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Bernard Enginger (30.10.1923 – 09.04.2007), Frenchman, disciple of the Mother. He was born in Paris. Breton was his calf-country.

During II World War was Gaullist. In late 1943 was arrested by Gestapo. One and a half year was at death camps.

After the War worked at colonial administration of Pondicherry. Visited one of the Darshans at Ashram. Then travelled at Guiana, Brasilia, Africa. All over he carried “The Life Divine” by Sri Aurobindo.

In 1953 returned to Pondicherry and settle in the Ashram. There he taught at the school, and was in charge of the French issues of “Bulletin of Physical Education”. On 3 March 1957, The Mother gave him the name Satprem (“the one who loves truly”).

Then tripped once more — Congo, Brasilia, Afghanistan, Himalayas, New Zealand, sailed round the world. In 1959 he was a disciple of Tantric, priest of temple in Ramesvaram. Then he was a disciple of another Yogi and wandered at India six months as a mendicant sanyasi practicing Tantra, which formed the basis of his second novel, Par le Corps de la Terre, ou le Sanyassin (By the Body of the Earth or, The Sanyasi).

In 1960 he returned again (as he put it, “the bird flew back once more”), to the Pondicherry Ashram and the Mother, who started inviting him from time to time to her room, originally for work in connection with the Bulletin. As their relationship developed, he asked more questions, and eventually decided to record their conversations, taking a tape-recorder to her room. The result of this collaboration was The Agenda, the first volume of which (which covers 1951 to 1960) also contains Satprem’s letters to The Mother during his wandering days

Also, under The Mother’s guidance he wrote Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience (Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness), which became the most popular introductory book to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (published 1964). In 1972 and 1973 he also wrote under the Mother’s guidance the essay La Genese du Surhomme (On the Way to Supermanhood), which she regarded very highly. This was published in 1974.

In 1978 — Mother’s centenary year — the Ashram trustees ‘expelled’ Satprem because of his wish to publish, unexpurgated, the entire transcript of his talks with the Mother. Satprem described this period at his Notebooks of an Apocalypse. All of Satprem’s correspondence from 1962 to 1973 with the Mother was confiscated, and he went (secretly carrying away the tapes of the Agenda) to Harwood, Nilgiri, where he edited the 13 volumes of the Agenda, while at the same time wrote the trilogy Mère (Mother) — Le Matérialisme Divin (The Divine Materialism), L’Espèce Nouvelle (The New Species), La Mutation de la Mort (The Mutation of Death) — both a biography of the Mother and his own analyses and commentary on the Agenda material.

In 1982 all 13 volumes of the Agenda were published in French by the Institut de Recherches Evolutives (Institute for Evolutionary Research) in Paris. And Satprem felt he had completed all his external work. The following year, he and Sujata decided to withdraw completely from public life for sadhana.

The 1985 book La Vie sans Mort (Life without Death) is a follow-up to Mind of the Cells, co-written with Luc Venet, and provides a glimpse of Satprem in his post-Ashram life in this period.

In 1989, he wrote a brief autobiographical account, The Revolt of the Earth, in which he took stock of Man’s present situation. Evolution II followed three years later, a pithy record of Satprem’s journey through our human and terrestrial grave: “After Man, who? But the question is: After Man, how?”

In 1994, Satprem published Lettres d’un Insoumis (Letters of a Rebel), two volumes of autobiographical correspondence.

In 1995, he wrote La Tragédie de la Terre - de Sophocle à Sri Aurobindo (The Tragedy of the Earth - from Sophocles to Sri Aurobindo), which traces a curve from the Vedic and pre-Socratic era to our Iron Age and to Sri Aurobindo.

In 1998, he pulished La Clef des Contes (The Key of Tales).

In 1999, he wrote Néanderthal Regarde (Neanderthal Looks On), an essay on the betrayal of Man in India as in the West, and started publishing his multi-volume Notebooks of an Apocalypse, the record of his work in the depths of the body consciousness, in which he was brutally plunged after Mother’s departure in 1973. In French, seven volumes of Notebooks were published to the date, in English — only vol.1, 1973-1978.

In 2000 followed La Légende de l’Avenir (The Legend of the Future).

In 2002 followed Mémoires d’un Patagonien - Conte Préhistorique et Posthistorique (Memoires of a Patagonian - Prehistoric and Posthistoric Tale) and La Philosophie de l’Amour (The Philosophy of Love).

In 2008, the IRE published his last book L’Oiseau Doël (The Doël Bird).

On 9 April 2007 Satprem leaved his body at the age of 84. About last days of Satprem and Sujata see Nirmal Singh Nahar (elder brother of Sujata Nahar). On Satprem and Sujata: An Interview By Anurag Banerjee.


      An Interview with Satprem:
       The film by Davide Montemurri. India. 1982



In French


In French

Gringo (1980)

•   Paris: éditions Robert Laffont, 1980.- 230 p.- ISBN 2-221-07958-2

Satprem, d'une manière très vivante et dans un langage simple, fait le récit de sa vie, son enfance, les camps de concentration où il fut enfermé comme membre de la Résistance, puis ses périples à travers le monde jusqu'à sa rencontre avec Sri Aurobindo et Mère, et offre une excellente introduction à leur œuvre. Nouvelle édition augmentée d'une lettre inédite de Satprem datée de 1998, Lettre d'un autre âge.Un “Livre de la Jungle” à l’envers. Mâ, l’Ancienne de l’évolution, entraîne Gringo dans des aventures du passé et de l’avenir de la Terre, de la forêt pré-humaine à la forêt mystérieuse de demain.


Carnets d’un Apocalypse = Notebooks of an Apocalypse (1999-)


L’Espèce Nouvelle = SEE Mère


L’Oiseau Doël = The Doël Bird (2008)


In French

L’Orpailleur = The Gold washer (1960)

•   roman.– Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1960.– 238 p.– ISBN 2-02-000946-3


La Clef des Contes = The Key of the Tales (1998)


In French

La Genèse du Surhomme = On the Way to Supermanhood (1974)

•   : Essai d’évolution expérimentale.– Paris: Editions Buchet / Chastel, 1974.– 255 p.– ISBN 2-7020-1383-X


La Légende de l’Avenir = The Legend of the Future (2000)


La Mutation de la Mort = SEE Mère


La Philosophie de l’Amour = The Philosophy of Love (2002)


La Révolte de la Terre = The Revolt of the Earth (1989)


In French

La Saison de la Vérité

•   : Audiorecord.- In French / Written and read by Satprem

La Saison de la Vérité est le dernier chapitre de La Genèse du Surhomme (Ed. Buchet-Chastel). En 1970, au cours de ces entretiens qui ont formé l’Agenda de Mère, Satprem lisait à Mère cet Essai d’évolution expérimentale au fur et à mesure qu’il l’écrivait, et dont la première phrase annonce: Les Secrets sont simples. Parce que la Vérité est simple, c’est la plus simple chose au monde. Si La Genèse du Surhomme est d’une immense beauté poétique, elle n’en est pas moins une expérience concrète. Satprem s’adresse à l’homme de la rue qui, sur “son boulevard de tous les jours”, peut percevoir la raison d’être profonde, ce “Grand Sens”, derrière les apparences si désespérantes du monde actuel, et réaliser en lui-même ce changement de conscience qui est la clé de notre futur à tous.


In French

La tragédie de la Terre: de Sophocle à Sri Aurobindo


La Vie sans Mort = Life without Death (1985)


In French

Le Grand Sens = The Great Sense

•   : Audiorecord.- In French / Written and read by Satprem

Ce “message à la jeunesse” fut à l’origine écrit pour la télévision italienne. Satprem s’adresse aux étudiants, à ceux qui veulent faire la révolution de l’avenir par les moyens de l’avenir. Car en vérité, si nous voulons construire un monde nouveau, ce n’est pas par les moyens du passé que nous y parviendrons - ni par la violence ni par la non-violence. Mais par autre chose. Le Grand Sens figure dans l’Agenda de Mère - 1969.


Le Matérialisme Divin = SEE Mère


In French

Le Mental des Cellules = The Mind of the Cells (1980)

•   Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont, 1981.– 198 p.– ISBN 2-221-00678-X


In French

Lettres d’un Insoumis = Letters of a Rebel (1994). tome 1

•   Institut de Recherches Йvolutives.- Paris: Robert Laffont, 1994.- tome 1. 1943-1953.- 375 p.- ISBN 2-221-07893-4


In French

Lettres d’un Insoumis = Letters of a Rebel (1994). tome 2

•   Institut de Recherches Йvolutives.- Paris: Robert Laffont, 1994.- tome 2. 1954-1982.- 566 p.- ISBN 2-221-07894-2


Mémoires d’un Patagonien - Conte Préhistorique et Posthistorique = Memoires of a Patagonian - Prehistoric and Posthistoric Tale (2002)


In French

Mère. L’Agenda


In French

Mère: Essai.- Tome 1. Le Matérialisme Divin

•   Paris: Robert Laffont, 1991.- 483 p.- ISBN 2-221-00173-7


In French

Mère: Essai.- Tome 2. L’Espèce Nouvelle

•   Paris: Robert Laffont, 1989.- 568 p.- ISBN 2-221-00174-5


In French

Mère: Essai.- Tome 3. La Mutation de la Mort

•   Paris: Robert Laffont, 1989.- 343 p.- ISBN 2-221-01021-3


Néanderthal Regarde = Neanderthal Looks On (1999, 22 April)


In French

Par le Corps de la Terre, ou le Sanyassin: histoire perpétuelle

•   Paris: Robert Laffont, 1974.- 444 p.- ISBN 2-221-00280-6


In French

Sept jours en Inde avec Satprem

•   Proros recueillis par Frédéric de Towarnicki pour une série d'émissions diffusées par France-Culture.- Paris: Robert Laffont, 1981.- 206 p.- ISBN 2-221-00599-6


In French

Sri Aurobindo et l’avenir de la terre = Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future (9.12.1971)

Parfois, une grande pensée errante voit encore les âges inaccomplis, saisit la Force dans sa coulée éternelle et précipite sur la terre la vision puissante qui est comme un pouvoir de rendre réelle ce qu’elle voit. Ainsi débute ce texte qui fut écrit pour la Radio Indienne pour présenter Sri Aurobindo à l’occasion de son Centenaire, en 1972. Il figure dans l’Agenda de Mère - 1971.


In French

Sri Aurobindo et l’Avenir de la Terre = Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future

•   : Audiorecord.- In French / Written and read by Satprem


In French

Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience = Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness (1964)

In English


By the body of the earth, or The sannyasi = Par le Corps de la Terre, ou le Sanyassin. (1974)

A novel of spiritual awakening, the soul’s journey from life to life culminating in an “impossible central point of destiny when a man must choose between catastrophe once again or breaking through to a new consciousness.”


Divine Materialism SEE The Mother, or Divine Materialism


The Doël Bird = L’Oiseau Doël (2008)


Evolution II (1992)

One may ask the evolutionary question: After man, who? But the question the author poses is: After man, how? This book grapples with the processes of evolution beyond the present mortal state


The Gold washer = L’Orpailleur (1960)


In English

The Great Sense (1969)


Gringo (1980)


The Key of the Tales = La Clef des Contes (1998)


The Legend of the Future = La Légende de l’Avenir (2000)


Letters of a Rebel = Lettres d’un Insoumis (1994)

•   In 2х volumes. 1947-1973

Correspondence in 2 volumes covering the period 1947-1973


Lettres of an Unsubmissive person SEE Letters of a Rebel


In English

Life without Death = La Vie sans Mort (1985)

Satprem describes the beginning of his own experience of physical transformation and explains that what is at stake is a change in the consciousness of the human cells that will give rise to a next being after man, as different from us as we are from our ancestor, the ape


Memoires of a Patagonian - Prehistoric and Posthistoric Tale = Mémoires d’un Patagonien - Conte Préhistorique et Posthistorique (2002)


In English

The Mind of the Cells = Le Mental des Cellules (1985)

A comprehensive view of Mother's 23-year experience in the cellular consciousness of the body, outlining the different stages of the exploration and the constant parallel between what she saw and experienced microscopically in the body and the destiny of the human race as a whole


In English

Mother’s Agenda = Mère. L’Agenda

•   In 13 volumes. (1951-1973)

Recorded by Satprem in the course of countless personal conversations with Mother, Sri Aurobindo’s companion and co-worker, the log of her fabulous exploration in the cellular consciousness of the body. Twenty-three years of experiences which parallel some of the most recent theories of modern physics. The key to man’s passage towards the next species.


Mother’s Log (2007)

•   noted by Satprem


The Mother: Trilogy

Vol.1. Divine Materialism = Le Matérialisme Divin

This first volume in Satprem's trilogy is a biographical work based on Mother's own revealing comments about her early life and times excerpted from extensive conversations with the author as well as other sources. Recounts Mother's childhood experiences, her training in occultism with Max Théon, her meeting with Sri Aurobindo in 1914 and her work with him until 1950.


The Mother: Trilogy

Vol.2. The New species = L’Espèce Nouvelle

Follows from 1950 to 1968 Mother's descent into the depths of the human body, leading her to the next mode of life on earth.


In English

The Mother: Trilogy

Vol.3. Mutation of Death = La Mutation de la Mort

Records Mother’s struggle with the cellular transformation as her body becomes the field of tremendous battle between the Supramental force seeking to manifest itself and all the opposing forces of the ignorance and falsehood deeply entrenched in the human collective subconscient. Evokes Mother’s last years, from 1968 to 1973, the most critical and poignant period, and attempts to unveil the Secret.


Mutation of Death SEE The Mother, or Mutation of Death


In English

My Burning Heart (1981)

In a series of conversations, Satprem relates his own life of adventure and search, his meeting with Sri Aurobindo and Mother and their profound, spiritual impact on his life's purpose. Includes Mother's transformational quest and the deeply relevant meaning of her discoveries for humanity


Neanderthal Looks On = Néanderthal Regarde (1999, 22 April)

In it, Satprem looks on the betrayal of Man which we are witnessing in the West as in India, and on the meaning of our « human transition » at the end of « this long detour of ages.» A powerful and moving text for those who feel baffled by the apparent negativity – and horror – all around us.


The New species SEE The Mother, or The New species


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 1


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 2: 1978-1982

After Mother's departure in 1973, Satprem was brutaly plunged into this difficult but hopeful work in the depths of the body's consciousness, and began to record the steps of his journey in his Notebooks.


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 3. 1982-1983


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 4. 1984


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 5. 1985


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 6. 1986-87


In English

Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Volume 7. 1987


In English

On the Way to Supermanhood = La Genèse du Surhomme (1974)

What if man is a transitional being, as Sri Aurobindo put it long ago, only preparing for what is to come next? How do we get there and what is the attitude that can bring about the needed change in consciousness?


The Philosophy of Love = La Philosophie de l’Amour (2002)


A recent letter of Satprem (1999)


In English

The Revolt of the Earth = La Révolte de la Terre (1990)

An intense autobiographical account after years of «digging» in the body, in which Satprem takes stock of the situation of mankind.


Sannyasin SEE By the body of the earth


Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future = Sri Aurobindo et l’avenir de la terre (9.12.1971)


In English

Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness = Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience (1964)


The Gold Washer = L'orpailleur (1960)


The Tragedy of the Earth — from Sophocles to Sri Aurobindo = La Tragédie de la Terre — de Sophocle à Sri Aurobindo (1995)

Satprem’s book, which draws a curve from Sophocles and the pre-Socratic and Vedic era to our Iron Age and to Sri Aurobindo, «the revolutionary of consciousness and Evolution» who embodies the last turning point of our human destiny and gives us the key to our immortal reality.


The Veda and Human Destiny (1961)

A 30-page booklet excerpt from an early, unpublished work by Satprem on Sri Aurobindo. It offers a compelling and living introduction to the Veda and the experience of the Vedic Rishis, those « warriors of the Light and travellers to Truth » who dared to dig out the «great passage» in own bodies.

Marot, Patrice

about person

Sri Aurobindo - Satprem

•   : book review // Marg v. 42 no3 ((1991)) p. 57-8

In Russian


In Russian

Агенда Матери = Mother’s Agenda = Mère. L’Agenda

•   В 13 томах. (1951-1973)


Божественный материлизм = СМ. Мать, или Божественный материализм


In Russian

Бунт земли = The Revolt of the Earth = La Révolte de la Terre (1990)


In Russian

Веда и человеческая судьба = The Veda and Human Destiny = (1961)


In Russian

Великий смысл = The Great Sense (1969)


In Russian

Гринго = Gringo (1980)


In Russian

Жизнь без смерти = Life without Death = La Vie sans Mort (1985)


In Russian

Заметки Апокалипсиса = Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Т.1. 1972-1978


In Russian

Заметки Апокалипсиса = Notebooks of an Apocalypse = Carnets d’un Apocalypse

•   Т.3: 1982-1987


In Russian

Золотоискатель = The Gold Washer = L’Orpailleur (1960)

•   (PDF-файл)


In Russian

Золотоискатель = The Gold Washer = L’Orpailleur (1960)

•   (HTML-файл)


In Russian

Легенда будущего = The Legend of the Future (2000)


In Russian

Мать: Трилогия.- Т.1. Божественный материализм = The Mother, or Divine Materialism = Le Matérialisme Divin


In Russian

Мать: Трилогия.- Т.2. Новый вид = The Mother, or The New species = L’Espèce Nouvelle


In Russian

Мать: Трилогия.- Т.3. Мутация смерти = The Mother, or Mutation of Death = La Mutation de la Mort


In Russian

Мое пылающее сердце = My Burning Heart (1989)


Мутация смерти СМ Мать, или Мутация смерти


In Russian

На пути к сверхчеловечеству = On the Way to Supermanhood = La Genèse du Surhomme (1974)


In Russian

Неандерталец наблюдает = Neanderthal Looks On = Néanderthal Regarde (22 апреля 1999)


Недавнее письмо Сатпрема = A recent letter of Satprem (1999)


Новый вид СМ Мать, или Новый вид


In Russian

Письма непокорного = Lettres d’un insoumis. 1 т.

•   В 2х т. / Пер. с фр. А. Стеклянникова. Institut de recherches e?volutives.– Париж: Издательство Робера Лаффона, 1994.– Т. 1.– 1943-1953.– ISBN 2-221-07893-4


In Russian

Письма непокорного = Lettres d’un insoumis. 2 т.

•   В 2х т. / Пер. с фр. А. Стеклянникова. Institut de recherches e?volutives.– Париж: Издательство Робера Лаффона, 1994.– Т. 2.– 1954-1952.– ISBN 2-221-07894-2


In Russian

Разум клеток = The Mind of the Cells (1981)


Санньясин СМ Телом земли, или Санньясин


Семь дней в Индии с Сатпремом СМ Мое пылающее сердце


In Russian

Сказочный ключ = The Key of the Tales (1998)


In Russian

Телом земли, или Саньясин = By the body of the earth, or The sannyasi = Par le Corps de la Terre, ou le Sanyassin. (1974)


In Russian

Трагедия Земли: от Софокла до Шри Ауробиндо = The Tragedy of the Earth — from Sophocles to Sri Aurobindo = La Tragédie de la Terre — de Sophocle à Sri Aurobindo (1995)


In Russian

Философия любви = The Philosophy of Love = La Philosophie de l’Amour (2002)


In Russian

Шри Ауробиндо и будущее Земли = Sri Aurobindo and the Earth’s Future = Sri Aurobindo et l’avenir de la terre (9.12.1971)


In Russian

Шри Ауробиндо, или Путешествие Сознания = Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness = Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience (1964)


In Russian

Эволюция II = Evolution II (1992)

In German


Der kommende Atem = My Burning Heart


In German

Der Sonnenweg = On the Way to Supermanhood

•   / Ins Deutsche ьbersetzt von Cay Hehner


In German

Mutter. Band 1. Der göttliche Materialismus


In German

Mutter. Band 2. Die neue Art


In German

Mutter. Band 3. Die Mutation des Todes


In German

Mutters Agenda = Mère. L’Agenda


In German

Vom Körper der Erde oder Der Sannyasin = Par le Corps de la Terre, ou le Sanyassin. (1974)

•   S.A., Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont, 1974.- 55 p.- ISBN 3-931172-00-7

In Spanish


In Spanish

El crepusculo de los hombres: Historia desconocida de una transicion = La revolte de la terre

•   / Translation from French into Spanish by Inaki Ceballos Ibarguren, Aurora-Manuela L. de Ceballos.- Madrid: EDAF, 1991


In Spanish

En el Camino hacia la condiciуn de superhombres = On the Way to Supermanhood


In Spanish

La mente de las celulas, O la mutaciуn de nuestra especie = The Mind of the Cells = Le Mental des Cellules

•   Translated into Spanish


In Spanish

Sri Aurobindo, O la Aventura de la Consciencia = Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience = Sri Aurobindo, or The Adventure of Consciousness

•   / Traduccion de Ricardo Barrios.- In Spanish.- 2 edicion: abril de 1989

In Russian