Rig Veda
Text & Audio
Sūkta 73
1. Info |
To: | agni | |
From: | parāśara śāktya | |
Metres: | triṣṭubh |
2. Audio |
▪ by South Indian brahmins |
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▪ by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. |
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3. Preferences |
Show these variants of riks numbering: |
Mandala. Sukta. Rik |
Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik |
Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik |
Show these variants of vedic text: |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Samhita |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Samhita |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Devanagari |
Without accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Accent |
Padapatha |
Transliteration |
Without accent |
Show interlinear translation |
Show interlinear translation made in Sri Aurobindo’s light [?] |
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3. Text |
01.073.01 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.082 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
र॒यिर्न यः पि॑तृवि॒त्तो व॑यो॒धाः सु॒प्रणी॑तिश्चिकि॒तुषो॒ न शासुः॑ ।
स्यो॒न॒शीरति॑थि॒र्न प्री॑णा॒नो होते॑व॒ सद्म॑ विध॒तो वि ता॑रीत् ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
रयिर्न यः पितृवित्तो वयोधाः सुप्रणीतिश्चिकितुषो न शासुः ।
स्योनशीरतिथिर्न प्रीणानो होतेव सद्म विधतो वि तारीत् ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
rayírná yáḥ pitṛvittó vayodhā́ḥ supráṇītiścikitúṣo ná śā́suḥ ǀ
syonaśī́rátithirná prīṇānó hóteva sádma vidható ví tārīt ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
rayirna yaḥ pitṛvitto vayodhāḥ supraṇītiścikituṣo na śāsuḥ ǀ
syonaśīratithirna prīṇāno hoteva sadma vidhato vi tārīt ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
र॒यिः । न । यः । पि॒तृ॒ऽवि॒त्तः । व॒यः॒ऽधाः । सु॒ऽप्रनी॑तिः । चि॒कि॒तुषः॑ । न । शासुः॑ ।
स्यो॒न॒ऽशीः । अति॑थिः । न । प्री॒णा॒नः । होता॑ऽइव । सद्म॑ । वि॒ध॒तः । वि । ता॒री॒त् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
रयिः । न । यः । पितृऽवित्तः । वयःऽधाः । सुऽप्रनीतिः । चिकितुषः । न । शासुः ।
स्योनऽशीः । अतिथिः । न । प्रीणानः । होताऽइव । सद्म । विधतः । वि । तारीत् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
rayíḥ ǀ ná ǀ yáḥ ǀ pitṛ-vittáḥ ǀ vayaḥ-dhā́ḥ ǀ su-pránītiḥ ǀ cikitúṣaḥ ǀ ná ǀ śā́suḥ ǀ
syona-śī́ḥ ǀ átithiḥ ǀ ná ǀ prīṇānáḥ ǀ hótā-iva ǀ sádma ǀ vidhatáḥ ǀ ví ǀ tārīt ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
rayiḥ ǀ na ǀ yaḥ ǀ pitṛ-vittaḥ ǀ vayaḥ-dhāḥ ǀ su-pranītiḥ ǀ cikituṣaḥ ǀ na ǀ śāsuḥ ǀ
syona-śīḥ ǀ atithiḥ ǀ na ǀ prīṇānaḥ ǀ hotā-iva ǀ sadma ǀ vidhataḥ ǀ vi ǀ tārīt ǁ
interlinear translation
He, who giving expanse {to us} {is} like wealth found by the fathers, {whose} command {is} like a good guidance of the knowing; happily resting like well pleased Guest , as if the Hotar has extended the abode of the offering one.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
He, who ← [3] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
giving expanse {to us} ← [5] vayaḥ-dhāḥ (noun M-N single) ← vayodhā
{is} like ← [2] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
wealth ← [1] rayiḥ (noun M-N single) ← rayi
found by the fathers ← [4] pitṛ-vittaḥ (noun M-N single) ← pitṛvitta
{whose} command ← [9] śāsuḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← śāsus
{is} like ← [8] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
a good guidance ← [6] su-pranītiḥ (noun F-N single) ← supraṇīti
of the knowing ← [7] cikituṣaḥ (Participle M-G single) ← cikitvaḥ
; happily resting ← [10] syona-śīḥ (noun M-N single) ← syonaśī
like ← [12] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
well pleased ← [13] prīṇānaḥ (Participle M-N single) ← prīṇāna
Guest ← [11] atithiḥ (noun M-N single) ← atithi
as if the Hotar ← [14] hotā-iva (noun M-N single) ← hotṛ
has extended ← [17] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [18] tārīt = atārīt (verb Aorist Active single 3rd) ← tṝ
the abode ← [15] sadma (noun N-Ac single) ← sadman
of the offering one ← [16] vidhataḥ (Participle M-G single) ← vidhat
01.073.02 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.083 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
दे॒वो न यः स॑वि॒ता स॒त्यम॑न्मा॒ क्रत्वा॑ नि॒पाति॑ वृ॒जना॑नि॒ विश्वा॑ ।
पु॒रु॒प्र॒श॒स्तो अ॒मति॒र्न स॒त्य आ॒त्मेव॒ शेवो॑ दिधि॒षाय्यो॑ भूत् ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
देवो न यः सविता सत्यमन्मा क्रत्वा निपाति वृजनानि विश्वा ।
पुरुप्रशस्तो अमतिर्न सत्य आत्मेव शेवो दिधिषाय्यो भूत् ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
devó ná yáḥ savitā́ satyámanmā krátvā nipā́ti vṛjánāni víśvā ǀ
purupraśastó amátirná satyá ātméva śévo didhiṣā́yyo bhūt ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
devo na yaḥ savitā satyamanmā kratvā nipāti vṛjanāni viśvā ǀ
purupraśasto amatirna satya ātmeva śevo didhiṣāyyo bhūt ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
दे॒वः । न । यः । स॒वि॒ता । स॒त्यऽम॑न्मा । क्रत्वा॑ । नि॒ऽपाति॑ । वृ॒जना॑नि । विश्वा॑ ।
पु॒रु॒ऽप्र॒श॒स्तः । अ॒मतिः॑ । न । स॒त्यः । आ॒त्माऽइ॑व । शेवः॑ । दि॒धि॒षाय्यः॑ । भू॒त् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
देवः । न । यः । सविता । सत्यऽमन्मा । क्रत्वा । निऽपाति । वृजनानि । विश्वा ।
पुरुऽप्रशस्तः । अमतिः । न । सत्यः । आत्माऽइव । शेवः । दिधिषाय्यः । भूत् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
deváḥ ǀ ná ǀ yáḥ ǀ savitā́ ǀ satyá-manmā ǀ krátvā ǀ ni-pā́ti ǀ vṛjánāni ǀ víśvā ǀ
puru-praśastáḥ ǀ amátiḥ ǀ ná ǀ satyáḥ ǀ ātmā́-iva ǀ śévaḥ ǀ didhiṣā́yyaḥ ǀ bhūt ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
devaḥ ǀ na ǀ yaḥ ǀ savitā ǀ satya-manmā ǀ kratvā ǀ ni-pāti ǀ vṛjanāni ǀ viśvā ǀ
puru-praśastaḥ ǀ amatiḥ ǀ na ǀ satyaḥ ǀ ātmā-iva ǀ śevaḥ ǀ didhiṣāyyaḥ ǀ bhūt ǁ
interlinear translation
{He}, who like god Savitri {is} true in thought, protects by {his} will all earthly worlds , much proclaimed as the splendour, the true , {he} becomes supporter as blissful Atman .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{He} ← [7] ni-pāti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← nipā
who ← [3] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
like ← [2] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
god ← [1] devaḥ (noun M-N single) ← deva
Savitri ← [4] savitā (noun M-N single) ← savitṛ
{is} true in thought ← [5] satya-manmā (noun M-N single) ← satyamanman
protects ← [7] ni-pāti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← nipā
by {his} will ← [6] kratvā (noun M-I single) ← kratu
all ← [9] viśvā = viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← viśva
earthly worlds ← [8] vṛjanāni (noun N-Ac plural) ← vṛjana
much proclaimed ← [10] puru-praśastaḥ (noun M-N single) ← purupraśasta
as ← [12] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
the splendour ← [11] amatiḥ (noun F-N single) ← amati
the true ← [13] satyaḥ (noun M-N single) ← satya
{he} becomes ← [17] bhūt (verb Injunctive Active single 3rd) ← bhū
supporter ← [16] didhiṣāyyaḥ (noun M-N single) ← didhiṣāyya
as blissful ← [15] śevaḥ (noun M-N single) ← śeva
Atman ← [14] ātmā-iva (noun M-N single) ← ātman
01.073.03 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.084 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
दे॒वो न यः पृ॑थि॒वीं वि॒श्वधा॑या उप॒क्षेति॑ हि॒तमि॑त्रो॒ न राजा॑ ।
पु॒रः॒सदः॑ शर्म॒सदो॒ न वी॒रा अ॑नव॒द्या पति॑जुष्टेव॒ नारी॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
देवो न यः पृथिवीं विश्वधाया उपक्षेति हितमित्रो न राजा ।
पुरःसदः शर्मसदो न वीरा अनवद्या पतिजुष्टेव नारी ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
devó ná yáḥ pṛthivī́m viśvádhāyā upakṣéti hitámitro ná rā́jā ǀ
puraḥsádaḥ śarmasádo ná vīrā́ anavadyā́ pátijuṣṭeva nā́rī ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
devo na yaḥ pṛthivīm viśvadhāyā upakṣeti hitamitro na rājā ǀ
puraḥsadaḥ śarmasado na vīrā anavadyā patijuṣṭeva nārī ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
दे॒वः । न । यः । पृ॒थि॒वीम् । वि॒श्वऽधा॑याः । उ॒प॒ऽक्षेति॑ । हि॒तऽमि॑त्रः । न । राजा॑ ।
पु॒रः॒ऽसदः॑ । श॒र्म॒ऽसदः॑ । न । वी॒राः । अ॒न॒व॒द्या । पति॑जुष्टाऽइव । नारी॑ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
देवः । न । यः । पृथिवीम् । विश्वऽधायाः । उपऽक्षेति । हितऽमित्रः । न । राजा ।
पुरःऽसदः । शर्मऽसदः । न । वीराः । अनवद्या । पतिजुष्टाऽइव । नारी ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
deváḥ ǀ ná ǀ yáḥ ǀ pṛthivī́m ǀ viśvá-dhāyāḥ ǀ upa-kṣéti ǀ hitá-mitraḥ ǀ ná ǀ rā́jā ǀ
puraḥ-sádaḥ ǀ śarma-sádaḥ ǀ ná ǀ vīrā́ḥ ǀ anavadyā́ ǀ pátijuṣṭā-iva ǀ nā́rī ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
devaḥ ǀ na ǀ yaḥ ǀ pṛthivīm ǀ viśva-dhāyāḥ ǀ upa-kṣeti ǀ hita-mitraḥ ǀ na ǀ rājā ǀ
puraḥ-sadaḥ ǀ śarma-sadaḥ ǀ na ǀ vīrāḥ ǀ anavadyā ǀ patijuṣṭā-iva ǀ nārī ǁ
interlinear translation
{He}, who as god supporting all, lives on Earth like benevolent king, like heroes sitting in our front in a peaceful happiness, like a faultless wife loved by her husband.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
{He} ← [6] upa-kṣeti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← upakṣi
who ← [3] yaḥ (pronoun M-N single) ← yad
as ← [2] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
god ← [1] devaḥ (noun M-N single) ← deva
supporting all ← [5] viśva-dhāyāḥ = viśvadhāyān (noun M-N single) ← viśvadhāyas
lives ← [6] upa-kṣeti (verb Present Active single 3rd) ← upakṣi
on Earth ← [4] pṛthivīm (noun F-Ac single) ← pṛthivī
like ← [8] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
benevolent ← [7] hita-mitraḥ (noun M-N single) ← hitamitra
king ← [9] rājā (noun M-N single) ← rājan
like ← [12] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)
heroes ← [13] vīrāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← vīra
sitting in our front ← [10] puraḥ-sadaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← puraḥsad
in a peaceful happiness ← [11] śarma-sadaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← śarmasad
like a faultless ← [14] anavadyā (noun F-N single) ← anavadya
wife ← [16] nārī (noun F-N single)
loved by her husband ← [15] patijuṣṭā-iva (noun F-N single) ← patijuṣṭā
01.073.04 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.085 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
तं त्वा॒ नरो॒ दम॒ आ नित्य॑मि॒द्धमग्ने॒ सचं॑त क्षि॒तिषु॑ ध्रु॒वासु॑ ।
अधि॑ द्यु॒म्नं नि द॑धु॒र्भूर्य॑स्मि॒न्भवा॑ वि॒श्वायु॑र्ध॒रुणो॑ रयी॒णां ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
तं त्वा नरो दम आ नित्यमिद्धमग्ने सचंत क्षितिषु ध्रुवासु ।
अधि द्युम्नं नि दधुर्भूर्यस्मिन्भवा विश्वायुर्धरुणो रयीणां ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
tám tvā náro dáma ā́ nítyamiddhámágne sácanta kṣitíṣu dhruvā́su ǀ
ádhi dyumnám ní dadhurbhū́ryasminbhávā viśvā́yurdharúṇo rayīṇā́m ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
tam tvā naro dama ā nityamiddhamagne sacanta kṣitiṣu dhruvāsu ǀ
adhi dyumnam ni dadhurbhūryasminbhavā viśvāyurdharuṇo rayīṇām ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
तम् । त्वा॒ । नरः॑ । दमे॑ । आ । नित्य॑म् । इ॒द्धम् । अ॒ग्ने॒ । सच॑न्त । क्षि॒तिषु॑ । ध्रु॒वासु॑ ।
अधि॑ । द्यु॒म्नम् । नि । द॒धुः॒ । भूरि॑ । अ॒स्मि॒न् । भव॑ । वि॒श्वऽआ॑युः । ध॒रुणः॑ । र॒यी॒णाम् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
तम् । त्वा । नरः । दमे । आ । नित्यम् । इद्धम् । अग्ने । सचन्त । क्षितिषु । ध्रुवासु ।
अधि । द्युम्नम् । नि । दधुः । भूरि । अस्मिन् । भव । विश्वऽआयुः । धरुणः । रयीणाम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
tám ǀ tvā ǀ náraḥ ǀ dáme ǀ ā́ ǀ nítyam ǀ iddhám ǀ agne ǀ sácanta ǀ kṣitíṣu ǀ dhruvā́su ǀ
ádhi ǀ dyumnám ǀ ní ǀ dadhuḥ ǀ bhū́ri ǀ asmin ǀ bháva ǀ viśvá-āyuḥ ǀ dharúṇaḥ ǀ rayīṇā́m ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
tam ǀ tvā ǀ naraḥ ǀ dame ǀ ā ǀ nityam ǀ iddham ǀ agne ǀ sacanta ǀ kṣitiṣu ǀ dhruvāsu ǀ
adhi ǀ dyumnam ǀ ni ǀ dadhuḥ ǀ bhūri ǀ asmin ǀ bhava ǀ viśva-āyuḥ ǀ dharuṇaḥ ǀ rayīṇām ǁ
interlinear translation
To such thee, O Agni , to the eternal, to the kindled in {our} house , the manly ones cleaved in the eternal worlds of habitation; {they} have established {this} great illumination {of the Truth} from above within this {Rishi}. Do be, O everywhere living , supporter of riches .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
To such ← [1] tam (pronoun M-Ac single) ← sa
thee ← [2] tvā (pronoun Ac single 2nd) ← tva
O Agni ← [8] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
to the eternal ← [6] nityam (noun M-Ac single) ← nitya
to the kindled ← [7] iddham (noun M-Ac single) ← iddha
in {our} house ← [4] dame (noun M-L single) ← dama
the manly ones ← [3] naraḥ (noun M-N plural) ← nara
cleaved ← [5] ā (preposition); [9] sacanta = asacanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← sac
in the eternal ← [11] dhruvāsu (noun F-L plural) ← dhruva
worlds of habitation ← [10] kṣitiṣu (noun F-L plural) ← kṣiti
; {they} have established ← [15] dadhuḥ (verb Perfect Active plural 3rd) ← dhā
{this} great ← [16] bhūri (noun N-Ac single)
illumination {of the Truth} ← [13] dyumnam (noun N-Ac single) ← dyumna
from above ← [12] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
within ← [14] ni (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
this {Rishi} ← [17] asmin (pronoun M-L single) ← iyam
Do be ← [18] bhava (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd) ← bhū
O everywhere living ← [19] viśva-āyuḥ (noun M-V single) ← viśvāyu
supporter ← [20] dharuṇaḥ (noun M-N single) ← dharuṇa
of riches ← [21] rayīṇām (noun M-G plural) ← rayi
01.073.05 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.086 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
वि पृक्षो॑ अग्ने म॒घवा॑नो अश्यु॒र्वि सू॒रयो॒ दद॑तो॒ विश्व॒मायुः॑ ।
स॒नेम॒ वाजं॑ समि॒थेष्व॒र्यो भा॒गं दे॒वेषु॒ श्रव॑से॒ दधा॑नाः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
वि पृक्षो अग्ने मघवानो अश्युर्वि सूरयो ददतो विश्वमायुः ।
सनेम वाजं समिथेष्वर्यो भागं देवेषु श्रवसे दधानाः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ví pṛ́kṣo agne maghávāno aśyurví sūráyo dádato víśvamā́yuḥ ǀ
sanéma vā́jam samithéṣvaryó bhāgám devéṣu śrávase dádhānāḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
vi pṛkṣo agne maghavāno aśyurvi sūrayo dadato viśvamāyuḥ ǀ
sanema vājam samitheṣvaryo bhāgam deveṣu śravase dadhānāḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
वि । पृक्षः॑ । अ॒ग्ने॒ । म॒घऽवा॑नः । अश्युः॑ । वि । सू॒रयः॑ । दद॑तः । विश्व॑म् । आयुः॑ ।
स॒नेम॑ । वाज॑म् । स॒म्ऽइ॒थेषु॑ । अ॒र्यः । भा॒गम् । दे॒वेषु॑ । श्रव॑से । दधा॑नाः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
वि । पृक्षः । अग्ने । मघऽवानः । अश्युः । वि । सूरयः । ददतः । विश्वम् । आयुः ।
सनेम । वाजम् । सम्ऽइथेषु । अर्यः । भागम् । देवेषु । श्रवसे । दधानाः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ví ǀ pṛ́kṣaḥ ǀ agne ǀ maghá-vānaḥ ǀ áśyuḥ ǀ ví ǀ sūráyaḥ ǀ dádataḥ ǀ víśvam ǀ ā́yuḥ ǀ
sanéma ǀ vā́jam ǀ sam-ithéṣu ǀ aryáḥ ǀ bhāgám ǀ devéṣu ǀ śrávase ǀ dádhānāḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
vi ǀ pṛkṣaḥ ǀ agne ǀ magha-vānaḥ ǀ aśyuḥ ǀ vi ǀ sūrayaḥ ǀ dadataḥ ǀ viśvam ǀ āyuḥ ǀ
sanema ǀ vājam ǀ sam-itheṣu ǀ aryaḥ ǀ bhāgam ǀ deveṣu ǀ śravase ǀ dadhānāḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , let the masters of plenitude obtain enjoyments , the illumined seers giving out all {their} life; {we}, the Arians , want to conquer plenitude in battles, holding a share in the gods for the hearing {of the Truth} .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [3] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
let ← [5] aśyuḥ (verb Optative Active plural 3rd) ← aś
the masters of plenitude ← [4] magha-vānaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← maghavan
obtain ← [1] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [5] aśyuḥ (verb Optative Active plural 3rd) ← aś
enjoyments ← [2] pṛkṣaḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← pṛkṣ
the illumined seers ← [7] sūrayaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← sūri
giving out ← [6] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [8] dadataḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← aṃśa
all ← [9] viśvam (noun N-Ac single) ← viśva
{their} life ← [10] āyuḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← āyus
; {we} ← [11] sanema (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← san
the Arians ← [14] aryaḥ = aryāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← arya
want to conquer ← [11] sanema (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← san
plenitude ← [12] vājam (noun M-Ac single) ← vāja
in battles ← [13] sam-itheṣu (noun M-L plural) ← samitha
holding ← [18] dadhānāḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← dadhāna
a share ← [15] bhāgam (noun M-Ac single) ← bhāga
in the gods ← [16] deveṣu (noun M-L plural) ← deva
for the hearing {of the Truth} ← [17] śravase (noun N-D single) ← śravas
01.073.06 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.087 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ऋ॒तस्य॒ हि धे॒नवो॑ वावशा॒नाः स्मदू॑ध्नीः पी॒पयं॑त॒ द्युभ॑क्ताः ।
प॒रा॒वतः॑ सुम॒तिं भिक्ष॑माणा॒ वि सिंध॑वः स॒मया॑ सस्रु॒रद्रिं॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
ऋतस्य हि धेनवो वावशानाः स्मदूध्नीः पीपयंत द्युभक्ताः ।
परावतः सुमतिं भिक्षमाणा वि सिंधवः समया सस्रुरद्रिं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
ṛtásya hí dhenávo vāvaśānā́ḥ smádūdhnīḥ pīpáyanta dyúbhaktāḥ ǀ
parāvátaḥ sumatím bhíkṣamāṇā ví síndhavaḥ samáyā sasrurádrim ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
ṛtasya hi dhenavo vāvaśānāḥ smadūdhnīḥ pīpayanta dyubhaktāḥ ǀ
parāvataḥ sumatim bhikṣamāṇā vi sindhavaḥ samayā sasruradrim ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
ऋ॒तस्य॑ । हि । धे॒नवः॑ । वा॒व॒शा॒नाः । स्मत्ऽऊ॑ध्नीः । पी॒पय॑न्त । द्युऽभ॑क्ताः ।
प॒रा॒ऽवतः॑ । सु॒ऽम॒तिम् । भिक्ष॑माणाः । वि । सिन्ध॑वः । स॒मया॑ । स॒स्रुः॒ । अद्रि॑म् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
ऋतस्य । हि । धेनवः । वावशानाः । स्मत्ऽऊध्नीः । पीपयन्त । द्युऽभक्ताः ।
पराऽवतः । सुऽमतिम् । भिक्षमाणाः । वि । सिन्धवः । समया । सस्रुः । अद्रिम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
ṛtásya ǀ hí ǀ dhenávaḥ ǀ vāvaśānā́ḥ ǀ smát-ūdhnīḥ ǀ pīpáyanta ǀ dyú-bhaktāḥ ǀ
parā-vátaḥ ǀ su-matím ǀ bhíkṣamāṇāḥ ǀ ví ǀ síndhavaḥ ǀ samáyā ǀ sasruḥ ǀ ádrim ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
ṛtasya ǀ hi ǀ dhenavaḥ ǀ vāvaśānāḥ ǀ smat-ūdhnīḥ ǀ pīpayanta ǀ dyu-bhaktāḥ ǀ
parā-vataḥ ǀ su-matim ǀ bhikṣamāṇāḥ ǀ vi ǀ sindhavaḥ ǀ samayā ǀ sasruḥ ǀ adrim ǁ
interlinear translation
For the milch-cows of the Truth , granted by Heaven, fed {us}, the swelled, bellowing, full-uddered; the rivers , desiring right thinking of the Beyond , spread altogether over Mountain .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
For ← [2] hi (indeclinable word; particle)
the milch-cows ← [3] dhenavaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← dhenu
of the Truth ← [1] ṛtasya (noun M-G single) ← ṛta
granted by Heaven ← [7] dyu-bhaktāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← dyubhakta
fed {us} ← [6] pīpayanta = apyāyanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← pyai
the swelled ← [6] pīpayanta = apyāyanta (verb Imperfect Middle plural 3rd) ← pyai
bellowing ← [4] vāvaśānāḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← vāś
full-uddered ← [5] smat-ūdhnīḥ (noun F-Ac plural) ← smadūdhnī
; the rivers ← [12] sindhavaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← sindhu
desiring ← [10] bhikṣamāṇāḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← bhikṣamāṇa
right thinking ← [9] su-matim (noun F-Ac single) ← sumati
of the Beyond ← [8] parā-vataḥ (noun F-G single) ← parāvat
spread ← [11] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [14] sasruḥ (verb Perfect Active plural 3rd) ← sṛ
altogether ← [13] samayā (indeclinable word; adverb)
over Mountain ← [15] adrim (noun M-Ac single) ← adri
01.073.07 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.088 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
त्वे अ॑ग्ने सुम॒तिं भिक्ष॑माणा दि॒वि श्रवो॑ दधिरे य॒ज्ञिया॑सः ।
नक्ता॑ च च॒क्रुरु॒षसा॒ विरू॑पे कृ॒ष्णं च॒ वर्ण॑मरु॒णं च॒ सं धुः॑ ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
त्वे अग्ने सुमतिं भिक्षमाणा दिवि श्रवो दधिरे यज्ञियासः ।
नक्ता च चक्रुरुषसा विरूपे कृष्णं च वर्णमरुणं च सं धुः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
tvé agne sumatím bhíkṣamāṇā diví śrávo dadhire yajñíyāsaḥ ǀ
náktā ca cakrúruṣásā vírūpe kṛṣṇám ca várṇamaruṇám ca sám dhuḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
tve agne sumatim bhikṣamāṇā divi śravo dadhire yajñiyāsaḥ ǀ
naktā ca cakruruṣasā virūpe kṛṣṇam ca varṇamaruṇam ca sam dhuḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
त्वे इति॑ । अ॒ग्ने॒ । सु॒ऽम॒तिम् । भिक्ष॑माणाः । दि॒वि । श्रवः॑ । द॒धि॒रे॒ । य॒ज्ञियाः॑ ।
नक्ता॑ । च॒ । च॒क्रुः । उ॒षसा॑ । विरू॑पे॒ इति॒ विऽरू॑पे । कृ॒ष्णम् । च॒ । वर्ण॑म् । अ॒रु॒णम् । च॒ । सम् । धु॒रिति॑ धुः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
त्वे इति । अग्ने । सुऽमतिम् । भिक्षमाणाः । दिवि । श्रवः । दधिरे । यज्ञियाः ।
नक्ता । च । चक्रुः । उषसा । विरूपे इति विऽरूपे । कृष्णम् । च । वर्णम् । अरुणम् । च । सम् । धुरिति धुः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
tvé íti ǀ agne ǀ su-matím ǀ bhíkṣamāṇāḥ ǀ diví ǀ śrávaḥ ǀ dadhire ǀ yajñíyāḥ ǀ
náktā ǀ ca ǀ cakrúḥ ǀ uṣásā ǀ vírūpe íti ví-rūpe ǀ kṛṣṇám ǀ ca ǀ várṇam ǀ aruṇám ǀ ca ǀ sám ǀ dhuríti dhuḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
tve iti ǀ agne ǀ su-matim ǀ bhikṣamāṇāḥ ǀ divi ǀ śravaḥ ǀ dadhire ǀ yajñiyāḥ ǀ
naktā ǀ ca ǀ cakruḥ ǀ uṣasā ǀ virūpe iti vi-rūpe ǀ kṛṣṇam ǀ ca ǀ varṇam ǀ aruṇam ǀ ca ǀ sam ǀ dhuriti dhuḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
The sacrificers , desiring the right thinking in thee, O Agni , have established the hearing {of the Truth} in Heaven , have made Night and Dawn of different forms, upheld altogether both of black and of ruddy varna .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
The sacrificers ← [8] yajñiyāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← yajñiya
desiring ← [4] bhikṣamāṇāḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← bhikṣamāṇa
the right thinking ← [3] su-matim (noun F-Ac single) ← sumati
in thee ← [1] tve iti (pronoun L single 2nd) ← tva
O Agni ← [2] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
have established ← [7] dadhire (verb Perfect Middle plural 3rd) ← dhā
the hearing {of the Truth} ← [6] śravaḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← śravas
in Heaven ← [5] divi (noun M-L single) ← div
have made ← [11] cakruḥ (verb Perfect Active plural 3rd) ← kṛ
Night ← [9] naktā (noun F-Ac double) ← nakta
and ← [10] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
Dawn ← [12] uṣasā = uṣasau (noun F-Ac double) ← uṣas
of different forms ← [13] virūpe iti vi-rūpe (noun F-Ac double) ← virūpa
upheld ← [20] dhuriti dhuḥ = adhuḥ (verb Aorist Active plural 3rd) ← dhā
altogether ← [19] sam (indeclinable word; adverb)
both ← [15] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
of black ← [14] kṛṣṇam (noun M-Ac single) ← kṛṣṇa
and ← [18] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
of ruddy ← [17] aruṇam (noun M-Ac single) ← aruṇa
varna ← [16] varṇam (noun M-Ac single) ← varṇa
01.073.08 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.089 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
यान्रा॒ये मर्ता॒न्त्सुषू॑दो अग्ने॒ ते स्या॑म म॒घवा॑नो व॒यं च॑ ।
छा॒येव॒ विश्वं॒ भुव॑नं सिसक्ष्यापप्रि॒वान्रोद॑सी अं॒तरि॑क्षं ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
यान्राये मर्तान्त्सुषूदो अग्ने ते स्याम मघवानो वयं च ।
छायेव विश्वं भुवनं सिसक्ष्यापप्रिवान्रोदसी अंतरिक्षं ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
yā́nrāyé mártāntsúṣūdo agne té syāma maghávāno vayám ca ǀ
chāyéva víśvam bhúvanam sisakṣyāpaprivā́nródasī antárikṣam ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
yānrāye martāntsuṣūdo agne te syāma maghavāno vayam ca ǀ
chāyeva viśvam bhuvanam sisakṣyāpaprivānrodasī antarikṣam ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
यान् । रा॒ये । मर्ता॑न् । सुसू॑दः । अ॒ग्ने॒ । ते । स्या॒म॒ । म॒घऽवा॑नः । व॒यम् । च॒ ।
छा॒याऽइ॑व । विश्व॑म् । भुव॑नम् । सि॒स॒क्षि॒ । आ॒प॒प्रि॒ऽवान् । रोद॑सी॒ इति॑ । अ॒न्तरि॑क्षम् ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
यान् । राये । मर्तान् । सुसूदः । अग्ने । ते । स्याम । मघऽवानः । वयम् । च ।
छायाऽइव । विश्वम् । भुवनम् । सिसक्षि । आपप्रिऽवान् । रोदसी इति । अन्तरिक्षम् ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
yā́n ǀ rāyé ǀ mártān ǀ súsūdaḥ ǀ agne ǀ té ǀ syāma ǀ maghá-vānaḥ ǀ vayám ǀ ca ǀ
chāyā́-iva ǀ víśvam ǀ bhúvanam ǀ sisakṣi ǀ āpapri-vā́n ǀ ródasī íti ǀ antárikṣam ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
yān ǀ rāye ǀ martān ǀ susūdaḥ ǀ agne ǀ te ǀ syāma ǀ magha-vānaḥ ǀ vayam ǀ ca ǀ
chāyā-iva ǀ viśvam ǀ bhuvanam ǀ sisakṣi ǀ āpapri-vān ǀ rodasī iti ǀ antarikṣam ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , let us become those mortals whom {thou} setest in movement for wealth and the masters of plenitude . {Thou} goest inseparably with whole world of existence like a shadow, having filled {two} firmaments (Earth and Heaven) {and} Mid-World .
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [5] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
let us ← [9] vayam (pronoun N plural 1st)
become ← [7] syāma (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← as
those ← [6] te (pronoun M-N plural 3rd) ← sa
mortals ← [3] martān (noun M-Ac plural) ← marta
whom ← [1] yān (pronoun M-Ac plural) ← yad
{thou} setest in movement ← [4] susūdaḥ = asūdaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd) ← sūd
for wealth ← [2] rāye (noun M-D single) ← rai
and ← [10] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
the masters of plenitude ← [8] magha-vānaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← maghavan
{Thou} goest inseparably with ← [14] sisakṣi = sakṣasi (verb Present Active single 2nd) ← sakṣ
whole ← [12] viśvam (noun M-Ac single) ← viśva
world of existence ← [13] bhuvanam (noun N-Ac single) ← bhuvana
like a shadow ← [11] chāyā-iva (noun F-N single) ← chāya
having filled ← [15] āpapri-vān (Participle M-N single Perfect) ← āprā
{two} firmaments (Earth and Heaven) ← [16] rodasī iti (noun N-Ac double) ← rodas
{and} Mid-World ← [17] antarikṣam (noun N-Ac single) ← antarikṣa
01.073.09 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.090 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
अर्व॑द्भिरग्ने॒ अर्व॑तो॒ नृभि॒र्नॄन्वी॒रैर्वी॒रान्व॑नुयामा॒ त्वोताः॑ ।
ई॒शा॒नासः॑ पितृवि॒त्तस्य॑ रा॒यो वि सू॒रयः॑ श॒तहि॑मा नो अश्युः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
अर्वद्भिरग्ने अर्वतो नृभिर्नॄन्वीरैर्वीरान्वनुयामा त्वोताः ।
ईशानासः पितृवित्तस्य रायो वि सूरयः शतहिमा नो अश्युः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
árvadbhiragne árvato nṛ́bhirnṝ́nvīráirvīrā́nvanuyāmā tvótāḥ ǀ
īśānā́saḥ pitṛvittásya rāyó ví sūráyaḥ śatáhimā no aśyuḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
arvadbhiragne arvato nṛbhirnṝnvīrairvīrānvanuyāmā tvotāḥ ǀ
īśānāsaḥ pitṛvittasya rāyo vi sūrayaḥ śatahimā no aśyuḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
अर्व॑त्ऽभिः । अ॒ग्ने॒ । अर्व॑तः । नृऽभिः॑ । नॄन् । वी॒रैः । वी॒रान् । व॒नु॒या॒म॒ । त्वाऽऊ॑ताः ।
ई॒शा॒नासः॑ । पि॒तृ॒ऽवि॒त्तस्य॑ । रा॒यः । वि । सू॒रयः॑ । श॒तऽहि॑माः । नः॒ । अ॒श्युः॒ ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
अर्वत्ऽभिः । अग्ने । अर्वतः । नृऽभिः । नॄन् । वीरैः । वीरान् । वनुयाम । त्वाऽऊताः ।
ईशानासः । पितृऽवित्तस्य । रायः । वि । सूरयः । शतऽहिमाः । नः । अश्युः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
árvat-bhiḥ ǀ agne ǀ árvataḥ ǀ nṛ́-bhiḥ ǀ nṝ́n ǀ vīráiḥ ǀ vīrā́n ǀ vanuyāma ǀ tvā́-ūtāḥ ǀ
īśānā́saḥ ǀ pitṛ-vittásya ǀ rāyáḥ ǀ ví ǀ sūráyaḥ ǀ śatá-himāḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ aśyuḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
arvat-bhiḥ ǀ agne ǀ arvataḥ ǀ nṛ-bhiḥ ǀ nṝn ǀ vīraiḥ ǀ vīrān ǀ vanuyāma ǀ tvā-ūtāḥ ǀ
īśānāsaḥ ǀ pitṛ-vittasya ǀ rāyaḥ ǀ vi ǀ sūrayaḥ ǀ śata-himāḥ ǀ naḥ ǀ aśyuḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
O Agni , protected by thee, {we} want to acqure coursers by coursers , manly ones by manly ones , heroes by heroes , {we}, the masters of riches found by fathers, want {that} our illumined seers achieve lasting for a hundred winters.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
O Agni ← [2] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
protected by thee ← [9] tvā-ūtāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← tvota
{we} want to acqure ← [8] vanuyāma (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← van
coursers ← [3] arvataḥ (noun M-Ac plural) ← arvat
by coursers ← [1] arvat-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← arvat
manly ones ← [5] nṝn (noun M-Ac plural) ← nṛ
by manly ones ← [4] nṛ-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← nṛ
heroes ← [7] vīrān (noun M-Ac plural) ← vīra
by heroes ← [6] vīraiḥ (noun M-I plural) ← vīra
{we} ← [17] aśyuḥ (verb Optative Active plural 3rd) ← aś
the masters ← [10] īśānāsaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← īśāna
of riches ← [12] rāyaḥ (noun M-Ac plural) ← rai
found by fathers ← [11] pitṛ-vittasya (noun M-G single) ← pitṛvitta
want ← [17] aśyuḥ (verb Optative Active plural 3rd) ← aś
{that} our ← [16] naḥ (pronoun G plural 1st) ← vayam
illumined seers ← [14] sūrayaḥ (noun M-N plural) ← sūri
achieve ← [13] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [17] aśyuḥ (verb Optative Active plural 3rd) ← aś
lasting for a hundred winters ← [15] śata-himāḥ (noun M-N plural) ← śatahima
01.073.10 (Mandala. Sukta. Rik) (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)
1.12.091 (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)
Samhita Devanagari Accented
ए॒ता ते॑ अग्न उ॒चथा॑नि वेधो॒ जुष्टा॑नि संतु॒ मन॑से हृ॒दे च॑ ।
श॒केम॑ रा॒यः सु॒धुरो॒ यमं॒ तेऽधि॒ श्रवो॑ दे॒वभ॑क्तं॒ दधा॑नाः ॥
Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented
एता ते अग्न उचथानि वेधो जुष्टानि संतु मनसे हृदे च ।
शकेम रायः सुधुरो यमं तेऽधि श्रवो देवभक्तं दधानाः ॥
Samhita transliteration accented
etā́ te agna ucáthāni vedho júṣṭāni santu mánase hṛdé ca ǀ
śakéma rāyáḥ sudhúro yámam té’dhi śrávo devábhaktam dádhānāḥ ǁ
Samhita transliteration nonaccented
etā te agna ucathāni vedho juṣṭāni santu manase hṛde ca ǀ
śakema rāyaḥ sudhuro yamam te’dhi śravo devabhaktam dadhānāḥ ǁ
Padapatha Devanagari Accented
ए॒ता । ते॒ । अ॒ग्ने॒ । उ॒चथा॑नि । वे॒धः॒ । जुष्टा॑नि । स॒न्तु॒ । मन॑से । हृ॒दे । च॒ ।
श॒केम॑ । रा॒यः । सु॒ऽधुरः॑ । यम॑म् । ते॒ । अधि॑ । श्रवः॑ । दे॒वऽभ॑क्तम् । दधा॑नाः ॥
Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented
एता । ते । अग्ने । उचथानि । वेधः । जुष्टानि । सन्तु । मनसे । हृदे । च ।
शकेम । रायः । सुऽधुरः । यमम् । ते । अधि । श्रवः । देवऽभक्तम् । दधानाः ॥
Padapatha transliteration accented
etā́ ǀ te ǀ agne ǀ ucáthāni ǀ vedhaḥ ǀ júṣṭāni ǀ santu ǀ mánase ǀ hṛdé ǀ ca ǀ
śakéma ǀ rāyáḥ ǀ su-dhúraḥ ǀ yámam ǀ te ǀ ádhi ǀ śrávaḥ ǀ devá-bhaktam ǀ dádhānāḥ ǁ
Padapatha transliteration nonaccented
etā ǀ te ǀ agne ǀ ucathāni ǀ vedhaḥ ǀ juṣṭāni ǀ santu ǀ manase ǀ hṛde ǀ ca ǀ
śakema ǀ rāyaḥ ǀ su-dhuraḥ ǀ yamam ǀ te ǀ adhi ǀ śravaḥ ǀ deva-bhaktam ǀ dadhānāḥ ǁ
interlinear translation
Let these utterances, O Agni , O active in works , be beloved for thee, for the mind and for the heart; {we} want to have power to hold these well yoked riches , {we}, holding hearing {of the Truth} bestowed by the gods from above.
Translation — Padapatha — Grammar
Let ← [7] santu (verb Present Imperative Active plural 3rd) ← as
these ← [1] etā = etāni (noun N-N plural) ← etad
utterances ← [4] ucathāni (noun N-N plural) ← ucatha
O Agni ← [3] agne (noun M-V single) ← agni
O active in works ← [5] vedhaḥ (noun M-V single) ← vedhas
be ← [7] santu (verb Present Imperative Active plural 3rd) ← as
beloved ← [6] juṣṭāni (noun N-N plural) ← juṣṭa
for thee ← [2] te (pronoun D single 2nd) ← tva
for the mind ← [8] manase (noun N-D single) ← manas
and ← [10] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)
for the heart ← [9] hṛde (noun N-D single) ← hṛd
; {we} want to have power ← [11] śakema (verb Optative Active plural 1st) ← śak
to hold ← [14] yamam (verb Infinitive) ← yam
these ← [15] te (pronoun M-N plural 3rd) ← sa
well yoked ← [13] su-dhuraḥ (noun M-Ac plural) ← sudhur
riches ← [12] rāyaḥ (noun M-Ac plural) ← rai
{we}, holding ← [19] dadhānāḥ (Participle M-N plural) ← dhā
hearing {of the Truth} ← [17] śravaḥ (noun N-Ac single) ← śravas
bestowed by the gods ← [18] deva-bhaktam (noun M-Ac single) ← devabhakta
from above ← [16] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)
Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo |
1. 19461
1.73.1. He is like an ancestral wealth that founds our strength, perfect in his leading like the command2 of one who knows, he is like a guest lying happily well-pleased, he is like a priest of invocation and increases the house of his worshipper.
1.73.2. He is like the divine Sun true in his thoughts and guards by his will all our strong places; he is like a splendour manifoldly expressed, he is like a blissful self and our support3.
1.73.3. He is like a God upholding the world and he inhabits earth like a good and friendly king: he is like a company of heroes sitting in our front, dwelling in our house; he is as if a blameless wife beloved of her lord.
1.73.4. Such art thou, O Fire, to whom men cleave, kindled eternal in the house, in the abiding worlds of thy habitation. They have founded within upon thee a great light; become a universal life holder of the riches.
1.73.5. O Fire, may the masters of wealth enjoy thy satisfactions, the illumined wise Ones givers of the whole of life: may we conquer the plenitude from the foe in our battles4 holding our part in the Gods for inspired knowledge.
1.73.6. The milch-cows of the Truth, enjoyed in heaven5, full-uddered, desiring us, have fed us with their milk: praying for right-thinking from the Beyond the Rivers flowed wide over the Mountain.
1.73.7. O Fire, in thee praying for right-thinking, the masters of sacrifice set6 inspired knowledge in heaven: they made night and dawn of different forms and joined together the black and the rosy hue.
1.73.8. The mortals whom thou speedest to the Treasure, may we be of them, the lords of riches and we. Filling earth and heaven and mid-air thou clingest to the whole world like a shadow.
1.73.9. O Fire, safeguarded by thee may we conquer the war-horses by our war-horses, the strong men by our strong men, the heroes by our heroes; may our illumined wise ones become masters of the treasure gained by the fathers, and possess it living a hundred winters.
1.73.10. O ordainer of things, O Fire, may these utterances be acceptable to thee, to the mind and to the heart; may we have strength to control with firm yoke thy riches, holding in thee the inspired knowledge enjoyed by the gods7.
2. August 19208
1. A divine Fire was the treasure discovered by our fathers: he sets on us our birth to knowledge and is as if the excellent leading of a wise teacher, and he is like a guest well pleased lying happy in our house, and he is like a priest come to our house of session and brings to safety those that do him worship.
2. He is like the god that creates, the Sun; his thought is truth and he guards all strengths by his will. He is a true force that is expressed by many and is to be pondered on like a blissful self.
3. He is as if the Godhead that foundeth all things lodging on the wide earth like a king with many loving friends. He is like a band of heroes marching in our front, marching to the house of bliss. He is like a woman faultless and beloved of her lord.
4. Therefore men cling to thee, O Fire, kindled eternal in the house, in the abiding worlds of thy habitation; for they have placed in thee a great light. Be our universal life; be the hold of our treasure.
5. O Fire, let the masters of the wealth enjoy thy satisfying things and the illumined seers, the givers the universal life. Warriors in the clashes of the battle, let us conquer plenitude, let us set our portion in the gods for an inspired knowledge.
6. The cows of the Truth, the cows enjoyed in heaven, have given us to drink lowing with happy udders; its rivers have flowed evenly over the mountain and claim right thinking as an alms from the Truth’s supreme region.
7. O Fire, praying in thee for right thinking as for an alms from on high, the masters of sacrifice set inspired knowledge in the heavens: they made night and day of two different forms and joined together the black and the rosy hue.
8. The mortals whom thou makest to haste to felicity, make us of them, even us and the masters of riches. Fill earth and air and heaven; cling to the whole world like a shadow.
9. O Fire, give us thy protection; may we vanquish their war-horses by our war-horses, their strong men by our strong men, their heroes by our heroes: may the seers have the mastery of the riches discovered by our fathers and may they enjoy them living a hundred winters.
10. O creator, O Fire, may these words be pleasant to thy mind and to thy heart. Let our yoke be firm and our strength control the reins of thy opulence; let us hold the inspired knowledge that is enjoyed by the gods.
3. March 19169
6. The fostering cows of the Truth (dhenavaḥ, an image applied to the rivers, while gāvaḥ or usrāḥ expresses the luminous cows of the Sun) nourished him, lowing, with happy udders, enjoyed in heaven; obtaining right thinking as a boon from the supreme (plane) the rivers flowed wide and evenly over the hill
1 Hymns to the Mystic Fire, 1946 // CWSA.– Vol. 16.– Hymns to the Mystic Fire.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2013, pp. 31-113.
2 Or, the teaching
3 Or, he is one to be meditated on (upheld in thought), blissful like the self.
4 Or, warriors in the battles may we conquer the plenitude
5 Or, shared by heaven,
6 Or, upheld
7 Or, distributed by the gods.
8 Parashara’s Hymns to the Lord of the Flame // CWSA.– Vol. 15.– The Secret of the Veda.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998, pp. 582-590. 1-st published: Arya: A Philosophical Review. Monthly.– Vol.7, No 1 – August 1920, pp. 582-590.
9 The Secret of the Veda. XIX. The Victory of the Fathers // CWSA.– Vol. 15.– The Secret of the Veda.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1998, pp. 199-210. 1-st published: Arya: A Philosophical Review. Monthly.– Vol.2, No 8 – March 1916, pp. 482-494.
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