![]() – "It would be only myself who could speak of things in my past diving them their true form and significance." – "Neither you nor anyone else knows anything at all of my life; it has not been on the surface for men to see." |
Sri Aurobindo was very emphatic in stating that only he could write truly about himself, but he never wrote any comprehensive or systematic account of his life. We recommend all interested to read a selection of his letters and other materials on his life – Sri Aurobindo on Himself and on the Mother.- Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1953.- 782 p. |
1872 – 1888 | CHILDHOOD. INDIA – ENGLAND |
1889 – 1892 | YOUTH: CAMBRIDGE |
1893 – 1806.02 | BARODA |
1906.03 – 1810.03 | CALCUTTA |
1910.04 – 1950 | PONDICHERRY |
15th August | Aurobindo was born on August 15th, 1872, in Calcutta at fashionable district Chouringi at Mano Mohun Ghose's (his father's friend) house. (Address may be 4, Theatre Road /now Shakespeare Sarani/, as says Nolini Kanta Gupta, or 237, Lower Circular Road, as says daughter of Manmohan Ghose) Shortly his mother and him moved back to other family at Rangpur where first years of Sri Aurobindo's childhood went by. His father, d-r Krishna Dhan Ghose, a man of great ability and strong personality, had been among the first to go to England for his education. He returned entirely anglicised in habits, ideas and ideals, – so strongly that his Aurobindo as a child spoke English and Hindustani only and learned his mother-tongue only after his return from England. His mother – Svarnalatta Ghose. Two older brothers – Manmohan and Benoy. Younger sister – Sarojini. |
Aurobindo's father determined that his children should receive an entirely European upbringing. Aurobindo and his brothers were sent for the beginning of their education to an Irish nuns' school in Darjeeling (Loretto). Aurobindo remembered plays and walks at forest hillsides. |
Aurobindo's father took his three sons to England and placed them with an English (Manchester, Shakespeare St. 84) clergyman (Drewett) and his wife with strict instruction that they should not be allowed to make the acquaintance of any Indian or undergo any Indian influence. These instructions were carried out to the letter and Aurobindo grew up in entire ignorance of India, her people, her religion and her culture. Drewett taught Aurobindo Latin and history, Drewett's wife – French, geography, arithmetic. |
January | Publication of the first short poem – "Light" |
Drewett emigrated at Australia and boys moved at London – to Drewett's mother. |
September | Aurobindo and his older brother Manomohan accepted at St. Pauls School (St.Stephen's Avenue, 49, Shehperd's Bush, London). Aurobindo did brilliantly at his examinations and at once was accepted at the third class. |
Aurobindo remembered this year as critical point because of denial of egoism. |
At this year Sri Aurobindo determined to work for release of India |
August | Holidays at Keswick |
This was time of greatest suffering and poverty. Old Mrs. Drewett was fervently Evangelical and she said she would not live with an atheist (Manmohan) as the house might fall down on her. Afterwards Benoybhusan and Aurobindo occupied a room in South Kensington Liberal Club where Mr. J.S. Cotton, brother of Sir Henry Cotton, for some time Lt. Governor of Bengal, was the secretary and Benoy assisted him in his work. Aurobindo also went separately into lodgings until he took up residence at Cambridge. Brothers had not enough money for new clothes (they grew out of their's old clothes), for coal. During a whole year a slice or two of sandwich, bread and butter and a cup of tea in the morning and in the evening a penny saveloy formed the only food. Benoy got five shillings at a week, Manmohan lived at Oxford and got main part of money that were sent by their father. |
August | Holidays at Hastings |
September - November |
Movement at new address: 128, Cromvell Road, London. |
Aurobindo was accepted at class for Indian Civil Service (I.C.S.) |
Aurobindo did at his examinations for Cambridge King College courses and left St. Pauls School. Oscar Brawning, famous scholar and writer, afterward said that classical compositions of Ghose were the best from all during 13 years of his work as examinator. |
January - June |
The first half of year – preparation for exam for Indian Civil Service (I.C.S.) |
June | Two weeks of exams at I.C.S. Aurobindo got high grades for Latin, Greek, English, French, English Literature, history, Italian. Low grades for mathematics and logic. |
July | Accepted on trial period at I.C.S. |
11th October | Accepted at King College, Cambridge. During 1890-1892 studied at two classes – language and I.C.S. Many wrote – poems, plays. This writings were published at volumes The Harmony of Virtue and The Vigil of Thaliard. |
May | Did at his examinations for the first half of course of classical languages and got the First class. Did not got High class only because he did examinations at the second but not at the third year of study. It is by this reason he did not got bachelor's degree. |
July | Did at the first examinations for I.C.S. Moved to London to older brothers. |
October | Left Cambridge. Moved at new address – 6, Burlington Road, London. Tried mentally realise Atman. |
November | Fathers death. Non-attendance at exams for I.C.S. – he felt no call for I.C.S. and was seeking some way to escape from that bondage. By certain manoeuvres he managed to get himself disqualified for riding without himself rejecting the Service, which his family would not have allowed him to do. |
November | Meets Sayajirao Gaekwar, the Maharaja of Baroda, in London; the Maharaja engages his services at Rs. 200 per month. Sri Aurobindo – "Sir Henry Cotton was much connected with Maharshi Rajnarayan Bose – Sri Aurobindo's maternal grandfather. His son James Cotton was at this time in London. As a result of these favourable circumstances a meeting came about with the Gaekwar of Baroda. Cotton was my father's friend-they had made arrangements for my posting in Bengal, but he had nothing to do with my meeting with the Gaekwar. James Cotton was well acquainted with my elder brother, because he was Secretary of the South Kensington Liberal Club where we were living and my brother was his assistant. He took great interest In us. It was he who arranged the meeting." |
December | Sri Aurobindo had knew about death of his father. |
12th January | Aurobindo went aboard a ship (Carthage, ship's run – London – Gibraltar – Port Said – Aden – Bombay) and left England. |
6th Fabruary | Ship arrived at Bombay. Sri Aurobindo had a spiritual experience – a vast calm which descended upon him at the moment when he stepped first on Indian soil after his long absence, in fact with his first step on the Apollo Bunder in Bombay: this calm surrounded him and remained for long months afterwards. |
8th Fabruary | Arrival at Baroda. The vision of the Godhead surging up from within when in danger of a carriage accident in Baroda in the first year of his stay. |
18th Fabruary | First reference to Sri Aurobindo in the Baroda State records; he begins his service as a probationer in the Durvey Settlement Department |
March - April |
Translations of Mahabharata. |
26th June | Sri Aurobindo wrote some articles at Indu Prakash on self-dependence of India. The facts about the articles in the Indu Prakash were these. They were begun at the instance of K. G. Deshpande, Aurobindo's Cambridge friend who was editor of the paper, but the first two articles made a sensation and frightened Ranade and other Congress leaders. Ranade warned the proprietor of the paper that, if this went on, he would surely be prosecuted for sedition. Accordingly the original plan of the series had to be dropped at the proprietor's instance. Deshpande requested Sri Aurobindo to continue in a modified tone and he reluctantly consented, but felt no farther interest and the articles were published at long intervals and finally dropped of themselves altogether. This tide did not refer to Indian civilisation but to Congress politics. It is not used in the sense of the Aladdin story, but was intended to imply the offering of new lights to replace the old and faint reformist lights of the Congress. |
7th August | New Lamps for Old (1) Indu Prakash |
21st August | New Lamps for Old (2) Indu Prakash |
28th August | New Lamps for Old (3) Indu Prakash |
18th September | New Lamps for Old (4) Indu Prakash |
30th October | New Lamps for Old (5) Indu Prakash |
January - March |
Articles "New Lamps for Old" for Indu Prakash |
16th July - 27th August |
7 articles on Bengal writer Bankim Chandra Chatterdji at Indu Prakash. |
Secretary of Baroda Maharaja. He was first put in the Land Settlement Department, for a short time in the Stamps Office, then in the Central Revenue Office and in the Secretariat. Afterwards without joining the College and while doing other work he was lecturer in French at the College and finally at his own request was appointed there as Professor of English. All through, the Maharaja used to call him whenever something had to be written which needed careful wording, he also employed him to prepare some of his public speeches and in other work of a literary or educational character. Afterwards Sri Aurobindo became the Vice-Principal of the College and was for some time acting Principal. Most of the personal work for the Maharaja was done in an unofficial capacity; he was usually invited to breakfast with the Maharaja at the Palace and stayed on to do this work. Sri Aurobindo was never appointed to the post of Private Secretary. He was put first in the Settlement Department, not as an officer but to learn the, work, then in the Stamps and Revenue departments' he was for some time put to work in the Secretariat for drawing up dispatches, etc. Finally, he oscillated towards the College and entered it at first as part time lecturer in French, afterwards as a regular Professor teaching English and was finally appointed Vice-Principal. Meanwhile, whenever he thought fit, the Maharaja would send for him for writing letters, composing speeches or drawing up documents of various kinds which needed special care in the phrasing of the language. All this was quite informal, there was no appointment as Private Secretary. "Diligent, serious, etc." – this valuation of Sri Aurobindo's qualities was not the Maharaja's. He gave him a certificate for ability and intelligence but also for lack of punctuality and regularity. If Instead of "diligent and serious" and "a career of meritorious service" It were said that he was brilliant and quick and efficient in work, it would be more accurate. The description, as it is, gives an incorrect picture. |
Publication of Urvasie |
Taught French at Baroda College |
Taught English and French at Baroda College. Publication of the first book of short poems Songs to Myrtilla. |
June - July |
Wrote Love and Death |
22d July | Read lecture Social Gathering |
Nationalist activity. Sent Jatindranath Banerji at Bengal. Translations of Ramayana, Mahabharata of Kalidasa ("Meghadut" and "Vikramorvasi"), Maghi, Bhavabhuti ("Nitishakti"). |
17th April | Left College for secretarial work (till 1904). |
30th April | Marriage with Mrinalini Bose, 14 years old, older daughter of Bhupal Chandra Bose from Calcutta. |
May | Honeymoon at Naini Tal. Returned at Baroda with wife and his sister, Sarojini, but soon women went down to Calcutta because of epidemic of the plague and stayed there more then year. |
Worked at main administrative office of state (Husur Kamdar). Attached himself to a secret society headed by a noble of the Udaipur State (Thakur Sahat). "This Rajput leader was not a prince, that is to say, a Ruling Chief but a noble of the Udaipur State with the title of Thakur. The Thakur was not a member of the Council in Bombay, he stood above it as the leader of the whole movement while the Council helped him to organise Maharashtra and the Mahratta States. He himself worked principally upon the Indian Army of which he had already won over two or three regiments. Sri Aurobindo took a special journey into Central India to meet and speak with Indian sub-officers and men of one of these regiments." |
December | Meeting with Tilak at Ahmedabad session of Indian National Congress. |
12th December | Wrote speech for Maharaja of Baroda. |
January | Again taught at Baroda College. Translats Upanishads. |
22d Fabruary | A trip during a month |
May - August |
Maharaja took Sri Aurobindo as Secretary in his Kashmir tour, but there was much friction between them during the tour and the experiment was not repeated. The realisation of the vacant Infinite while walking on the ridge of the Takhti-Suleman in Kashmir. |
September | First turn to Yoga for spiritual force for realisation of his political ideas. ("penetration at spiritual life from back door"). |
September - November |
He started Yoga by himself without a Guru, getting the rule from a friend, a disciple of Brahmananda of Ganga Math, it was confined at first to assiduous practice of pranayama (at one time for 6 hours or more a day). There was no conflict or wavering between Yoga and politics, when he started Yoga, he carried on both without any idea of opposition between them. He wanted however to find a Guru. He met a Naga Sannyasi In the course of this search, but did not accept him as Guru, though he was confirmed by him in a belief in Yoga-power when he saw him cure Barin in almost a moment of a violent and clinging hill-fever by merely cutting through a glassful of water crosswise with a knife while he repeated a silent mantra. Barin drank and was cured. He also met Brahmananda and was greatly impressed by him, but he had no helper or Guru in Yoga till he met Lele and that was only for a short time. Results of pranayama – thing viewing, literature inspiration, but not spiritual experience. |
The experience of living presence of Kali in a shrine on the banks of the Narmada. |
January | Maharaja left India for Europe. Sri Aurobindo worked as vice-principal and professor of English at Baroda College. |
3d March | Stated as vice-principal. Wrote pamphlet No Compromise at Bhawani Mandir. |
December | At a session of National Congress at Benares. Swadeshi – boycott of foreign goods. Sri Aurobindo included in the scope of his revolutionary work one kind of activity which afterwards became an important item in the public programme of the Nationalist party. He encouraged the young men in the centres of work to propagate the Swadeshi idea which at that time was only in its infancy and hardly more than a fad of the few. |
January | Play Radigun |
19th Fabruary | At Bengal |
March | Moved to Calcutta. |
11th March | Meeting for creating of National Council of Education at Calcutta. Some months at meetings of Council |
12th March | At Barin's suggestion Sri Aurobindo agreed to the starring of a paper, Yugantar, which was to preach open revolt and the absolute denial of the British rule and include such items as a series of articles containing instructions for guerrilla warfare. Sri Aurobindo himself wrote some of the opening articles in the early numbers and he always exercised a general control, when a member of die sub-editorial staff, Swami Vivekananda's brother, presented himself on his own motion to the police. In a search as the editor of the paper and was prosecuted, the Yugantar under Sri Aurobindo's orders adopted the policy of refusing to defend itself in a British Court on the ground that it did not recognise the foreign Government and this immensely increased the prestige and influence of the paper. It had as its chief writers and directors three of the ablest younger writers in Bengal, and it at once acquired an immense influence throughout Bengal. It may be noted that the Secret Society did not include terrorism in its programme, but this element grew up in Bengal as a result of the strong repression and the reaction to it in that Province. |
14th April | As observer at conference at Barisal. Then travel to the East Bengal. Meetings. |
May (early) | Returning at Calcutta. Cut-off of collaboration with Council of Education for its moderation. |
June | Trip to Baroda. Financial problems – college did not pay out wages. |
19th June | Trip to Bengal. |
6th August | Sri Aurobindo offered to create stock company and turn newspaper Bande Mataram to party organ, to join groups at a party and declare its leader – Tilak, to erect a program and accept new strategy of fighting with Moderates. |
14th August | Opening of National College at Baroda. Sri Aurobindo – rector and English, French and history teacher. |
October | Factual – editor of Bande Mataram. |
November | Disease because of non-regular pranayama. |
December | Calcutta. Session of the National Congress. Moderates succeed and majority of their resolutions passed. |
11th – 14th December | Resting at Deoghar. |
Because of disease all spiritual energy was lost and the whole year Sri Aurobindo suffered from dead stop of spiritual development |
28th January - 12th Fabruary |
Write "Prince of Edur" (a play). Live at Calcutta with his wife. sister and two party men at 48 Gray Street (now Shree Aurobindo Sarani). |
May | Deportation of two main agitators of the party. Inhibition of the meetings for four days. |
5th June | Warning of editor Bande Mataram from the Government. |
14th June | Trip to Khulna for a foundation of National School. |
30th June - 13th October |
Publications of Persens the Deliverer at Bande Mataram. |
30th July | Perquisition at Bande Mataram office |
2d August | Forsake his post of rector of the National College. |
15th August | A warrant on Sri Aurobindo as a redactor of Bande Mataram. |
23d August | A Speech for students of Bengal National College. |
23d September | Sri Aurobindo was held not guilty on case against Bande Mataram. Sri Aurobindo acquired distinction. |
October | Lived at house at Chukoo Khunsanse's Lane. |
24th October | Trip to Deoghar. |
7th – 9th December | Bengal Regional Conference at Midnapore. Sri Aurobindo addressed to a meeting as leader of Nationalists. It is a peak of discordance wit Moderates. Extremists left this conference and at 8 December hold the meeting chaired by Sri Aurobindo. It was the first time when they got together as a separate party. |
14th December | The first public speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. |
21st December | The trip to Surat (most moderate city) for a session of Indian National Congress through Khipagpore (fires, crowds, speeches). Trip without pomp – there were few who knew him by sight. |
22d December | Meeting at Nagpore. |
24th – 25th December | Surat. 2 meetings chaired by Sri Aurobindo. |
26th December | The first day of Session. |
27th December | Incident (by instructions of Sri Aurobindo who tried not allow Moderates' success) and wrecking of the Session. |
28th December | Moderates signed up Convention. Sri Aurobindo direct not join to it. Meeting of Nationalists. Beginning of tightened repressions against them. |
31st December | From Surat to Baroda. |
January | Baroda. Fist meeting with Vishnu Bhaskat Lele at house of Khaserao Jarvi. Sri Aurobindo and Lele shut themselves away there not letting anybody know it. The first fundamental spiritual experience – the experience of silent Brahman. |
12th – 13th January | Speech at Poona. |
15th January | Speech at Girgaum, Bombey: National education |
19th January | The Present Situation: speech at Bombey. |
24th January | Speech at Nasik. |
26th January | Speech at Dhula. |
28th – 29th January | Speech at Amravati. |
30th – 31st January | Speech at Nagpore. |
Fabruary | Regional conference at Patna. Moderates and Extremists reached an agreement. But Moderates at Bombey were against it. Trip to Hawrah to meet delivered from a prison Bepin Pal. |
March | Meeting with Lele. On Lele's question on meditations Sri Aurobindo gave an negative answer. Abruption of intercourse. |
5th April | Meeting at Uttapara |
8th April | Speeches at Chetala. |
10th April | "United Congress" – speech at Calcutta. |
12th April | Speech at Baruipur. |
18th April | Speech at Kishoreganj. |
19th April | Editorial at Bande Mataram on All-Indian congress of Moderates at Allahabad. |
28th April | In the evening visited 48 Gray street where he planned live and open Navashakti Office |
2d May | 5 o'clock. Arrested by burst in polices. Chained up and tight. Private letters were confiscated. Was taken to the police station. Accused of participation at terroristic organisation. After some hours was moved to Alipor jail at the outskirts of the Calcutta. |
2d – 15th May | Till to 15 May stayed at separate cell 9x6 foot without window. Light penetrated through bars at the door. |
2d May 1908 - May 1909 |
During the year read Gita and Upanishades, meditate, practise Yoga. Realisation of Cosmic Consciousness and Godhead (Sri Krishna) as all beings at all being. Cosmic Consciousness. |
19th May | Beginning of the trial at magistrate |
June (middle) | Moved to big common cell. Escape aborted. |
1st August | Beginning of the trial. |
August (late) | Again at separate cell. Constant meditation – at cell and court. |
19th October | Beginning of the court sessions. |
4th March | All facts of the case are gleaned |
13th April | All sides posed their arguments |
14th April | Account of experts was heard |
6th May | Sri Aurobindo was acquitted of the charge and delivered. |
6th May 1909 - Fabruary 1910 |
Till Feb. 1910 lived at house of his uncle Krishna Kumar Mitra at 6 College Square, Calcutta. |
14th May | A letter at Bengalee, Calcutta. |
30th May | Famous speech at Uttarpara. |
13th June | Speech at Beadon Square, Calcutta. |
19th June | 1st issue of the Karmayogin, weekly review of national and religious thought, literature and philosophy, editor and author (mainly) – Sri Aurobindo. |
19th June | Regional conference at Barisal |
19th June | Speech at Jhalokati (Barisal District) |
23d June | Speech at Bakergunj (Barisal District). |
23d June | Speech at Khulna. |
27th June | Speech at Howrah "The Right of Association". |
July | Kept a diary. Politic tour not hampered sadhana. Police stenographed speeches. |
11th July | Speech at Kumartuli. |
18th July | Speech at College Square, Calcutta. |
31st July | Open letter to countrymen at Karmayogin in reply at plans of British Government to deport Sri Aurobindo. |
23d August | 1st issue of Dharma, weekly on Bengali. |
August (late) | There are only hundreds where were thousands at the meetings and mostly cornermen. |
September | Sri Aurobindo – leader of Nationalists at Bengal Regional Conference at Hugli. Trip to Sylhet for meeting of Nationalists. |
9th October - 13th November |
Publication of "The Brain of India" at Karmayogin. |
10th October | Speech at College Square, Calcutta. |
13th October | Speech "Swadeshi" at Calcutta. |
18th October | "Durga Stotra" at "Dharma" |
20th November - 25th December |
"National value of arts" at Karmayogin. |
25th December | "To my countrymen" at Karmayogin – political declaration – arraignment of Moderates and the Government, aim of Extremists – full self-realisation of India and her independence as terms of this self-realisation. |
January (?) | Police got a warrant against Sri Aurobindo on a charge of appeal to revolt at his article To My countrymen published at 25 Dec. 1909 at Karmayogin. |
Fabruary (middle) | Adesha. Sri Aurobindo left Calcutta and at the night by river he moved to Chandernagore. |
12th Fabruary - 2d April |
The System of National Education at Karmayogin. |
19th Fabruary - 5th March |
Baji Prabhu at Karmayogin. |
March (late) | The second Adesha for removal to Pondicherri. |
26th March - 2d April |
Chitrangada at Karmayogin. |
31st March | At the night left Chandernagore for Calcutta. |
1st April | Sailing at French ship Dupleix from Calcutta to Pondicherry. |
4th April | The Ship arrived Pondicherry. Met by two workers of publish house India. Together with Sri Aurobindo at Pondicherry came Bijoi Nag. Before them came Suresh Chakravati (Moni). Later – Saurin Bose (cousin of Sri Aurobindo's wife) and Nolini Kanta Gupta – five people altogether. All stayed during six months at house of Shanker Chetti, sympathise businessman, at Comty Chetty Street. In absolute privacy. Lived in a small way. Some money was sent by friends from Baroda and Madras (casual). Sri Aurobindo did not accept abode with him as his pupils (sadhakas) but taught them Greek, Latin and French. Latter they became famous Bengal writers but at Pondicherry were well-known more as footballers. |
April - May |
The first meeting and Paul Richard. |
October | Removal at house of Sunder Chetty at Rue de la Pavillon (Rue Suffren). |
7th November | Writ of capias was annulled. Sri Aurobindo got possibility of returning. He wrote to the editor of Madras newspaper Hindu that he lives at Pondicherry as anchoret and not wish to see anybody or correspond with anybody on politic questions. |
Fabruary | Letter at Hindu. Sri Aurobindo wrote that he was besieged by admirers that aspire to see him not considering want Sri Aurobindo it or not. They passed through all India to see him,- from beaches of Karachi , from rivers of Punjab, from where they are not along! And they want only thing: to stood aside and get mukti through seeing of his face. They are ready to sit at his feet, to live about him, wherever hi is, and follow him at the back of beyond. They try to peer to his windows or bum around and write letters from neighbouring police stations. Sri Aurobindo like to warn all future pilgrims of such kind that their voyage will be vain. |
April | Removal to Raghavan House at Rue St. Louis. |
20th July | Letter at Hindu. |
27th November | Meeting with madam A. David Niel who knew on Sri Aurobindo from Pole and Mirra Richard. |
3d July | At a letter to Motilal Roy at Chandernagore: "The situation just now is that we have Rs. 1,5 or so in hand". |
16th – 20th August | "15th August is usually a turning point or a notable day for me personally either in Sadhana or life. – indirectly only for others. This time it has been very important for me. My subjective Sadhana may be said to have received its final seal and something like its consummation by a prolonged realisation and dwelling in Parabrahman for many hours. Since then, egoism is dead for all in me except the Annamaya Atma, – the physical self which awaits one farther realisation before it is entirely liberated from occasional visitings or external touches of the old separated existence.| My future Sadhan is for life, practical knowledge and Shakti, not the essential knowledge or Shakti in itself which I have got already, but knowledge and Shakti established in the same physical self and directed to my work in life. I am now getting a clearer idea of that work and I may as well impart something of that idea to you: since you look to me as the centre, you should know what is likely to radiate out of that centre." (Supplement, 433). |
April | Removed to Mission Street (Rue de Misssion Etrangere) |
October | Removed to Guest House (Rue Francois Martin). Sole water tap at the yard, sole towel for all. Soap – one time during four days. Sometimes Sri Aurobindo was compelled to walk without shoes. Deficiency in clothes. Food simple and often bad-cooked. Sri Aurobindo ate all. On complaint, for example, that it will be good to add salt at meat, answered: "Yes, there is not salt", and continued to eat. Diets were not interest to him. He ate meat, smoked and drank wine that was cheap and sold throughout. Only later he become vegetarian and gave up vine, smoking and tea. Mainly he kept his house but attended to supporting of the body: at a brisk pace he walked at rooms till ten hours per day and stamped a wide trail at a feet in breadth and two inches in depth. One of his duties was feeding cats (by fish). |
Governor of Pondicherry hinted to Sri Aurobindo that Aurobindo must leave for Africa. Sri Aurobindo answered that he is not going to dislodge even at inch. |
29th March | The first meeting Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: Mirra and Paul at Pondicherry, Paul offered to Sri Aurobindo to publish journal with his ideas. Mirra acknowledge at Sri Aurobindo a teacher who guided her spiritual development before this meeting. She stayed at Pondicherry till Feb. 1915. |
15th August | The first issue of Arya (chapters from The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Secret of Veda, Isha Upanishad). |
January - Fabruary |
Richard was called up for a war. Sri Aurobindo published the journal alone till 1920, (each month a number at 64 pages). |
21st Fabruary | The first birthday of the Mother at Pondicherry. |
22d Fabruary | The Mother left for France. |
15th September | The first issues of The Ideal of Human Unity. |
October | Vasavadutta. |
The Mother left France for Japan |
15th August | The first parts of Essays on the Gita and Psychology of Social Development (later The Human Cycle) at Arya. |
15th December | 15 Dec. The first parts of The Future Poetry. |
15th January | Translations from Kalidasa (The Birth of War God from kumarasambhavam). |
10th August | Letter to New India on Montegu-Chelmsford's reforms. |
December | The first articles Is India Civilised? (Foundation of Indian Culture) at Arya. |
17th December | Death of Mrinalini Ghose at Calcutta during epidemic of influenza. |
20th January | Letter to Joseph Baptista where Sri Aurobindo refuse politics. |
19th Fabruary | Telegram to father-in-law. |
7th April | A letter to Barindra Kumar Ghose |
24th April | The Mother returned to Pondicherry. |
15th August | The first issue of weekly at Chandernagore with some articles by Sri Aurobindo. |
30th August | Letter to V.S. Munjee – denial of offer to chairman at a congress at Nagpore. |
24th November | The Mother removed to house at Rue Francois Martin where Sri Aurobindo lived. |
December | Paul Richard trip at North India during year. |
Publication at book-form of Isha Upanishad and Seasons by Kalidasa. |
January | Publication of poem Love and Death. |
15th January | Last issue of Arya. |
January | The Mother defined at hers duties domestic cares. The beginning of regular evening talks and group meditations. |
September - October |
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother removed to house at 9, Rue de la Marine (south-west part of today Ashram). Old house serves for reception of visitors and pupils (sadhakas). |
5th July | Meeting with K.R. Das. |
January | Publication of The Century of Life. |
January | Group meditations stopped. |
Meeting with Lala Lajapat and Purushottama Das Tandon. |
24th November | The fourth fundamental realisation. The day of Siddhi. Descend of Krishna – Overmind Godhead – at physical. Evening talks and other direct contacts with Sri Aurobindo were broke off. Concentrated sadhana. Darshanas three times per year. |
8th Fabruary | Sri Aurobindo and the Mother removed to house at Rue Francois Martin (north part of Ashram), they stayed there for life. This house abutted that one where he lived from 1922. Here, at three rooms, he lived in absolute privacy many years. |
Publication of The Mother |
15th Fabruary | Meeting with Rabindranath Tagore. |
April | Publication of Kalidasa. |
There are 85 men at Ashram. |
1930 - 1938 |
A great deal of correspondence with disciples. Savitri. |
Publication of collections of letters The Riddle of this World |
There are 150 men at Ashram. |
Publication of Six Poems by Sri Aurobindo. |
Fabruary | Publication of collections of letters Lights on Yoga. |
16th August | Sri Aurobindo say that find a formula of Supermind's descent. |
April | Publication of collections of letters Bases of Yoga. |
There are 172 men at Ashram |
24th November (02:20) | 24 Nov. 2:20. Before Darshan Sri Aurobindo slipped and fell over – fracture of right femur. Sri Aurobindo explained this incident by adversary attack (there were always such attacks before darsans). He was concentrated on defence of the Mother and deficiently cared for his own.|The correspondence with disciples stopped. Contacts with some sadhakas-medics. Regular talks with them till 1940. |
Publication at book-form The Life Divine (Book One). |
January | Removing of a bandage. Physiotherapy. |
Health improved. |
Publication at book-form The Life Divine (Book Two with new chapters). |
19th September | Declaration of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in support of Allies. |
There are 350 men at Ashram. |
Publication of Collected Poems and Plays. |
31st March | Sri Aurobindo came out in support for offers of sir Stafford Kripps, emissary of British Government. |
2d December | Foundation of a school at Ashram that later will turn at International centre of Education. |
21st Fabruary | The first issue of Advent: "A Quarterly Dedicated to the Exposition of Sri Aurobindo's Vision of the Future". |
Publication of Hymns to the Mystic Fire. |
15th August | Liberation of India. The message of Sri Aurobindo at All-India radio. |
September | Talk with Moris Shuman (French diplomat) and Fransua Baron (governor of French India) on planned Indo-French centre administered by Sri Aurobindo. |
Publication of the first part of The Synthesis of Yoga. |
National premia of Katalangi Ramaling Reddi. |
Publication of The Human Cycle |
The first issue of review Mother India. |
21st Fabruary | The first issue of Bulletin of Physical Education (The Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education) |
Publication at book-form of the fist part of Savitri |
Medal for peace and culture of Asiatic Society. |
Publication of The Ideal of Human Unity. |
Meeting with K.N. Munshi, the minister, later – governor of Madras State. |
24th April | Darshan |
November (?) | Illness assumed a grave character. Uraemia. Refusal to accept medical help, deny self-treatment. On a question, "Why", answered, "Can not explain. You will not understand." |
5th December (01:26) | Mahasamadhi. |
9th December | The body at Samadhi at Ashram court. |