spiritual perfume

Pandenarayan – India (Tamil)

Delonix elata

Mental fantasy

Pandora vine – English

Pandorea jasminoides

Opening of the emotional centre to the Light

Pandorea – English

Podranea ricasoliana

To know how to listen

Pangara – India (Hindi)

Erythrina variegata

Beginning of realisation in Matter

Matter prepares itself to receive the Supramental

The psychic governs Matter

Panha – Portuguese

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Panheira – Portuguese

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Panjangulia – India (Oriya)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Panji – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Panjirnaram – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Panjumaram – India (Tamil)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pankajam – India (Sanskrit)

Nelumbo nucifera

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness

The Avatar

Pankeruha – India (Sanskrit)

Nelumbo nucifera

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness

The Avatar

Pannai keerai – India (Tamil)

Celosia argentea

Abundant expression

Aspiration for immortality

Attempt towards immortality

Joyful expression

Physical aspiration for immortality

Vital aspiration for immortality

Panneer – India (Tamil)

Guettarda speciosa

Peace in the nerves

Pansy – English

Viola tricolor var. hortensin

Integrally pure thoughts

Thoughts turned towards the Divine

Papagaio – Brazil (Portuguese)

Cordyline fruticosa


Euphorbia pulcherrima

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Papagna – Italian

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papangay – Mauritius (French)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Papata – India (Sanskrit)

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Papavero – Italian

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papavero comune – Italian

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papavero salvatico – Italian

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papegøjeamarant – Danish

Amaranthus tricolor


Papengaye – Mauritius (French)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Paper daisy – English

Xerochrysum bracteatum

Supramental immortality upon earth

Paper gardenia – English

Tabernaemontana divaricata

Integral mental purity

Mental purity

Perfect mental purity

Paper rose – English

Operculina turpethum

Call of the Divine Grace

Integral gratitude

Paper-flower – English

Xerochrysum bracteatum

Supramental immortality upon earth

Papidi – India (Telugu)

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Papito – Spanish

Clitoria ternatea

Devotional movement in Radha’s consciousness (early name)

Integral Radha’s consciousness (early name)

Krishna’s light in the senses

Purified senses

Radha’s consciousness in the vital

Radha’s consciousness

Papo – Panama (Spanish)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Aesthetic power



Ananda in the physical

Beauty of Auroville

Beauty of Supramental Love

Beauty of supramental youth

Beauty of the new creation

Beauty of tomorrow

Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine

Blossoming of Auroville

Blossoming of the new creation

Charm of Auroville

Charm of the new creation

Concentration of Auroville

Concentration of the new creation

Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness

Continued perseverance and action

Controlled power

Dynamic power

Effective power of the Supermind

Effort of Auroville

Enlightened individual power


Firmness of Auroville

Firmness of the new creation

Flower of Auroville


Ideal of Auroville

Ideal of the new creation

Individual power

Light of purified power

Manifold Power of Auroville

Manifold Power of the new creation

Mentalised power

Power in the converted mind

Power in the service of the future

Power of action

Power of consciousness

Power of effort

Power of harmony

Power of integral purity

Power of perseverance

Power of progress

Power of realisation

Power of spiritual beauty

Power of success

Power of the future

Power of the psychic consciousness

Power of the Supramental Consciousness

Power to progress

Progress of Auroville

Progress of the new creation

Psychic power in existence

Realisation of Auroville

Realisation of the new creation

Spiritual beauty of Auroville

Success of Auroville

Supramental beauty in the physical

Supramental consciousness

Sweetness of Auroville

Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine

The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty

The charm of deceitful beauty

The divine principle of duplicity

Usefulness of Auroville

Usefulness of the new creation

Victorious beauty

Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will

Papoila – Portuguese

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papoila-ordinária – Portuguese

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papoula – Portuguese

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Papoula comum – Portuguese

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Pappana – India (Sanskrit)

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Paprika – English, Hungarian

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Papuan wattle – English

Acacia auriculiformis


Pâquerette de Dahlberg – French

Thymophylla tenuiloba

Mental simplicity

Paradiesvogelblume – German

Strelitzia reginae

Supramental bird

Paradise flower – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Paraguay jasmine – English

Brunfelsia australis

Going towards perfection (early name)

Going towards the higher vital (early name)

Refinement of emotions

Rising from the lower vital (early name)

Paraguay nightshade – English

Solanum rantonnetii


Paraguayan jasmine – English

Brunfelsia australis

Going towards perfection (early name)

Going towards the higher vital (early name)

Refinement of emotions

Rising from the lower vital (early name)

Paraguita china – Panama (Spanish)

Hibiscus schizopetalus


Paraíso – Spanish

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Paraiso – English

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Paraíso blanco – Guatemala (Spanish)

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Paranki – India (Tamil)

Cucurbita maxima


Paras pipal – India (Hindi)

Thespesia populnea


Parasol flower – English

Holmskioldia sanguinea


Mental curiosity

Physical curiosity

Paras-pipal – India (Hindi)

Thespesia populnea


Parda bel – India (Hindi)

Vernonia elaeagnifolia

Aspiration for the Divine Consciousness

Paré – Java (Malay)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Paria – Indonesia (Malay)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Paricatam – India (Tamil)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Pariétaire noire – French

Amaranthus tricolor


Pariétaire sauvage – French

Amaranthus tricolor


Parijata – India (Sanskrit)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Parisa – India (Sanskrit)

Thespesia populnea


Parkie (Fleur de) – French

Parkia biglandulosa


Parlor maple – English

Abutilon indicum

Mental promise

Abutilon X hybridum


Vital promise

Parlour maple – English

Abutilon indicum

Mental promise

Abutilon X hybridum


Vital promise

Parnabija – India (Sanskrit)

Kalanchoe pinnata

Light in fairyland

Parnasa – India (Sanskrit)

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Parrot tree – English

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Parrot’s beak – English

Gmelina philippensis

Mental voice

Parrots beak – English

Gmelina philippensis

Mental voice

Parsipu – India (Hindi)

Thespesia populnea


Parutthi – India (Tamil)

Gossypium arboreum

Power in the most material vital (early name)

Success in the most material vital

Pascua – Spanish

Nerium oleander

Contemplation of the Divine

Perfect quietness in the mind

Quiet mind

Quietness established in the mind

Surrender of all falsehood

Sweetness of thought turned exclusively towards the Divine

Turning of wrong movements into right movements

Pasiflora – Spanish

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Pasiflora hedionda – Spanish

Passiflora foetida

Integral silence

Pasionaria – Spanish

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Passerose – French

Alcea rosea

Combined offering of two parts of the being

Integral offering

Integral offering of the vital


Offering of all obscurities

Offering of the emotions

Offering of the material vital

Offering of the most material vital

Offering of the physical

Offering of the vital

Psychic offering

Passe-rose – French

Alcea rosea

Combined offering of two parts of the being

Integral offering

Integral offering of the vital


Offering of all obscurities

Offering of the emotions

Offering of the material vital

Offering of the most material vital

Offering of the physical

Offering of the vital

Psychic offering

Passe-velours – French

Celosia argentea var.ñristata


Mental boldness

Physical boldness

Spiritual aspiration in the vital

Spontaneous boldness

Vital boldness

Passiflora – Italian

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflora azzurra – Italian

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflore bleue – French

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflore du Brésil – French

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflore du Pérou – French

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflore officinale – French

Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Passiflore purpurine – French

Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Passiflore rouge – French

Passiflora incarnata


Passion (Fleur de la) – French

Passiflora foetida

Integral silence

Passion flower – English

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Passionera – Spanish

Passiflora caerulea


Passionflower – English

Passiflora incarnata


Passionsblume – German

Passiflora caerulea


Passiflora incarnata


Pasto cedrón – Argentina (Spanish)

Cymbopogon citratus


Pasto limón – Spanish

Cymbopogon citratus


Pasto-limón – Argentina (Spanish)

Cymbopogon citratus


Pata de rez – English

Bauhinia variegata

Vital contentment

Patadi – India (Tamil)

Spathodea campanulata


Patana oak – English

Careya arborea


Patchuli-falso – Brazil (Portuguese)

Cymbopogon citratus


Pate ghirola – Nepalese

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Pate toriya – Nepalese

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Patee badam – India (Hindi)

Terminalia catappa

Spiritual aspiration

Pathmapu-todami – India (Sanskrit)

Ipomoea alba

Entire self-giving

Patience plant – English

Impatiens walleriana

Works of love

Patola – Tagalog (Malay)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Patolang – Tagalog (Malay)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Patrapuspha – India (Sanskrit)

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Pattarashu – India (Tamil)

Mirabilis jalapa

Consolation (early name)

Integral solace


Solace in the mind

Solace in the vital

Pattiratci – India (Tamil)

Mirabilis jalapa

Consolation (early name)

Integral solace


Solace in the mind

Solace in the vital

Pau-amarelo – Brazil (Portuguese)

Quassia amara

Splendour and opulence in material life

Pau-azeitona – Portuguese

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Pava aki – India (Tamil)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pavakai – Sinhalese

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Paval – India (Tamil)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pavalakkurinji – India (Tamil)

Lagerstroemia indica

Integral intimacy with the Divine

Intimacy with the Divine

Intimacy with the Divine in the physical

Intimacy with the Divine in the psychic

Intimacy with the Divine in the vital

Pavalamallikai – India (Tamil)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Pavattai – India (Tamil)

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Pavazhamalli – India (Tamil)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Pavizhamalli – India (Tamil)

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis


Pavot des champs – French

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Pavot des moissons – Switzerland (French)

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Pavot rouge – French

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Pawatta – English

Pavetta indica

Radiating peace in the cells

Pea aubergine – English

Solanum melongena

Fearlessness in the vital

Vital courage

Pea eggplant – English

Solanum torvum


Peace lily – English


Aspiration for purity

Peacock flower – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Delonix regia


Peacock ginger – English

Kaempferia pulchra

Refined taste

Kaempferia rotunda

Vital honesty

Peacock lily – English

Gladiolus murielae

The vital’s possibility of perfection

Peacock orchid – English

Gladiolus murielae

The vital’s possibility of perfection

Peacock plant – English

Kaempferia pulchra

Refined taste

Pearly-gates – English

Ipomoea tricolor

Artistic sensitivity

Joy of beauty

Opening of the vital to Radha’s consciousness (early name)

Opening of the vital to Radha’s influence (early name)

Pure sense of beauty

Spontaneous beauty

Unconditional integral offering

Peatree – English

Laburnum anagyroides

Descent of the Light

Peber – Dutch

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Peddajilakarra – India (Telugu)

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Peddajilakurra – India (Telugu)

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Peechangu – India (Tamil)

Clerodendrum inerme

Perfect planning of work

Peela gulmohar – India (Hindi)

Peltophorum pterocarpum


Peeli chameli – India (Hindi)

Jasminum humile

Correct self-estimation

Peeli kaner – India (Hindi)

Thevetia peruviana


Purified mind

Supramentalised mind

Peem – Spanish

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Peerkan kai – India (Tamil)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Peerkankai – India (Hindi)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Peh poh – Singapore

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Pejo – Colombia (Spanish)

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Aesthetic power



Ananda in the physical

Beauty of Auroville

Beauty of Supramental Love

Beauty of supramental youth

Beauty of the new creation

Beauty of tomorrow

Beauty of tomorrow manifesting the Divine

Blossoming of Auroville

Blossoming of the new creation

Charm of Auroville

Charm of the new creation

Concentration of Auroville

Concentration of the new creation

Consciousness one with the Divine Consciousness

Continued perseverance and action

Controlled power

Dynamic power

Effective power of the Supermind

Effort of Auroville

Enlightened individual power


Firmness of Auroville

Firmness of the new creation

Flower of Auroville


Ideal of Auroville

Ideal of the new creation

Individual power

Light of purified power

Manifold Power of Auroville

Manifold Power of the new creation

Mentalised power

Power in the converted mind

Power in the service of the future

Power of action

Power of consciousness

Power of effort

Power of harmony

Power of integral purity

Power of perseverance

Power of progress

Power of realisation

Power of spiritual beauty

Power of success

Power of the future

Power of the psychic consciousness

Power of the Supramental Consciousness

Power to progress

Progress of Auroville

Progress of the new creation

Psychic power in existence

Realisation of Auroville

Realisation of the new creation

Spiritual beauty of Auroville

Success of Auroville

Supramental beauty in the physical

Supramental consciousness

Sweetness of Auroville

Sweetness of power surrendered to the Divine

The all-powerful divine Charm of a perfidious beauty

The charm of deceitful beauty

The divine principle of duplicity

Usefulness of Auroville

Usefulness of the new creation

Victorious beauty

Will in course of uniting itself with the Divine Will

Pekan aki – India (Tamil)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Pekankai – India (Tamil)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Pélagornium – French


Spiritual happiness

Pelican flower – English

Aristolochia elegans


Aristolochia ringens

Lasting inspiration

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Penca sábila – Colombia (Spanish)

Aloe vera


Penjilang – Malay

Coriandrum sativum


Pentantha – English

Jacquemontia pentanthos


Pentapétale – French

Pentapetes phoeniceae


Wakefulness. (early name)

Pentas – English

Pentas lanceolata

Emotional movement opening to the Light (early name)

Light in the vital movements

Mental goodwill

Movements in the Light

Psychic light in the material movements

Psychic light in the physical movements

Peonies – English


Beauty in Art

Peony – English


Beauty in Art

Peparé – Java (Malay)

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Peperone – Italian

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Peperwortel boom – Dutch

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Pepino amargo – Spanish

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pepino de la India – Spanish

Averrhoa carambola

Organised team-work

Peppaa – Japanese

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Peppar – Swedish

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Peppers – English

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pera tetona – Spanish

Solandra maxima

Absolute truthfulness

Perarattai – India (Tamil)

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Perce-neige (européen) – French

Galanthus nivalis var viridapicis

Promise of renewal

Peregrina – English

Jatropha integerrima

Awakening and first response of Nature to the supramental manifestation

Perennial basil – English

Ocimum americanum

Conquering fervour

Péreskie (Fleur de cactus) – French


Never tell a lie

Perfume tree – English

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Cananga odorata

Correct perception

Perfumed passionflower – English

Passiflora vitifolia

Power aspiring to become an instrument for the divine work

Pergularie – French

Telosma cordata

Vital plenitude

Peria – Malay

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Peria katak – Malay

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Peria laut – Malay

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pericoinkle – English

Catharanthus roseus

Constant progress in Matter

Integral progress

Integral progress in Matter

Integral progress in the vital


Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress

Vital progress

Periyanuna – India (Tamil)

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Perlas – Guatemala (Spanish)

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Pero dell’ Indie – Italian

Psidium guajava


Persara – India (Hindi)

Vanda tessellata

Detailed attachment to the Divine

Persian lilac – English

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Persian shield – English

Strobilanthes kunthianus

Power of perfect endurance

Persian violet – English

Cyclamen purpurascens

Scented marvel

Persil arabe (la feuille) – French

Coriandrum sativum


Persil des marais – French

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Persischer Flieder – German

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Perslane – English

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Pertun – Malay, English

Barringtonia asiatica

Supramental action

Perum pilai – India (Tamil)

Aerva javanica

Aspiration for integral immortality

Perumkurumpa – India (Tamil)

Chonemorpha fragrans

Perfect radiating psychology

Perun siragum – India (Tamil)

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Perunaval – India (Tamil)

Syzygium jambos


Pervenche de Madagascar – French

Catharanthus roseus

Constant progress in Matter

Integral progress

Integral progress in Matter

Integral progress in the vital


Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress

Vital progress

Pervinca de Madagascar – Spanish

Catharanthus roseus

Constant progress in Matter

Integral progress

Integral progress in Matter

Integral progress in the vital


Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress

Vital progress

Pervinca-rosa – Brazil (Portuguese)

Catharanthus roseus

Constant progress in Matter

Integral progress

Integral progress in Matter

Integral progress in the vital


Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress

Vital progress

Petit flamboyant – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Petola sagi – Malay

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Petola Sanding – Malay

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Petonciano – Italian

Solanum melongena

Fearlessness in the vital

Vital courage

Pétrée – French

Petrea volubilis

Spiritual power of healing

Petrociana – Italian

Solanum melongena

Fearlessness in the vital

Vital courage

Petunia – English, French

Petunia X hybrida

Cheerful enthusiasm

Cheerful enthusiasm in action

Cheerful enthusiasm in the higher vital

Cheerful enthusiasm in the most material vital

Cheerful integral enthusiasm

Cheerful physical enthusiasm

Cheerful psychic enthusiasm

Cheerful vital enthusiasm


Enthusiasm in action

Enthusiasm in the higher vital

Enthusiasm in the most material vital

Integral enthusiasm

Physical enthusiasm

Psychic enthusiasm

Vital enthusiasm

Petwen – English

Berrya cordifolia

Liberation in the vital

Peyārā – India (Bengali)

Psidium guajava


Ph’uk – Laotian

Citrus maxima


Phak bia farang – Thai

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Phak bua la pha – Laotian

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Phak bua la phe – Laotian

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Phak chee lao – Thai

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Phak chee thai – Thai

Coriandrum sativum


Phak chi – Thai

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Phak chi duen ha – Thai

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Phak chi lom – Thai

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Phàk haawm – Laotian

Coriandrum sativum


Phak i huem – Thai

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Phak i hum – Thai

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Phak i tou – Laotian

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Phak i tou thai – Laotian

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Phak khom bai daeng – Thai

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Phak khom suan – Thai

Amaranthus tricolor


Phak ma rum (leaves) – Thai

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Phak nuea kai – Thai

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Phak si – Laotian

Anethum graveolens

Light in the blood

Foeniculum vulgare

Light in the blood

Phakha – Thai

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Phala sampenga – India (Telugu)

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Phalasampanga – India (Telugu)

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Phalasampenga – India (Hindi)

Artabotrys hexapetalus

Clear mind


Phalgu – India (Sanskrit)

Bauhinia tomentosa


Pharsi – Nepalese

Cucurbita maxima


Pheasant’s-eye – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Pheasant’s-eye daffodil – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Pheasant’s-eye narcissus – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Philippine ground orchid – English

Spathoglottis plicata

Integral attachment to the Divine

Vital attachment to the Divine

Philippine violet – English

Asystasia gangetica

Integral trust in the Divine

Mental trust in the Divine

Trust in the Divine

Trust of the emotional vital in the Divine

Trust of the vital mind in the Divine

Vital trust in the Divine

Barleria cristata

Elegance in the emotions

Emotional opening

Integral opening of the being to the Divine

Opening of the emotional vital

Philippine-medusa – English

Acalypha hispida

Physical continuity

Phillippine orchid – English

Spathoglottis plicata

Integral attachment to the Divine

Vital attachment to the Divine

Phla – Thai

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Phlox – French

Phlox drummondii

Artistic work

Emotional skill in work

Physical skill in work

Radiating skill in work

Skill in integral work

Skill in material work

Skill in mental work

Skill in psychic work

Skill in vital work

Skill in work

Phneou – Khmer

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Phonmaak – Thai

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Phrae siang hai – Thai

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Phrik – Thai

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Phu ra hong – Thai

Hibiscus schizopetalus


Phut tharaksa – Thai

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Phuttan – Thai

Hibiscus mutabilis

Divine Grace

Victorious love

Physic nut – English

Jatropha integerrima

Awakening and first response of Nature to the supramental manifestation

Jatropha multifida

First appearance of the psychic in Matter

Jatropha podagrica

First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action

Pi nae – Thai

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pianta del kapok – Italian

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Picashia – English

Sesbania grandiflora

Beginning of realisation

Pichi – Mexico (Spanish)

Psidium guajava


Pichumarda – English

Azadirachta indica

Spiritual atmosphere

Pico de flamenco – English

Sesbania grandiflora

Beginning of realisation

Picta Indian blanket – English

Gaillardia pulchella


Mental cheerfulness

Successful future

Successful future under the supramental influence

Supramental future (early name)

Pie de cabra – Spanish, English

Bauhinia purpurea

Stability in the higher vital

Stability in the vital

Pied d’alouette – French



Pieuvre, Arbre – French

Schefflera actinophylla

Organised material energy

Pigeon berry – English

Duranta erecta

Aspiration for vital purity

Vital purity

Pigeon wings – English

Clitoria ternatea

Devotional movement in Radha’s consciousness (early name)

Integral Radha’s consciousness (early name)

Krishna’s light in the senses

Purified senses

Radha’s consciousness in the vital

Radha’s consciousness

Pila-kaner – India (Hindi)

Thevetia peruviana


Purified mind

Supramentalised mind

Pilakger – India (Hindi)

Thevetia peruviana


Purified mind

Supramentalised mind

Piliya – India (Hindi)

Tecoma stans

Higher mind

Supramental victory (early name)

Pilpel – Hebrew

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pilpelet hagina – Hebrew

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Piment – French

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pimento – Italian, Portuguese

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pimienta – Spanish

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pimiento – Spanish

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pimpinelle – French

Pimpinella major

Purity in the blood

Pinang – Malay, English

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pinang sirih – Malay

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pinangnoot – Dutch

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pinari – India (Tamil)

Catharanthus roseus

Constant progress in Matter

Integral progress

Integral progress in Matter

Integral progress in the vital


Uninterrupted but spasmodic progress

Vital progress

Pincushion flower – English

Scabiosa atropurpurea


Blessings on the material world

Pincushions – English

Scabiosa atropurpurea


Blessings on the material world

Pindre – India (Oriya)

Morinda citrifolia

Peace in the sex centre

Pink – English

Dianthus chinensis


Perfect obedience

Pink and white shower tree – English

Cassia javanica

Psychic work

Pink baby’s-breath – English

Talinum paniculatum

Vital fantasy

Pink ball, dombeya – English

Dombeya wallichii

Conquest over the greed for food

Pink butterfly tree – English

Bauhinia purpurea

Stability in the higher vital

Stability in the vital

Pink cassia – English

Cassia javanica

Psychic work

Cassia roxburghii

Refinement of sensations

Pink cestrum – English

Cestrum elegans

Light in the vital

Pink easter-lily cactus – English

Echinopsis oxygona

Richness of feelings

Pink gardenia – English

Kopsia fruticosa


Pink kopsia – English

Kopsia fruticosa


Pink lady – English

Cassia roxburghii

Refinement of sensations

Pink porcelain lily – English, USA (English)

Alpinia zerumbet


Pink ravenia – English

Ravenia spectabilis

Happy heart

Pink shower – English

Cassia javanica

Psychic work

Cassia roxburghii

Refinement of sensations

Pink trumpetvine – English

Podranea ricasoliana

To know how to listen

Pink, clove – English

Dianthus caryophyllus


Pink-ball – English

Dombeya wallichii

Conquest over the greed for food

Pinnai – India (Tamil)

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Pinsein – Burmese

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Pinsein-net – Burmese

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Pinwheel flower – English

Tabernaemontana divaricata

Integral mental purity

Mental purity

Perfect mental purity

Pinwheel jasmine – English

Tabernaemontana divaricata

Integral mental purity

Mental purity

Perfect mental purity

Pinwheelflower – English

Tabernaemontana divaricata

Integral mental purity

Mental purity

Perfect mental purity

Pipa de turco – Spanish

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Pipacs – Hungarian

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Pipangua – French

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Pipera – Greek

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Piperia – Greek

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Piperies – Greek

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Piperka – Macedonian

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pirhe ghāns – Nepalese

Cymbopogon citratus


Pirkku – India (Tamil)

Luffa acutangula

Kind mind

Pisangi – India (Telugu)

Clerodendrum inerme

Perfect planning of work

Pishinika – India (Telugu)

Clerodendrum inerme

Perfect planning of work

Pistou – French

Ocimum basilicum


Joy of union with the Divine

Pitera amarelo – Argentina (Spanish)

Aloe vera


Pittakarini – India (Sanskrit)

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pivoine – French


Beauty in Art

Piyārā – India (Gujarati)

Psidium guajava


Plains coreopsis – English

Coreopsis tinctoria

Aesthetic taste (early name)

Cheerfulness in work for the Divine

Divine cheerfulness in aesthetic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in artistic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Radiating divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Plains tickseed – English

Coreopsis tinctoria

Aesthetic taste (early name)

Cheerfulness in work for the Divine

Divine cheerfulness in aesthetic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in artistic work (early name)

Divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Radiating divine cheerfulness in work (early name)

Planta-mãe-do-cacau – Brazil (Portuguese)

Gliricidia sepium

Refinement of habits

Plante araignée – French

Chlorophytum comosum


Plante corail – French

Russelia equisetiformis

Aspiration in the physical for the Divine Love

Plants – English

Cytisus scoparius


Zapoteca portoricensis

Striving towards integral wisdom

Platanillo – Spanish, English

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Platebrush – English

Solanum torvum


Platycodon – English

Platycodon grandiflorus

Unostentatious Certitude

Plum rose – English

Syzygium jambos


Plumbago – French, English

Plumbago auriculata

Krishna’s Ananda


Plumbago indica

Organisation of the being around the psychic

Plumbago zeylanica

First appearance of purity in the Inconscient

Plumboherbo – English

Plumbago auriculata

Krishna’s Ananda


Plumeria – English

Plumeria rubra

Psychological perfection

Psychological perfection in Matter

Psychological perfection on the way to fulfilment

Plural ivies – English


Lasting attachment

Pnila-kaher – India (Hindi)

Thevetia peruviana


Purified mind

Supramentalised mind

Pnoi – Khmer

Aegle marmelos

Devotional attitude

Po – Laotian

Crotalaria juncea

Formative faculty in the mind

Po thueang – Thai

Crotalaria juncea

Formative faculty in the mind

Pochota – Mexico (Spanish)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pochote – Mexico (Spanish)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Poet’s daffodil – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Poet’s narcissus – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Poeticus daffodil – English

Narcissus poeticus

Beauty aspiring for the supramental realisation

Pohapoha – English

Passiflora foetida

Integral silence

Pohe h’avare – English

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Pohon gaharu – Malay

Aloe vera


Pohon kapok – Indonesia (Malay)

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pohon randu – Malay

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Poilão – Portuguese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Poinciana – English

Delonix regia


Poincillade – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Poinsétia – Brazil (Portuguese)

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Poinsettia – English

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Pois de senteur – French, English

Lathyrus odoratus


Kindness (early name)

Vital gentleness

Pois fleur – English

Lathyrus odoratus


Kindness (early name)

Vital gentleness

Pois quénique – French

Moringa oleifera

Hygienic organisation

Poivron – French

Capsicum annuum

A whipping

Pokak – Indonesia (Malay), Java (Malay)

Solanum torvum


Pokok pinang – Malay

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Polão – Portuguese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Polgaha – Sinhalese

Cocos nucifera


Polyantha (Rose) – French

Rosa X rehderana

Communion with the Divine

Polyantha rose – English

Rosa X rehderana

Communion with the Divine

Polynesian ti plant – English

Cordyline fruticosa


Pomarosa – English

Syzygium jambos


Pomarrosa – Puerto Rico (Spanish)

Syzygium jambos


Pomarrosa manzana rosa – Cuba (Spanish)

Syzygium jambos


Pomarrosa pomo – Dominican Republic (Spanish)

Syzygium jambos


Pomegranate – English

Punica granatum

Divine Love

Divine Love spreading over the world

Divine Sacrifice

Supramental love beyond, which is not yet manifested (early name)

Unmanifest Divine Love

Pomelo – German, English, Dutch

Citrus maxima


Pomero – Japanese

Citrus maxima


Pomme épineuse – French

Datura suaveolens

Perfect tapasya

Vital tapasya

Pomme rosa – English

Syzygium jambos


Pommelo – English

Citrus maxima


Pomme-rose – French

Syzygium jambos


Pomo meraviglia – Italian

Momordica charantia

Gentle mind (early name)


Pompelmo – Italian

Citrus maxima


Pompelmoes – Dutch

Citrus maxima


Pompelmus – Danish

Citrus maxima


Pompoen – Dutch

Cucurbita maxima


Pompon – French

Calliandra haematocephala

Wisdom in the physical mind

Pompon soldat – French

Leonotis nepetifolia


Ponceau – French

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Ponsettia – English

Euphorbia pulcherrima

Opening of the vital to the Divine Love

Vital activated by the Divine’s Love (early name)

Poor man’s orchid – English

Bauhinia variegata

Vital contentment

Poorland daisy – English

Rudbeckia hirta

Artistic genius (early name)

First turning of the vital to the Divine Light

Pôôt barang – Khmer

Abelmoschus esculentus

Mentalised power

Pope haavare – English

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Popinac – English

Acacia farnesiana

Supramental knowledge

Leucaena leucocephala


Popping pod – English

Ruellia tuberosa

Krishna’s light in the vital

Poppy – English

Papaver rhoeas

Restfulness (early name)

Spontaneous joy of nature

Poppy anemone – English

Anemone coronaria

Fragile elegance

Poppy-flowered anemone – English

Anemone coronaria

Fragile elegance

Popular purple weath – English

Petrea volubilis

Spiritual power of healing

Porane – French

Porana paniculata


Spirit (early name)

Porana volubilis


Porcelaine – French

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Porcelaine (Fleur de) – French

Hoya carnosa

Power of collective aspiration

Porcelainflower – English

Hoya carnosa

Power of collective aspiration

Porcher – French

Thespesia populnea


Porcupine flower – English

Barleria prionitis

Mental opening

Porterweed – English

Stachytarpheta jamaicensis

Spiritual ascension of the vital

Portiatree – English

Thespesia populnea


Portia-tree – English

Thespesia populnea


Portlande – French

Portlandia grandiflora

Joy of integral faithfulness

Peace of integral faithfulness

Portlande à grandes fleurs – French

Portlandia grandiflora

Joy of integral faithfulness

Peace of integral faithfulness

Portulaca – English

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Portulaca rose – English

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Pot marigold – English

Calendula officinalis


Pot marjoram – English

Origanum majorana

New birth

Potato creeper – English

Solanum seaforthianum

Seeking for support only in the Divine

Potiron – French

Cucurbita maxima


Potti dumpa – India (Telugu)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Potti nabhi – India (Telugu)

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Pourpier – French

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Pourpier des rochers – French

Calandrinia grandiflora

Material power to heal

Powder puff – English

Calliandra haematocephala

Wisdom in the physical mind

Powderpuff – English


Striving towards wisdom

Powderpuff lily – English

Scadoxus multiflorus

Supramental manifestation

Powder-puff tree – English


Striving towards wisdom

Calliandra haematocephala

Wisdom in the physical mind

Prachtelie – Dutch

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Prachtlilie – German

Gloriosa superba

No quarrels

Occult power working in the material (early name)

Prickly solanum – English

Solanum torvum


Prickly-apple – English

Catesbaea spinosa

Certitude of victory

Pricklyleaf – English

Thymophylla tenuiloba

Mental simplicity

Pride of China – English

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Pride of India – English

Melia azedarach

Distinction of the vital

Pride-of-Barbados – English

Caesalpinia pulcherrima


Fire in the mind

Pride-of-India – English

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Intimacy with universal Nature

Pride-of-Texas – English

Phlox drummondii

Artistic work

Emotional skill in work

Physical skill in work

Radiating skill in work

Skill in integral work

Skill in material work

Skill in mental work

Skill in psychic work

Skill in vital work

Skill in work

Primavera – English

Wisteria sinensis

Poetic ecstasy

Primevère des champs – French



Primrose – English



Primroses – English



Prince Kuhio-vine – English

Ipomoea horsfalliae

Heroic thought

Prince’s feather – English

Amaranthus tricolor


Prince’s-vine – English

Ipomoea horsfalliae

Heroic thought

Pritge Kostwurz – German

Costus speciosus

Integral revelation


Priya-darsa – India

Crossandra infundibuliformis

Psychic light in the Subconscient

Supramental influence in the Subconscient

Supramental Light in the Subconscient

Proboscis flower – English

Martynia annua


Protasparagus – English

Asparagus densiflorus

Spiritual speech

Psidio – Italian

Psidium guajava


Pu tao – Chinese

Syzygium jambos


Puar – Malay

Alpinia galanga

To know how to say what is needed

Pucuk – Indonesia (Malay)

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pudding pipe-tree – English

Cassia fistula


Puga – India (Sanskrit)

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Puli - Nagam – India (Tamil)

Martynia annua


Pulikampa – India (Telugu)


Emotional beauty in the cells

Light in the cells

Purity in the cells

Supramental influence in the cells

Pullokurpitsa – Finnish

Lagenaria siceraria

Emotional abundance

Pulluri – India (Tamil)

Dendropthoe falcata

Mental spirit of imitation

Pulluruvi – India (Tamil)

Dendropthoe falcata

Mental spirit of imitation

Pulung – Sinhalese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pulunimbal – Sinhalese

Ceiba pentandra

Material enterprises

Pumacua – Puerto Rico (Spanish)

Bixa orellana

New world

Pumello – English

Citrus maxima


Pumelo – German

Citrus maxima


Pummelo – English, Finnish, USA (English)

Citrus maxima


Pumpa – Swedish

Cucurbita maxima


Pumpkin – English

Cucurbita maxima


Punarevonhäntä – Finnish

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Puncturevine – English

Tribulus terrestris

First mental awakening in Matter

Pundarika – India (Hindi)

Nelumbo nucifera

Aditi — The Divine Consciousness

The Avatar

Punnaga – India (Sanskrit)

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Punnagah – India (Sanskrit)

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Punnai – India (Tamil)

Calophyllum inophyllum

Peace in the physical

Punya – India (Malayalam)

Ocimum tenuiflorum


Purani – India (Tamil), India (Sanskrit)

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Purasu – India (Tamil)

Butea monosperma

Beginning of the Supramental Realisation

Purging – English

Cassia fistula


Purging cassia – English

Cassia fistula


Purgingnut – English

Jatropha podagrica

First response of the Subconscient to the supramental action

Purperwinde – English, Afrikaans

Ipomoea indica

Artistic taste

Purple allamanda – English

Allamanda violacea

Victory in the vital

Purple amaranth – English

Amaranthus caudatus

Fearlessness in action

Illumined strength in the vital

Purple angelonia – English

Angelonia grandiflora

Renunciation of vital desires

Purple arrowroot – English

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Purple bauhinia – English

Bauhinia purpurea

Stability in the higher vital

Stability in the vital

Purple bignonia – English

Saritaea magnifica

Vital opening

Purple butterfly tree – English

Bauhinia purpurea

Stability in the higher vital

Stability in the vital

Purple cestrum – English

Cestrum elegans

Light in the vital

Purple Mexican aster – English

Cosmos bipinnatus

Tranquillity of the sex centre when it is under the influence of the Supramental Light

Purple orchid tree – English

Bauhinia purpurea

Stability in the higher vital

Stability in the vital

Bauhinia variegata

Vital contentment

Purple queen – English

Tradescantia pallida

The vital governed by the Presence

Purpleheart – English

Tradescantia pallida

The vital governed by the Presence

Purpleheart wandering Jew – English

Tradescantia pallida

The vital governed by the Presence

Purple-red-flowered ornamental amaranth – English

Amaranthus tricolor


Purple-wreath – English

Petrea volubilis

Spiritual power of healing

Purslane – English

Portulaca grandiflora

Sri Aurobindo’s compassion

Pushkarmula – India (Sanskrit), India (Marathi)

Costus speciosus

Integral revelation


Pussy willow – English

Salix discolor

The future

Pussy-foot – English

Ageratum houstonianum

Vital patience

Puta vieja – English

Mimosa pudica

Vital sensitivity

Putat laut – English, Sarawak (Malay)

Barringtonia asiatica

Supramental action

Puta-tanni-maram – India (Tamil)

Careya arborea


Putokputukan – Tagalog (Malay)

Crotalaria juncea

Formative faculty in the mind

Puttupodarayarala – India (Telugu)

Vallaris solanacea

Psychic tranquillity

Puulā – India (Tamil)

Bombax ceiba

Solid steadfastness in the material consciousness

Puvalai – India (Tamil)

Canna indica

Friendship with the Divine

Progressive friendship with the Divine

Supramental friendship with the Divine

Puvaracu – India (Tamil)

Thespesia populnea


Puvarasu – India (Tamil)

Thespesia populnea


Puwak – Sinhalese

Areca catechu

Steadfast vitality

Pyinma – Burmese, English

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Intimacy with universal Nature

Pyrenees star of Bethlehem – English

Ornithogalum umbellatum

Beauty in collective simplicity

In Russian

In French