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Sūkta 51


1. Info

To:    indra
From:   savya āṅgirasa
Metres:   jagatī (1-13); triṣṭubh (14-15)


2. Audio


▪   by South Indian brahmins


▪   by Sri Shyama Sundara Sharma and Sri Satya Krishna Bhatta. Recorded by © 2012 Sriranga Digital Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd.



3. Preferences


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Mandala. Sukta. Rik


Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik


Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik


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3. Text

01.051.01   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

/1.10.001   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अ॒भि त्यं मे॒षं पु॑रुहू॒तमृ॒ग्मिय॒मिंद्रं॑ गी॒र्भिर्म॑दता॒ वस्वो॑ अर्ण॒वं ।

यस्य॒ द्यावो॒ न वि॒चरं॑ति॒ मानु॑षा भु॒जे मंहि॑ष्ठम॒भि विप्र॑मर्चत ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अभि त्यं मेषं पुरुहूतमृग्मियमिंद्रं गीर्भिर्मदता वस्वो अर्णवं ।

यस्य द्यावो न विचरंति मानुषा भुजे मंहिष्ठमभि विप्रमर्चत ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

abhí tyám meṣám puruhūtámṛgmíyamíndram gīrbhírmadatā vásvo arṇavám ǀ

yásya dyā́vo ná vicáranti mā́nuṣā bhujé máṃhiṣṭhamabhí vípramarcata ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

abhi tyam meṣam puruhūtamṛgmiyamindram gīrbhirmadatā vasvo arṇavam ǀ

yasya dyāvo na vicaranti mānuṣā bhuje maṃhiṣṭhamabhi vipramarcata ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अ॒भि । त्यम् । मे॒षम् । पु॒रु॒ऽहू॒तम् । ऋ॒ग्मिय॑म् । इन्द्र॑म् । गीः॒ऽभिः । म॒द॒त॒ । वस्वः॑ । अ॒र्ण॒वम् ।

यस्य॑ । द्यावः॑ । न । वि॒ऽचर॑न्ति । मानु॑षा । भु॒जे । मंहि॑ष्ठम् । अ॒भि । विप्र॑म् । अ॒र्च॒त॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अभि । त्यम् । मेषम् । पुरुऽहूतम् । ऋग्मियम् । इन्द्रम् । गीःऽभिः । मदत । वस्वः । अर्णवम् ।

यस्य । द्यावः । न । विऽचरन्ति । मानुषा । भुजे । मंहिष्ठम् । अभि । विप्रम् । अर्चत ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

abhí ǀ tyám ǀ meṣám ǀ puru-hūtám ǀ ṛgmíyam ǀ índram ǀ gīḥ-bhíḥ ǀ madata ǀ vásvaḥ ǀ arṇavám ǀ

yásya ǀ dyā́vaḥ ǀ ná ǀ vi-cáranti ǀ mā́nuṣā ǀ bhujé ǀ máṃhiṣṭham ǀ abhí ǀ vípram ǀ arcata ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

abhi ǀ tyam ǀ meṣam ǀ puru-hūtam ǀ ṛgmiyam ǀ indram ǀ gīḥ-bhiḥ ǀ madata ǀ vasvaḥ ǀ arṇavam ǀ

yasya ǀ dyāvaḥ ǀ na ǀ vi-caranti ǀ mānuṣā ǀ bhuje ǀ maṃhiṣṭham ǀ abhi ǀ vipram ǀ arcata ǁ

interlinear translation

Do intoxicate by the words  this Ram , invoked by many, him who is full of the riks , Indra , the stream of the wealth , whose expansions {are} for the human being like heavens , {so} do sing for {his} enjoyment to {this} most bounteous bright seer .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Do intoxicate   ←   [1] abhi (indeclinable word; preposition); [8] madata (verb Present Imperative Active plural 2nd)  ←  mad

by the words   ←   [7] gīḥ-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  gir

this   ←   [2] tyam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  tyad

Ram   ←   [3] meṣam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  meṣa

invoked by many   ←   [4] puru-hūtam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  puruhūta

him who is full of the riks   ←   [5] ṛgmiyam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ṛgmiya

Indra   ←   [6] indram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  indra

the stream   ←   [10] arṇavam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  arṇava

of the wealth   ←   [9] vasvaḥ = vasuvaḥ (noun F-G single)  ←  vasu

whose   ←   [11] yasya (pronoun M-G single)  ←  yad

expansions   ←   [14] vi-caranti (Participle M-N plural)  ←  vicar

{are} for the human being   ←   [15] mānuṣā = mānuṣāya (noun M-D single)  ←  mānuṣa

like   ←   [13] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

heavens   ←   [12] dyāvaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  div

{so} do sing   ←   [18] abhi (indeclinable word; preposition); [20] arcata (verb Present Imperative Active plural 2nd)  ←  ṛc

for {his} enjoyment   ←   [16] bhuje (noun F-D single)  ←  bhuj

to {this} most bounteous   ←   [17] maṃhiṣṭham (noun M-Ac single)  ←  maṃhiṣṭha

bright seer   ←   [19] vipram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vipra

01.051.02   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

/1.10.002   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अ॒भीम॑वन्वन्त्स्वभि॒ष्टिमू॒तयो॑ऽंतरिक्ष॒प्रां तवि॑षीभि॒रावृ॑तं ।

इंद्रं॒ दक्षा॑स ऋ॒भवो॑ मद॒च्युतं॑ श॒तक्र॑तुं॒ जव॑नी सू॒नृतारु॑हत् ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अभीमवन्वन्त्स्वभिष्टिमूतयोऽंतरिक्षप्रां तविषीभिरावृतं ।

इंद्रं दक्षास ऋभवो मदच्युतं शतक्रतुं जवनी सूनृतारुहत् ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

abhī́mavanvantsvabhiṣṭímūtáyo’ntarikṣaprā́m táviṣībhirā́vṛtam ǀ

índram dákṣāsa ṛbhávo madacyútam śatákratum jávanī sūnṛ́tā́ruhat ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

abhīmavanvantsvabhiṣṭimūtayo’ntarikṣaprām taviṣībhirāvṛtam ǀ

indram dakṣāsa ṛbhavo madacyutam śatakratum javanī sūnṛtāruhat ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अ॒भि । ई॒म् । अ॒व॒न्व॒न् । सु॒ऽअ॒भि॒ष्टिम् । ऊ॒तयः॑ । अ॒न्त॒रि॒क्ष॒ऽप्राम् । तवि॑षीभिः । आऽवृ॑तम् ।

इन्द्र॑म् । दक्षा॑सः । ऋ॒भवः॑ । म॒द॒ऽच्युत॑म् । श॒तऽक्र॑तुम् । जव॑नी । सू॒नृता॑ । आ । अ॒रु॒ह॒त् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अभि । ईम् । अवन्वन् । सुऽअभिष्टिम् । ऊतयः । अन्तरिक्षऽप्राम् । तविषीभिः । आऽवृतम् ।

इन्द्रम् । दक्षासः । ऋभवः । मदऽच्युतम् । शतऽक्रतुम् । जवनी । सूनृता । आ । अरुहत् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

abhí ǀ īm ǀ avanvan ǀ su-abhiṣṭím ǀ ūtáyaḥ ǀ antarikṣa-prā́m ǀ táviṣībhiḥ ǀ ā́-vṛtam ǀ

índram ǀ dákṣāsaḥ ǀ ṛbhávaḥ ǀ mada-cyútam ǀ śatá-kratum ǀ jávanī ǀ sūnṛ́tā ǀ ā́ ǀ aruhat ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

abhi ǀ īm ǀ avanvan ǀ su-abhiṣṭim ǀ ūtayaḥ ǀ antarikṣa-prām ǀ taviṣībhiḥ ǀ ā-vṛtam ǀ

indram ǀ dakṣāsaḥ ǀ ṛbhavaḥ ǀ mada-cyutam ǀ śata-kratum ǀ javanī ǀ sūnṛtā ǀ ā ǀ aruhat ǁ

interlinear translation

Now, the protections  desired the good Protector traversing the Mid-World , surrounded by mights; discerning  Ribhu  {aspired} to Indra , to outpouring intoxicating inspiration; the swift true word rose to {the God} of hundredfold will .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Now   ←   [2] īm (indeclinable word; particle)

the protections   ←   [5] ūtayaḥ (noun F-N plural)  ←  ūti

desired   ←   [1] abhi (indeclinable word; preposition); [3] avanvan (verb Imperfect Active plural 3rd)  ←  van

the good Protector   ←   [4] su-abhiṣṭim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  svabhiṣṭi

traversing the Mid-World   ←   [6] antarikṣa-prām (noun M-Ac single)  ←  antarikṣapra

surrounded   ←   [8] ā-vṛtam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  āvṛta

by mights   ←   [7] taviṣībhiḥ (noun F-I plural)  ←  taviṣī

; discerning   ←   [10] dakṣāsaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  dakṣa

Ribhu   ←   [11] ṛbhavaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  ṛbhu

{aspired} to Indra   ←   [9] indram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  indra

to outpouring intoxicating inspiration   ←   [12] mada-cyutam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  madacyut

; the swift   ←   [14] javanī (noun F-N single)  ←  javana

true word   ←   [15] sūnṛtā (noun F-N single)  ←  sūnṛta

rose   ←   [17] aruhat = arohat (verb Imperfect Active single 3rd)  ←  ruh

to   ←   [16] ā (preposition)

{the God} of hundredfold will   ←   [13] śata-kratum (noun M-Ac single)  ←  śatakratu

01.051.03   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

/1.10.003   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वं गो॒त्रमंगि॑रोभ्योऽवृणो॒रपो॒तात्र॑ये श॒तदु॑रेषु गातु॒वित् ।

स॒सेन॑ चिद्विम॒दाया॑वहो॒ वस्वा॒जावद्रिं॑ वावसा॒नस्य॑ न॒र्तय॑न् ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वं गोत्रमंगिरोभ्योऽवृणोरपोतात्रये शतदुरेषु गातुवित् ।

ससेन चिद्विमदायावहो वस्वाजावद्रिं वावसानस्य नर्तयन् ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvám gotrámáṅgirobhyo’vṛṇorápotā́traye śatádureṣu gātuvít ǀ

saséna cidvimadā́yāvaho vásvājā́vádrim vāvasānásya nartáyan ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tvam gotramaṅgirobhyo’vṛṇorapotātraye śatadureṣu gātuvit ǀ

sasena cidvimadāyāvaho vasvājāvadrim vāvasānasya nartayan ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वम् । गो॒त्रम् । अङ्गि॑रःऽभ्यः । अ॒वृ॒णोः॒ । अप॑ । उ॒त । अत्र॑ये । श॒तऽदु॑रेषु । गा॒तु॒ऽवित् ।

स॒सेन॑ । चि॒त् । वि॒ऽम॒दाय॑ । अ॒व॒हः॒ । वसु॑ । आ॒जौ । अद्रि॑म् । व॒व॒सा॒नस्य॑ । न॒र्तय॑न् ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वम् । गोत्रम् । अङ्गिरःऽभ्यः । अवृणोः । अप । उत । अत्रये । शतऽदुरेषु । गातुऽवित् ।

ससेन । चित् । विऽमदाय । अवहः । वसु । आजौ । अद्रिम् । ववसानस्य । नर्तयन् ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvám ǀ gotrám ǀ áṅgiraḥ-bhyaḥ ǀ avṛṇoḥ ǀ ápa ǀ utá ǀ átraye ǀ śatá-dureṣu ǀ gātu-vít ǀ

saséna ǀ cit ǀ vi-madā́ya ǀ avahaḥ ǀ vásu ǀ ājáu ǀ ádrim ǀ vavasānásya ǀ nartáyan ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tvam ǀ gotram ǀ aṅgiraḥ-bhyaḥ ǀ avṛṇoḥ ǀ apa ǀ uta ǀ atraye ǀ śata-dureṣu ǀ gātu-vit ǀ

sasena ǀ cit ǀ vi-madāya ǀ avahaḥ ǀ vasu ǀ ājau ǀ adrim ǀ vavasānasya ǀ nartayan ǁ

interlinear translation

Thou hast opened the cow-pen  for Angirases  and {thou art} the finder of the Path amid the hundred doors for Atri; {thou} brought with bliss the wealth  to Vimada , made the rock  of the attacking to dance in the battle .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Thou   ←   [1] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

hast opened   ←   [4] avṛṇoḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  vṛ; [5] apa (indeclinable word; preposition)

the cow-pen   ←   [2] gotram (noun N-Ac single)  ←  gotra

for Angirases   ←   [3] aṅgiraḥ-bhyaḥ (noun M-D plural)  ←  aṅgiras

and   ←   [6] uta (indeclinable word; copulative)

{thou art} the finder of the Path   ←   [9] gātu-vit (noun M-N single)  ←  gātuvid

amid the hundred doors   ←   [8] śata-dureṣu (noun N-L plural)  ←  śatadura

for Atri   ←   [7] atraye (noun M-D single)  ←  atri

; {thou} brought   ←   [13] avahaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  vah

with bliss   ←   [10] sasena (noun N-I single)  ←  sasa

the wealth   ←   [14] vasu (noun N-Ac single)

to Vimada   ←   [12] vi-madāya (noun M-D single)  ←  vimada

made   ←   [18] nartayan (verb Causative single 2nd)  ←  nṛt

the rock   ←   [16] adrim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  adri

of the attacking   ←   [17] vavasānasya (Participle G single)  ←  vas

to dance   ←   [18] nartayan (verb Causative single 2nd)  ←  nṛt

in the battle   ←   [15] ājau (noun M-L single)  ←  āji

01.051.04   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

/1.10.004   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वम॒पाम॑पि॒धाना॑वृणो॒रपाधा॑रयः॒ पर्व॑ते॒ दानु॑म॒द्वसु॑ ।

वृ॒त्रं यदिं॑द्र॒ शव॒साव॑धी॒रहि॒मादित्सूर्यं॑ दि॒व्यारो॑हयो दृ॒शे ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वमपामपिधानावृणोरपाधारयः पर्वते दानुमद्वसु ।

वृत्रं यदिंद्र शवसावधीरहिमादित्सूर्यं दिव्यारोहयो दृशे ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvámapā́mapidhā́nāvṛṇorápā́dhārayaḥ párvate dā́numadvásu ǀ

vṛtrám yádindra śávasā́vadhīráhimā́dítsū́ryam divyā́rohayo dṛśé ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tvamapāmapidhānāvṛṇorapādhārayaḥ parvate dānumadvasu ǀ

vṛtram yadindra śavasāvadhīrahimāditsūryam divyārohayo dṛśe ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वम् । अ॒पाम् । अ॒पि॒ऽधाना॑ । अ॒वृ॒णोः॒ । अप॑ । अधा॑रयः । पर्व॑ते । दानु॑ऽमत् । वसु॑ ।

वृ॒त्रम् । यत् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । शव॑सा । अव॑धीः । अहि॑म् । आत् । इत् । सूर्य॑म् । दि॒वि । आ । अ॒रो॒ह॒यः॒ । दृ॒शे ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वम् । अपाम् । अपिऽधाना । अवृणोः । अप । अधारयः । पर्वते । दानुऽमत् । वसु ।

वृत्रम् । यत् । इन्द्र । शवसा । अवधीः । अहिम् । आत् । इत् । सूर्यम् । दिवि । आ । अरोहयः । दृशे ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvám ǀ apā́m ǀ api-dhā́nā ǀ avṛṇoḥ ǀ ápa ǀ ádhārayaḥ ǀ párvate ǀ dā́nu-mat ǀ vásu ǀ

vṛtrám ǀ yát ǀ indra ǀ śávasā ǀ ávadhīḥ ǀ áhim ǀ ā́t ǀ ít ǀ sū́ryam ǀ diví ǀ ā́ ǀ arohayaḥ ǀ dṛśé ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tvam ǀ apām ǀ api-dhānā ǀ avṛṇoḥ ǀ apa ǀ adhārayaḥ ǀ parvate ǀ dānu-mat ǀ vasu ǀ

vṛtram ǀ yat ǀ indra ǀ śavasā ǀ avadhīḥ ǀ ahim ǀ āt ǀ it ǀ sūryam ǀ divi ǀ ā ǀ arohayaḥ ǀ dṛśe ǁ

interlinear translation

Thou hast opened the covers of Waters , heldest the fluid wealth  in the Mountain . When, O Indra , {thou} slewest Vritra  the Serpent  by bright force , then, verily, rosest the Sun  into Heaven  for vision.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Thou   ←   [1] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

hast opened   ←   [4] avṛṇoḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  vṛ; [5] apa (indeclinable word; preposition)

the covers   ←   [3] api-dhānā (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  apidhāna

of Waters   ←   [2] apām (noun F-G plural)  ←  ap

heldest   ←   [6] adhārayaḥ = adharaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  dhṛ

the fluid   ←   [8] dānu-mat (noun N-Ac single)  ←  dānumat

wealth   ←   [9] vasu (noun N-Ac single)

in the Mountain   ←   [7] parvate (noun N-L single)  ←  parvata

When   ←   [11] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun)  ←  yad

O Indra   ←   [12] indra (noun M-V single)

{thou} slewest   ←   [14] avadhīḥ = ? (verb Aorist Active single 2nd)  ←  vadh

Vritra   ←   [10] vṛtram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  vṛtra

the Serpent   ←   [15] ahim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ahi

by bright force   ←   [13] śavasā (noun N-I single)  ←  śavas

then   ←   [16] āt (indeclinable word; adverb, copulative)

verily   ←   [17] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

rosest   ←   [21] arohayaḥ = arohaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  ruh

the Sun   ←   [18] sūryam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  sūrya

into Heaven   ←   [19] divi (noun M-L single)  ←  div

for vision   ←   [22] dṛśe (noun M-D single)  ←  dṛś

01.051.05   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

/1.10.005   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वं मा॒याभि॒रप॑ मा॒यिनो॑ऽधमः स्व॒धाभि॒र्ये अधि॒ शुप्ता॒वजु॑ह्वत ।

त्वं पिप्रो॑र्नृमणः॒ प्रारु॑जः॒ पुरः॒ प्र ऋ॒जिश्वा॑नं दस्यु॒हत्ये॑ष्वाविथ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वं मायाभिरप मायिनोऽधमः स्वधाभिर्ये अधि शुप्तावजुह्वत ।

त्वं पिप्रोर्नृमणः प्रारुजः पुरः प्र ऋजिश्वानं दस्युहत्येष्वाविथ ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvám māyā́bhirápa māyíno’dhamaḥ svadhā́bhiryé ádhi śúptāvájuhvata ǀ

tvám píprornṛmaṇaḥ prā́rujaḥ púraḥ prá ṛjíśvānam dasyuhátyeṣvāvitha ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tvam māyābhirapa māyino’dhamaḥ svadhābhirye adhi śuptāvajuhvata ǀ

tvam piprornṛmaṇaḥ prārujaḥ puraḥ pra ṛjiśvānam dasyuhatyeṣvāvitha ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वम् । मा॒याभिः॑ । अप॑ । मा॒यिनः॑ । अ॒ध॒मः॒ । स्व॒धाभिः॑ । ये । अधि॑ । शुप्तौ॑ । अजु॑ह्वत ।

त्वम् । पिप्रोः॑ । नृ॒ऽम॒नः॒ । प्र । अ॒रु॒जः॒ । पुरः॑ । प्र । ऋ॒जिश्वा॑नम् । द॒स्यु॒ऽहत्ये॑षु । आ॒वि॒थ॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वम् । मायाभिः । अप । मायिनः । अधमः । स्वधाभिः । ये । अधि । शुप्तौ । अजुह्वत ।

त्वम् । पिप्रोः । नृऽमनः । प्र । अरुजः । पुरः । प्र । ऋजिश्वानम् । दस्युऽहत्येषु । आविथ ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvám ǀ māyā́bhiḥ ǀ ápa ǀ māyínaḥ ǀ adhamaḥ ǀ svadhā́bhiḥ ǀ yé ǀ ádhi ǀ śúptau ǀ ájuhvata ǀ

tvám ǀ píproḥ ǀ nṛ-manaḥ ǀ prá ǀ arujaḥ ǀ púraḥ ǀ prá ǀ ṛjíśvānam ǀ dasyu-hátyeṣu ǀ āvitha ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tvam ǀ māyābhiḥ ǀ apa ǀ māyinaḥ ǀ adhamaḥ ǀ svadhābhiḥ ǀ ye ǀ adhi ǀ śuptau ǀ ajuhvata ǀ

tvam ǀ piproḥ ǀ nṛ-manaḥ ǀ pra ǀ arujaḥ ǀ puraḥ ǀ pra ǀ ṛjiśvānam ǀ dasyu-hatyeṣu ǀ āvitha ǁ

interlinear translation

Thou by maya-s  threwest away the makers of {false} maya  who by laws of own nature made offering onto the shoulder , thou, O thou of strong mind, brokest the strongholds  of Pipru , further increasedst Rijiswan  in {thy} destroying of Dasyus .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Thou   ←   [1] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

by maya-s   ←   [2] māyābhiḥ (noun F-I plural)  ←  māya

threwest   ←   [5] adhamaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  dham

away   ←   [3] apa (indeclinable word; preposition)

the makers of {false} maya   ←   [4] māyinaḥ (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  māyin

who   ←   [7] ye (pronoun M-N plural)  ←  yad

by laws of own nature   ←   [6] svadhābhiḥ (noun F-I plural)  ←  svadhā

made offering   ←   [10] ajuhvata (verb Imperfect plural 3rd)  ←  adhihu

onto   ←   [8] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

the shoulder   ←   [9] śuptau (noun F-L single)  ←  śupti

thou   ←   [11] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

O thou of strong mind   ←   [13] nṛ-manaḥ (noun M-V single)  ←  nṛmaṇas

brokest   ←   [14] pra (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [15] arujaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  ruj

the strongholds   ←   [16] puraḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  pur

of Pipru   ←   [12] piproḥ (noun M-Ab single)  ←  pipru

further   ←   [17] pra (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

increasedst   ←   [20] āvitha (verb Perfect Active single 2nd)  ←  av

Rijiswan   ←   [18] ṛjiśvānam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ṛjiśvan

in {thy} destroying of Dasyus   ←   [19] dasyu-hatyeṣu (noun N-L plural)  ←  dasyuhatya

01.051.06   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.006   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वं कुत्सं॑ शुष्ण॒हत्ये॑ष्वावि॒थारं॑धयोऽतिथि॒ग्वाय॒ शंब॑रं ।

म॒हांतं॑ चिदर्बु॒दं नि क्र॑मीः प॒दा स॒नादे॒व द॑स्यु॒हत्या॑य जज्ञिषे ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वं कुत्सं शुष्णहत्येष्वाविथारंधयोऽतिथिग्वाय शंबरं ।

महांतं चिदर्बुदं नि क्रमीः पदा सनादेव दस्युहत्याय जज्ञिषे ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvám kútsam śuṣṇahátyeṣvāvithā́randhayo’tithigvā́ya śámbaram ǀ

mahā́ntam cidarbudám ní kramīḥ padā́ sanā́devá dasyuhátyāya jajñiṣe ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tvam kutsam śuṣṇahatyeṣvāvithārandhayo’tithigvāya śambaram ǀ

mahāntam cidarbudam ni kramīḥ padā sanādeva dasyuhatyāya jajñiṣe ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वम् । कुत्स॑म् । शु॒ष्ण॒ऽहत्ये॑षु । आ॒वि॒थ॒ । अर॑न्धयः । अ॒ति॒थि॒ऽग्वाय॑ । शम्ब॑रम् ।

म॒हान्त॑म् । चि॒त् । अ॒र्बु॒दम् । नि । क्र॒मीः॒ । प॒दा । स॒नात् । ए॒व । द॒स्यु॒ऽहत्या॑य । ज॒ज्ञि॒षे॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वम् । कुत्सम् । शुष्णऽहत्येषु । आविथ । अरन्धयः । अतिथिऽग्वाय । शम्बरम् ।

महान्तम् । चित् । अर्बुदम् । नि । क्रमीः । पदा । सनात् । एव । दस्युऽहत्याय । जज्ञिषे ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvám ǀ kútsam ǀ śuṣṇa-hátyeṣu ǀ āvitha ǀ árandhayaḥ ǀ atithi-gvā́ya ǀ śámbaram ǀ

mahā́ntam ǀ cit ǀ arbudám ǀ ní ǀ kramīḥ ǀ padā́ ǀ sanā́t ǀ evá ǀ dasyu-hátyāya ǀ jajñiṣe ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tvam ǀ kutsam ǀ śuṣṇa-hatyeṣu ǀ āvitha ǀ arandhayaḥ ǀ atithi-gvāya ǀ śambaram ǀ

mahāntam ǀ cit ǀ arbudam ǀ ni ǀ kramīḥ ǀ padā ǀ sanāt ǀ eva ǀ dasyu-hatyāya ǀ jajñiṣe ǁ

interlinear translation

Thou hast increased Kutsa  in slayings of Sushna , {thou} putest Shambara into the power of Atithigva , {thou} trampledst by foot even the huge Arbuda even as of old {thou} wast born for destroying of Dasyus .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Thou   ←   [1] tvam (pronoun M-N single 2nd)  ←  tva

hast increased   ←   [4] āvitha (verb Perfect Active single 2nd)  ←  av

Kutsa   ←   [2] kutsam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  kutsa

in slayings of Sushna   ←   [3] śuṣṇa-hatyeṣu (noun N-L plural)  ←  śuṣṇahatya

{thou} putest   ←   [5] arandhayaḥ (verb Imperfect Causative single 3rd)  ←  niradh

Shambara   ←   [7] śambaram (noun M-Ac single)  ←  śambara

into the power   ←   [5] arandhayaḥ (verb Imperfect Causative single 3rd)  ←  niradh

of Atithigva   ←   [6] atithi-gvāya (noun M-D single)  ←  atithigva

{thou} trampledst   ←   [11] ni (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition); [12] kramīḥ (verb Imperfect single 2nd)  ←  kram

by foot   ←   [13] padā (noun M-I single)  ←  pad

even   ←   [9] cit (indeclinable word; particle)

the huge   ←   [8] mahāntam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  mahat

Arbuda   ←   [10] arbudam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  arbuda

even as   ←   [15] eva (indeclinable word; adverb)

of old   ←   [14] sanāt (indeclinable word; adverb)  ←  sana

{thou} wast born   ←   [17] jajñiṣe (verb Perfect Middle single 2nd)  ←  jan

for destroying of Dasyus   ←   [16] dasyu-hatyāya (noun N-D single)  ←  dasyuhatya

01.051.07   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.007   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

त्वे विश्वा॒ तवि॑षी स॒ध्र्य॑ग्घि॒ता तव॒ राधः॑ सोमपी॒थाय॑ हर्षते ।

तव॒ वज्र॑श्चिकिते बा॒ह्वोर्हि॒तो वृ॒श्चा शत्रो॒रव॒ विश्वा॑नि॒ वृष्ण्या॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वे विश्वा तविषी सध्र्यग्घिता तव राधः सोमपीथाय हर्षते ।

तव वज्रश्चिकिते बाह्वोर्हितो वृश्चा शत्रोरव विश्वानि वृष्ण्या ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tvé víśvā táviṣī sadhryágghitā́ táva rā́dhaḥ somapīthā́ya harṣate ǀ

táva vájraścikite bāhvórhitó vṛścā́ śátroráva víśvāni vṛ́ṣṇyā ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

tve viśvā taviṣī sadhryagghitā tava rādhaḥ somapīthāya harṣate ǀ

tava vajraścikite bāhvorhito vṛścā śatrorava viśvāni vṛṣṇyā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

त्वे इति॑ । विश्वा॑ । तवि॑षी । स॒ध्र्य॑क् । हि॒ता । तव॑ । राधः॑ । सो॒म॒ऽपी॒थाय॑ । ह॒र्ष॒ते॒ ।

तव॑ । वज्रः॑ । चि॒कि॒ते॒ । बा॒ह्वोः । हि॒तः । वृ॒श्च । शत्रोः॑ । अव॑ । विश्वा॑नि । वृष्ण्या॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

त्वे इति । विश्वा । तविषी । सध्र्यक् । हिता । तव । राधः । सोमऽपीथाय । हर्षते ।

तव । वज्रः । चिकिते । बाह्वोः । हितः । वृश्च । शत्रोः । अव । विश्वानि । वृष्ण्या ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tvé íti ǀ víśvā ǀ táviṣī ǀ sadhryák ǀ hitā́ ǀ táva ǀ rā́dhaḥ ǀ soma-pīthā́ya ǀ harṣate ǀ

táva ǀ vájraḥ ǀ cikite ǀ bāhvóḥ ǀ hitáḥ ǀ vṛścá ǀ śátroḥ ǀ áva ǀ víśvāni ǀ vṛ́ṣṇyā ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

tve iti ǀ viśvā ǀ taviṣī ǀ sadhryak ǀ hitā ǀ tava ǀ rādhaḥ ǀ soma-pīthāya ǀ harṣate ǀ

tava ǀ vajraḥ ǀ cikite ǀ bāhvoḥ ǀ hitaḥ ǀ vṛśca ǀ śatroḥ ǀ ava ǀ viśvāni ǀ vṛṣṇyā ǁ

interlinear translation

All might in thee {is} going to the one goal, thy wealth  {serves} for the drinking of soma , for exultation; thy lightning  is perceived placed in both {thy} arms do cut off all manly strengths from the enemy.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

All   ←   [2] viśvā (noun F-N single)  ←  viśva

might   ←   [3] taviṣī (noun F-N single)

in thee   ←   [1] tve iti (pronoun L single 2nd)  ←  tva

{is} going   ←   [5] hitā (noun F-N single)  ←  hita

to the one goal   ←   [4] sadhryak (indeclinable word; adverb)  ←  sadhryañc

thy   ←   [6] tava (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

wealth   ←   [7] rādhaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  rādhas

{serves} for the drinking of soma   ←   [8] soma-pīthāya (noun M-D single)  ←  somapītha

for exultation   ←   [9] harṣate (Participle N-D single)  ←  harṣat

; thy   ←   [10] tava (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

lightning   ←   [11] vajraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  vajra

is perceived   ←   [12] cikite (verb Perfect Middle single 3rd)  ←  kit

placed   ←   [14] hitaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  hita

in both {thy} arms   ←   [13] bāhvoḥ (noun M-L double)  ←  bāhu

do cut off   ←   [15] vṛśca (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  vraśc; [17] ava (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  av

all   ←   [18] viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural)  ←  viśva

manly strengths   ←   [19] vṛṣṇyā = vṛṣṇyāni (noun N-Ac plural)  ←  vṛṣṇya

from the enemy   ←   [16] śatroḥ (noun M-Ab single)  ←  śatru

01.051.08   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.008   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

वि जा॑नी॒ह्यार्या॒न्ये च॒ दस्य॑वो ब॒र्हिष्म॑ते रंधया॒ शास॑दव्र॒तान् ।

शाकी॑ भव॒ यज॑मानस्य चोदि॒ता विश्वेत्ता ते॑ सध॒मादे॑षु चाकन ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

वि जानीह्यार्यान्ये च दस्यवो बर्हिष्मते रंधया शासदव्रतान् ।

शाकी भव यजमानस्य चोदिता विश्वेत्ता ते सधमादेषु चाकन ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ví jānīhyā́ryānyé ca dásyavo barhíṣmate randhayā śā́sadavratā́n ǀ

śā́kī bhava yájamānasya coditā́ víśvéttā́ te sadhamā́deṣu cākana ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

vi jānīhyāryānye ca dasyavo barhiṣmate randhayā śāsadavratān ǀ

śākī bhava yajamānasya coditā viśvettā te sadhamādeṣu cākana ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

वि । जा॒नी॒हि॒ । आर्या॑न् । ये । च॒ । दस्य॑वः । ब॒र्हिष्म॑ते । र॒न्ध॒य॒ । शास॑त् । अ॒व्र॒तान् ।

शाकी॑ । भ॒व॒ । यज॑मानस्य । चो॒दि॒ता । विश्वा॑ । इत् । ता । ते॒ । स॒ध॒ऽमादे॑षु । चा॒क॒न॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

वि । जानीहि । आर्यान् । ये । च । दस्यवः । बर्हिष्मते । रन्धय । शासत् । अव्रतान् ।

शाकी । भव । यजमानस्य । चोदिता । विश्वा । इत् । ता । ते । सधऽमादेषु । चाकन ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ví ǀ jānīhi ǀ ā́ryān ǀ yé ǀ ca ǀ dásyavaḥ ǀ barhíṣmate ǀ randhaya ǀ śā́sat ǀ avratā́n ǀ

śā́kī ǀ bhava ǀ yájamānasya ǀ coditā́ ǀ víśvā ǀ ít ǀ tā́ ǀ te ǀ sadha-mā́deṣu ǀ cākana ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

vi ǀ jānīhi ǀ āryān ǀ ye ǀ ca ǀ dasyavaḥ ǀ barhiṣmate ǀ randhaya ǀ śāsat ǀ avratān ǀ

śākī ǀ bhava ǀ yajamānasya ǀ coditā ǀ viśvā ǀ it ǀ tā ǀ te ǀ sadha-mādeṣu ǀ cākana ǁ

interlinear translation

Do distinguish those who {are} Aryans  and Dasyus ; punishing, do subdue them, who who violate the law of works , to him, who strew with sacred grass the seat for the gods ; be powerful impeller of the sacrificer . Surely { I } desire all these thy {deeds} in our common intoxications .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Do distinguish   ←   [2] jānīhi (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  jñā

those who {are}   ←   [4] ye (pronoun M-N plural)  ←  yad

Aryans   ←   [3] āryān (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  ārya

and   ←   [5] ca (indeclinable word; copulative)

Dasyus   ←   [6] dasyavaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  dasyu

; punishing   ←   [9] śāsat (verb Aorist Imperative single 2nd)  ←  śās

do subdue   ←   [8] randhaya (verb Imperative, Causative Active single 2nd)  ←  randh

them, who who violate the law of works   ←   [10] avratān (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  avrata

to him, who strew with sacred grass the seat for the gods   ←   [7] barhiṣmate (noun M-D single)  ←  barhiṣmat

; be   ←   [12] bhava (verb Present Imperative Active single 2nd)  ←  bhū

powerful   ←   [11] śākī (noun M-N single)  ←  śākin

impeller   ←   [14] coditā (noun M-N single)  ←  coditṛ

of the sacrificer   ←   [13] yajamānasya (noun M-G single)  ←  yajamāna

Surely   ←   [16] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

{ I } desire   ←   [20] cākana (verb Perfect Active single 1st)  ←  kan

all   ←   [15] viśvā (noun F-N single)  ←  viśva

these   ←   [17] tā (pronoun N-Ac plural)  ←  ta

thy {deeds}   ←   [18] te (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

in our common intoxications   ←   [19] sadha-mādeṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  sadhamāda

01.051.09   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.009   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अनु॑व्रताय रं॒धय॒न्नप॑व्रताना॒भूभि॒रिंद्रः॑ श्न॒थय॒न्नना॑भुवः ।

वृ॒द्धस्य॑ चि॒द्वर्ध॑तो॒ द्यामिन॑क्षतः॒ स्तवा॑नो व॒म्रो वि ज॑घान सं॒दिहः॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अनुव्रताय रंधयन्नपव्रतानाभूभिरिंद्रः श्नथयन्ननाभुवः ।

वृद्धस्य चिद्वर्धतो द्यामिनक्षतः स्तवानो वम्रो वि जघान संदिहः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ánuvratāya randháyannápavratānābhū́bhiríndraḥ śnatháyannánābhuvaḥ ǀ

vṛddhásya cidvárdhato dyā́mínakṣataḥ stávāno vamró ví jaghāna saṃdíhaḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

anuvratāya randhayannapavratānābhūbhirindraḥ śnathayannanābhuvaḥ ǀ

vṛddhasya cidvardhato dyāminakṣataḥ stavāno vamro vi jaghāna saṃdihaḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अनु॑ऽव्रताय । र॒न्धय॑न् । अप॑ऽव्रतान् । आ॒ऽभूभिः॑ । इन्द्रः॑ । श्न॒थय॑न् । अना॑भुवः ।

वृ॒द्धस्य॑ । चि॒त् । वर्ध॑तः । द्याम् । इन॑क्षतः । स्तवा॑नः । व॒म्रः । वि । ज॒घा॒न॒ । स॒म्ऽदिहः॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अनुऽव्रताय । रन्धयन् । अपऽव्रतान् । आऽभूभिः । इन्द्रः । श्नथयन् । अनाभुवः ।

वृद्धस्य । चित् । वर्धतः । द्याम् । इनक्षतः । स्तवानः । वम्रः । वि । जघान । सम्ऽदिहः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ánu-vratāya ǀ randháyan ǀ ápa-vratān ǀ ā-bhū́bhiḥ ǀ índraḥ ǀ śnatháyan ǀ ánābhuvaḥ ǀ

vṛddhásya ǀ cit ǀ várdhataḥ ǀ dyā́m ǀ ínakṣataḥ ǀ stávānaḥ ǀ vamráḥ ǀ ví ǀ jaghāna ǀ sam-díhaḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

anu-vratāya ǀ randhayan ǀ apa-vratān ǀ ā-bhūbhiḥ ǀ indraḥ ǀ śnathayan ǀ anābhuvaḥ ǀ

vṛddhasya ǀ cit ǀ vardhataḥ ǀ dyām ǀ inakṣataḥ ǀ stavānaḥ ǀ vamraḥ ǀ vi ǀ jaghāna ǀ sam-dihaḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

Indra  {is} subduing them, who deviate from law of works, to them, who following the law of works , {he is} casting down them, who are not with him, by them, who are together with him. Even the lauding ant has broke asunder the heaps of the increased, of the increasing, of the striving to reach the Heaven .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Indra   ←   [5] indraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  indra

{is} subduing   ←   [2] randhayan (Participle M-N single)  ←  randh

them, who deviate from law of works   ←   [3] apa-vratān (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  apavrata

to them, who following the law of works   ←   [1] anu-vratāya (noun M-D single)  ←  anuvrata

{he is} casting down   ←   [6] śnathayan (Participle M-N single)  ←  śnath

them, who are not with him   ←   [7] anābhuvaḥ (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  anābhū

by them, who are together with him   ←   [4] ā-bhūbhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  ābhū

Even   ←   [9] cit (indeclinable word; particle)

the lauding   ←   [13] stavānaḥ (Participle M-N single Passive)  ←  stu

ant   ←   [14] vamraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  vamra

has broke asunder   ←   [15] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [16] jaghāna (verb Perfect Active single 1st)  ←  han

the heaps   ←   [17] sam-dihaḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  saṃdih

of the increased   ←   [8] vṛddhasya (noun M-G single)  ←  vṛddha

of the increasing   ←   [10] vardhataḥ (Participle M-G single)  ←  vardhat

of the striving to reach   ←   [12] inakṣataḥ (Participle M-G single)  ←  inakṣ

the Heaven   ←   [11] dyām (noun M-Ac single)  ←  div

01.051.10   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.010   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

तक्ष॒द्यत्त॑ उ॒शना॒ सह॑सा॒ सहो॒ वि रोद॑सी म॒ज्मना॑ बाधते॒ शवः॑ ।

आ त्वा॒ वात॑स्य नृमणो मनो॒युज॒ आ पूर्य॑माणमवहन्न॒भि श्रवः॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

तक्षद्यत्त उशना सहसा सहो वि रोदसी मज्मना बाधते शवः ।

आ त्वा वातस्य नृमणो मनोयुज आ पूर्यमाणमवहन्नभि श्रवः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

tákṣadyátta uśánā sáhasā sáho ví ródasī majmánā bādhate śávaḥ ǀ

ā́ tvā vā́tasya nṛmaṇo manoyúja ā́ pū́ryamāṇamavahannabhí śrávaḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

takṣadyatta uśanā sahasā saho vi rodasī majmanā bādhate śavaḥ ǀ

ā tvā vātasya nṛmaṇo manoyuja ā pūryamāṇamavahannabhi śravaḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

तक्ष॑त् । यत् । ते॒ । उ॒शना॑ । सह॑सा । सहः॑ । वि । रोद॑सी॒ इति॑ । म॒ज्मना॑ । बा॒ध॒ते॒ । शवः॑ ।

आ । त्वा॒ । वात॑स्य । नृ॒ऽम॒नः॒ । म॒नः॒ऽयुजः॑ । आ । पूर्य॑माणम् । अ॒व॒ह॒न् । अ॒भि । श्रवः॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

तक्षत् । यत् । ते । उशना । सहसा । सहः । वि । रोदसी इति । मज्मना । बाधते । शवः ।

आ । त्वा । वातस्य । नृऽमनः । मनःऽयुजः । आ । पूर्यमाणम् । अवहन् । अभि । श्रवः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

tákṣat ǀ yát ǀ te ǀ uśánā ǀ sáhasā ǀ sáhaḥ ǀ ví ǀ ródasī íti ǀ majmánā ǀ bādhate ǀ śávaḥ ǀ

ā́ ǀ tvā ǀ vā́tasya ǀ nṛ-manaḥ ǀ manaḥ-yújaḥ ǀ ā́ ǀ pū́ryamāṇam ǀ avahan ǀ abhí ǀ śrávaḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

takṣat ǀ yat ǀ te ǀ uśanā ǀ sahasā ǀ sahaḥ ǀ vi ǀ rodasī iti ǀ majmanā ǀ bādhate ǀ śavaḥ ǀ

ā ǀ tvā ǀ vātasya ǀ nṛ-manaḥ ǀ manaḥ-yujaḥ ǀ ā ǀ pūryamāṇam ǀ avahan ǀ abhi ǀ śravaḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

When Ushanas  formed thy force by the force, the bright might  altogether spreads widely {two} firmaments (Earth and Heaven) ; {the horses} of Vata  yoked by the mind  brought thee, O thou of strong mind, to the filled hearing {of the Truth} .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

When   ←   [2] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun)  ←  yad

Ushanas   ←   [4] uśanā (noun M-N single)  ←  uśanas

formed   ←   [1] takṣat (verb Imperfect single 3rd)  ←  takṣ

thy   ←   [3] te (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

force   ←   [6] sahaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  sahas

by the force   ←   [5] sahasā (noun N-I single)  ←  sahas

the bright might   ←   [11] śavaḥ = śavat (noun N-N single)  ←  śavas

altogether   ←   [9] majmanā (indeclinable word; adverb)  ←  majmana

spreads widely   ←   [7] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [10] bādhate (verb Present Middle single 3rd)  ←  bādh

{two} firmaments (Earth and Heaven)   ←   [8] rodasī iti (noun N-Ac double)  ←  rodas

; {the horses} of Vata   ←   [14] vātasya (noun M-G single)  ←  vāta

yoked by the mind   ←   [16] manaḥ-yujaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  manoyuj

brought   ←   [12] ā (preposition); [17] ā (preposition); [19] avahan (verb Imperfect Active plural 3rd)  ←  vah

thee   ←   [13] tvā (pronoun Ac single 2nd)  ←  tva

O thou of strong mind   ←   [15] nṛ-manaḥ (noun M-V single)  ←  nṛmaṇas

to   ←   [20] abhi (indeclinable word; preposition)

the filled   ←   [18] pūryamāṇam (Participle N-Ac single)  ←  pūryamāṇa

hearing {of the Truth}   ←   [21] śravaḥ (noun N-Ac single)  ←  śravas

01.051.11   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.011   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

मंदि॑ष्ट॒ यदु॒शने॑ का॒व्ये सचाँ॒ इंद्रो॑ वं॒कू वं॑कु॒तराधि॑ तिष्ठति ।

उ॒ग्रो य॒यिं निर॒पः स्रोत॑सासृज॒द्वि शुष्ण॑स्य दृंहि॒ता ऐ॑रय॒त्पुरः॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

मंदिष्ट यदुशने काव्ये सचाँ इंद्रो वंकू वंकुतराधि तिष्ठति ।

उग्रो ययिं निरपः स्रोतसासृजद्वि शुष्णस्य दृंहिता ऐरयत्पुरः ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

mándiṣṭa yáduśáne kāvyé sácām̐ índro vaṅkū́ vaṅkutárā́dhi tiṣṭhati ǀ

ugró yayím nírapáḥ srótasāsṛjadví śúṣṇasya dṛṃhitā́ airayatpúraḥ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

mandiṣṭa yaduśane kāvye sacām̐ indro vaṅkū vaṅkutarādhi tiṣṭhati ǀ

ugro yayim nirapaḥ srotasāsṛjadvi śuṣṇasya dṛṃhitā airayatpuraḥ ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

मन्दि॑ष्ट । यत् । उ॒शने॑ । का॒व्ये । सचा॑ । इन्द्रः॑ । व॒ङ्कू इति॑ । व॒ङ्कु॒ऽतरा । अधि॑ । ति॒ष्ठ॒ति॒ ।

उ॒ग्रः । य॒यिम् । निः । अ॒पः । स्रोत॑सा । अ॒सृ॒ज॒त् । वि । शुष्ण॑स्य । दृं॒हि॒ताः । ऐ॒र॒य॒त् । पुरः॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

मन्दिष्ट । यत् । उशने । काव्ये । सचा । इन्द्रः । वङ्कू इति । वङ्कुऽतरा । अधि । तिष्ठति ।

उग्रः । ययिम् । निः । अपः । स्रोतसा । असृजत् । वि । शुष्णस्य । दृंहिताः । ऐरयत् । पुरः ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

mándiṣṭa ǀ yát ǀ uśáne ǀ kāvyé ǀ sácā ǀ índraḥ ǀ vaṅkū́ íti ǀ vaṅku-tárā́ ǀ ádhi ǀ tiṣṭhati ǀ

ugráḥ ǀ yayím ǀ níḥ ǀ apáḥ ǀ srótasā ǀ asṛjat ǀ ví ǀ śúṣṇasya ǀ dṛṃhitā́ḥ ǀ airayat ǀ púraḥ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

mandiṣṭa ǀ yat ǀ uśane ǀ kāvye ǀ sacā ǀ indraḥ ǀ vaṅkū iti ǀ vaṅku-tarā ǀ adhi ǀ tiṣṭhati ǀ

ugraḥ ǀ yayim ǀ niḥ ǀ apaḥ ǀ srotasā ǀ asṛjat ǀ vi ǀ śuṣṇasya ǀ dṛṃhitāḥ ǀ airayat ǀ puraḥ ǁ

interlinear translation

When {he} rejoiced together in Ushanas  Kavya , Indra  on {two} hastening, on {two} carrying across stands; puissant {he} released waters  in quick1 flood, broke asunder the fortified strongholds  of Shushna .

1 The word is not grammatically consistent with other members of the sentence.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

When   ←   [2] yat (indeclinable word; pronoun)  ←  yad

{he} rejoiced   ←   [1] mandiṣṭa (verb Aorist Middle single 3rd)  ←  mand

together   ←   [5] sacā (indeclinable word; adverb)

in Ushanas   ←   [3] uśane (noun M-L single)  ←  uśanas

Kavya   ←   [4] kāvye (noun M-L single)  ←  kāvya

Indra   ←   [6] indraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  indra

on   ←   [9] adhi (indeclinable word; adverb, preposition)

{two} hastening   ←   [7] vaṅkū iti (noun M-Ac double)  ←  vaṅku

on {two} carrying across   ←   [8] vaṅku-tarā = tarau (noun M-Ac double)  ←  tara

stands   ←   [10] tiṣṭhati (verb Present Active single 3rd)  ←  sthā

; puissant   ←   [11] ugraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  ugra

{he} released   ←   [13] niḥ (indeclinable word; preposition); [16] asṛjat (verb Imperfect Active single 3rd)  ←  sṛj

waters   ←   [14] apaḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  ap

in quick   ←   [12] yayim (noun M-Ac single)  ←  yayi

flood   ←   [15] srotasā (noun N-I single)  ←  srotas

broke asunder   ←   [17] vi (indeclinable word; adverb); [20] airayat = ? (verb Imperfect Active single 3rd)  ←  īr

the fortified   ←   [19] dṛṃhitāḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  dṛṃhita

strongholds   ←   [21] puraḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  pur

of Shushna   ←   [18] śuṣṇasya (noun M-G single)  ←  śuṣṇa

01.051.12   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.012   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

आ स्मा॒ रथं॑ वृष॒पाणे॑षु तिष्ठसि शार्या॒तस्य॒ प्रभृ॑ता॒ येषु॒ मंद॑से ।

इंद्र॒ यथा॑ सु॒तसो॑मेषु चा॒कनो॑ऽन॒र्वाणं॒ श्लोक॒मा रो॑हसे दि॒वि ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

आ स्मा रथं वृषपाणेषु तिष्ठसि शार्यातस्य प्रभृता येषु मंदसे ।

इंद्र यथा सुतसोमेषु चाकनोऽनर्वाणं श्लोकमा रोहसे दिवि ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ā́ smā rátham vṛṣapā́ṇeṣu tiṣṭhasi śāryātásya prábhṛtā yéṣu mándase ǀ

índra yáthā sutásomeṣu cākáno’narvā́ṇam ślókamā́ rohase diví ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

ā smā ratham vṛṣapāṇeṣu tiṣṭhasi śāryātasya prabhṛtā yeṣu mandase ǀ

indra yathā sutasomeṣu cākano’narvāṇam ślokamā rohase divi ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

आ । स्म॒ । रथ॑म् । वृ॒ष॒ऽपाने॑षु । ति॒ष्ठ॒सि॒ । शा॒र्या॒तस्य॑ । प्रऽभृ॑ताः । येषु॑ । मन्द॑से ।

इन्द्र॑ । यथा॑ । सु॒तऽसो॑मेषु । चा॒कनः॑ । अ॒न॒र्वाण॑म् । श्लोक॑म् । आ । रो॒ह॒से॒ । दि॒वि ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

आ । स्म । रथम् । वृषऽपानेषु । तिष्ठसि । शार्यातस्य । प्रऽभृताः । येषु । मन्दसे ।

इन्द्र । यथा । सुतऽसोमेषु । चाकनः । अनर्वाणम् । श्लोकम् । आ । रोहसे । दिवि ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ā́ ǀ sma ǀ rátham ǀ vṛṣa-pā́neṣu ǀ tiṣṭhasi ǀ śāryātásya ǀ prá-bhṛtāḥ ǀ yéṣu ǀ mándase ǀ

índra ǀ yáthā ǀ sutá-someṣu ǀ cākánaḥ ǀ anarvā́ṇam ǀ ślókam ǀ ā́ ǀ rohase ǀ diví ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

ā ǀ sma ǀ ratham ǀ vṛṣa-pāneṣu ǀ tiṣṭhasi ǀ śāryātasya ǀ pra-bhṛtāḥ ǀ yeṣu ǀ mandase ǀ

indra ǀ yathā ǀ suta-someṣu ǀ cākanaḥ ǀ anarvāṇam ǀ ślokam ǀ ā ǀ rohase ǀ divi ǁ

interlinear translation

Surely, {thou} standest on chariot  in offered bull drinkings  of Sharyata, in which {thou} rejoicest; O Indra , thus in the pressing Soma  {thou} hast desired the irresistible stanza, {thou} risest in Heaven .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Surely   ←   [2] sma (indeclinable word; particle)

{thou} standest   ←   [5] tiṣṭhasi (verb Present Active single 2nd)  ←  sthā

on chariot   ←   [3] ratham (noun M-Ac single)  ←  ratha

in offered   ←   [7] pra-bhṛtāḥ (noun F-Ac plural)  ←  prabhṛta

bull drinkings   ←   [4] vṛṣa-pāneṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  vṛṣapāṇa

of Sharyata   ←   [6] śāryātasya (noun M-G single)  ←  śāryāta

in which   ←   [8] yeṣu (pronoun M-L plural)  ←  yad

{thou} rejoicest   ←   [9] mandase (verb Present Middle single 2nd)  ←  mand

; O Indra   ←   [10] indra (noun M-V single)

thus   ←   [11] yathā (indeclinable word; adverb)

in the pressing Soma   ←   [12] suta-someṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  sutasoma

{thou} hast desired   ←   [13] cākanaḥ (verb Perfect single 2nd)  ←  kan

the irresistible   ←   [14] anarvāṇam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  anarvan

stanza   ←   [15] ślokam (noun M-Ac single)  ←  śloka

{thou} risest   ←   [16] ā (preposition); [17] rohase = rohasi (verb Present Active single 2nd)  ←  ruh

in Heaven   ←   [18] divi (noun M-L single)  ←  div

01.051.13   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.013   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

अद॑दा॒ अर्भां॑ मह॒ते व॑च॒स्यवे॑ क॒क्षीव॑ते वृच॒यामिं॑द्र सुन्व॒ते ।

मेना॑भवो वृषण॒श्वस्य॑ सुक्रतो॒ विश्वेत्ता ते॒ सव॑नेषु प्र॒वाच्या॑ ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

अददा अर्भां महते वचस्यवे कक्षीवते वृचयामिंद्र सुन्वते ।

मेनाभवो वृषणश्वस्य सुक्रतो विश्वेत्ता ते सवनेषु प्रवाच्या ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

ádadā árbhām mahaté vacasyáve kakṣī́vate vṛcayā́mindra sunvaté ǀ

ménābhavo vṛṣaṇaśvásya sukrato víśvéttā́ te sávaneṣu pravā́cyā ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

adadā arbhām mahate vacasyave kakṣīvate vṛcayāmindra sunvate ǀ

menābhavo vṛṣaṇaśvasya sukrato viśvettā te savaneṣu pravācyā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

अद॑दाः । अर्भा॑म् । म॒ह॒ते । व॒च॒स्यवे॑ । क॒क्षीव॑ते । वृ॒च॒याम् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । सु॒न्व॒ते ।

मेना॑ । अ॒भ॒वः॒ । वृ॒ष॒ण॒श्वस्य॑ । सु॒क्र॒तो॒ इति॑ सुऽक्रतो । विश्वा॑ । इत् । ता । ते॒ । सव॑नेषु । प्र॒ऽवाच्या॑ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

अददाः । अर्भाम् । महते । वचस्यवे । कक्षीवते । वृचयाम् । इन्द्र । सुन्वते ।

मेना । अभवः । वृषणश्वस्य । सुक्रतो इति सुऽक्रतो । विश्वा । इत् । ता । ते । सवनेषु । प्रऽवाच्या ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

ádadāḥ ǀ árbhām ǀ mahaté ǀ vacasyáve ǀ kakṣī́vate ǀ vṛcayā́m ǀ indra ǀ sunvaté ǀ

ménā ǀ abhavaḥ ǀ vṛṣaṇaśvásya ǀ sukrato íti su-krato ǀ víśvā ǀ ít ǀ tā́ ǀ te ǀ sávaneṣu ǀ pra-vā́cyā ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

adadāḥ ǀ arbhām ǀ mahate ǀ vacasyave ǀ kakṣīvate ǀ vṛcayām ǀ indra ǀ sunvate ǀ

menā ǀ abhavaḥ ǀ vṛṣaṇaśvasya ǀ sukrato iti su-krato ǀ viśvā ǀ it ǀ tā ǀ te ǀ savaneṣu ǀ pra-vācyā ǁ

interlinear translation

O Indra , {thou} gavest little Vrichaya to great Kakshivat  seeking the word, pressing the soma , the woman became of the male, O mighty of will , surely all those thy {deeds} are that must be proclaimed in soma-pressings .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

O Indra   ←   [7] indra (noun M-V single)

{thou} gavest   ←   [1] adadāḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  dā

little   ←   [2] arbhām (noun F-Ac single)  ←  arbha

Vrichaya   ←   [6] vṛcayām (noun F-Ac single)  ←  vṛcayā

to great   ←   [3] mahate (noun M-D single)  ←  mahat

Kakshivat   ←   [5] kakṣīvate (noun M-D single)  ←  kakṣīvat

seeking the word   ←   [4] vacasyave (noun M-D single)  ←  vacasyu

pressing the soma   ←   [8] sunvate (noun M-D single)  ←  sunvat

the woman   ←   [9] menā (noun F-N single)

became   ←   [10] abhavaḥ (verb Imperfect Active single 2nd)  ←  bhū

of the male   ←   [11] vṛṣaṇaśvasya (noun M-G single)  ←  vṛṣaṇaśva

O mighty of will   ←   [12] sukrato iti su-krato (noun M-V single)  ←  sukratu

surely   ←   [14] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

all   ←   [13] viśvā = viśvāni (noun N-Ac plural)  ←  viśva

those   ←   [15] tā (pronoun N-Ac plural)  ←  ta

thy {deeds}   ←   [16] te (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

are that must be proclaimed   ←   [18] pra-vācyā (noun F-N single)  ←  pravācya

in soma-pressings   ←   [17] savaneṣu (noun N-L plural)  ←  savana

01.051.14   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.014   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

इंद्रो॑ अश्रायि सु॒ध्यो॑ निरे॒के प॒ज्रेषु॒ स्तोमो॒ दुर्यो॒ न यूपः॑ ।

अ॒श्व॒युर्ग॒व्यू र॑थ॒युर्व॑सू॒युरिंद्र॒ इद्रा॒यः क्ष॑यति प्रयं॒ता ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

इंद्रो अश्रायि सुध्यो निरेके पज्रेषु स्तोमो दुर्यो न यूपः ।

अश्वयुर्गव्यू रथयुर्वसूयुरिंद्र इद्रायः क्षयति प्रयंता ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

índro aśrāyi sudhyó nireké pajréṣu stómo dúryo ná yū́paḥ ǀ

aśvayúrgavyū́ rathayúrvasūyúríndra ídrāyáḥ kṣayati prayantā́ ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

indro aśrāyi sudhyo nireke pajreṣu stomo duryo na yūpaḥ ǀ

aśvayurgavyū rathayurvasūyurindra idrāyaḥ kṣayati prayantā ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

इन्द्रः॑ । अ॒श्रा॒यि॒ । सु॒ऽध्यः॑ । नि॒रे॒के । प॒ज्रेषु॑ । स्तोमः॑ । दुर्यः॑ । न । यूपः॑ ।

अ॒श्व॒ऽयुः । ग॒व्युः । र॒थ॒ऽयुः । व॒सु॒ऽयुः । इन्द्रः॑ । इत् । रा॒यः । क्ष॒य॒ति॒ । प्र॒ऽय॒न्ता ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

इन्द्रः । अश्रायि । सुऽध्यः । निरेके । पज्रेषु । स्तोमः । दुर्यः । न । यूपः ।

अश्वऽयुः । गव्युः । रथऽयुः । वसुऽयुः । इन्द्रः । इत् । रायः । क्षयति । प्रऽयन्ता ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

índraḥ ǀ aśrāyi ǀ su-dhyáḥ ǀ nireké ǀ pajréṣu ǀ stómaḥ ǀ dúryaḥ ǀ ná ǀ yū́paḥ ǀ

aśva-yúḥ ǀ gavyúḥ ǀ ratha-yúḥ ǀ vasu-yúḥ ǀ índraḥ ǀ ít ǀ rāyáḥ ǀ kṣayati ǀ pra-yantā́ ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

indraḥ ǀ aśrāyi ǀ su-dhyaḥ ǀ nireke ǀ pajreṣu ǀ stomaḥ ǀ duryaḥ ǀ na ǀ yūpaḥ ǀ

aśva-yuḥ ǀ gavyuḥ ǀ ratha-yuḥ ǀ vasu-yuḥ ǀ indraḥ ǀ it ǀ rāyaḥ ǀ kṣayati ǀ pra-yantā ǁ

interlinear translation

Indra  is lodged above all in the good thinkers, the hymn in Pajras {is} like a pillar of the gate of the house. The seeker of horses , the seeker of cows , the seeker of chariots , the seeker of wealth , the giving, Indra  verily rules over riches .

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

Indra   ←   [1] indraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  indra

is lodged   ←   [2] aśrāyi (verb Aorist Passive single 3rd)  ←  śri

above all   ←   [4] nireke (indeclinable word; adverb)  ←  nireka

in the good thinkers   ←   [3] su-dhyaḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  sudhya

the hymn   ←   [6] stomaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  stoma

in Pajras   ←   [5] pajreṣu (noun M-L plural)  ←  pajra

{is} like   ←   [8] na (indeclinable word; adverb, particle)

a pillar   ←   [9] yūpaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  yūpa

of the gate of the house   ←   [7] duryaḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  durya

The seeker of horses   ←   [10] aśva-yuḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  aśvayu

the seeker of cows   ←   [11] gavyuḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  gavyu

the seeker of chariots   ←   [12] ratha-yuḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  rathayu

the seeker of wealth   ←   [13] vasu-yuḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  vasūyu

the giving   ←   [18] pra-yantā (noun M-N single)  ←  prayantṛ

Indra   ←   [14] indraḥ (noun M-N single)  ←  indra

verily   ←   [15] it (indeclinable word; particle)  ←  id

rules   ←   [17] kṣayati (verb Present Active single 3rd)  ←  kṣi

over riches   ←   [16] rāyaḥ (noun M-Ac plural)  ←  rai

01.051.15   (Mandala. Sukta. Rik)    (Ashtaka. Adhyaya. Varga. Rik)

1.10.015   (Mandala. Anuvaka. Rik)

Samhita Devanagari Accented

इ॒दं नमो॑ वृष॒भाय॑ स्व॒राजे॑ स॒त्यशु॑ष्माय त॒वसे॑ऽवाचि ।

अ॒स्मिन्निं॑द्र वृ॒जने॒ सर्व॑वीराः॒ स्मत्सू॒रिभि॒स्तव॒ शर्म॑न्त्स्याम ॥

Samhita Devanagari Nonaccented

इदं नमो वृषभाय स्वराजे सत्यशुष्माय तवसेऽवाचि ।

अस्मिन्निंद्र वृजने सर्ववीराः स्मत्सूरिभिस्तव शर्मन्त्स्याम ॥

Samhita transliteration accented

idám námo vṛṣabhā́ya svarā́je satyáśuṣmāya taváse’vāci ǀ

asmínnindra vṛjáne sárvavīrāḥ smátsūríbhistáva śármantsyāma ǁ

Samhita transliteration nonaccented

idam namo vṛṣabhāya svarāje satyaśuṣmāya tavase’vāci ǀ

asminnindra vṛjane sarvavīrāḥ smatsūribhistava śarmantsyāma ǁ

Padapatha Devanagari Accented

इ॒दम् । नमः॑ । वृ॒ष॒भाय॑ । स्व॒ऽराजे॑ । स॒त्यऽशु॑ष्माय । त॒वसे॑ । अ॒वा॒चि॒ ।

अ॒स्मिन् । इ॒न्द्र॒ । वृ॒जने॑ । सर्व॑ऽवीराः । स्मत् । सू॒रिऽभिः॑ । तव॑ । शर्म॑न् । स्या॒म॒ ॥

Padapatha Devanagari Nonaccented

इदम् । नमः । वृषभाय । स्वऽराजे । सत्यऽशुष्माय । तवसे । अवाचि ।

अस्मिन् । इन्द्र । वृजने । सर्वऽवीराः । स्मत् । सूरिऽभिः । तव । शर्मन् । स्याम ॥

Padapatha transliteration accented

idám ǀ námaḥ ǀ vṛṣabhā́ya ǀ sva-rā́je ǀ satyá-śuṣmāya ǀ taváse ǀ avāci ǀ

asmín ǀ indra ǀ vṛjáne ǀ sárva-vīrāḥ ǀ smát ǀ sūrí-bhiḥ ǀ táva ǀ śárman ǀ syāma ǁ

Padapatha transliteration nonaccented

idam ǀ namaḥ ǀ vṛṣabhāya ǀ sva-rāje ǀ satya-śuṣmāya ǀ tavase ǀ avāci ǀ

asmin ǀ indra ǀ vṛjane ǀ sarva-vīrāḥ ǀ smat ǀ sūri-bhiḥ ǀ tava ǀ śarman ǀ syāma ǁ

interlinear translation

{ I } have declared this {word of} the bow to the powerful Bull, to the Self-ruler, whose force is of the Truth. O Indra , let {us},– all heroes  together with illumined seers  in this earthly world,– be of thy peace.

Translation — Padapatha — Grammar

{ I } have declared   ←   [7] avāci (verb Aorist Middle single 3rd)  ←  vac

this   ←   [1] idam (pronoun N-N single)  ←  iyam

{word of} the bow   ←   [2] namaḥ (noun N-N single)  ←  namas

to the powerful   ←   [6] tavase (noun M-D single)  ←  tavas

Bull   ←   [3] vṛṣabhāya (noun M-D single)  ←  vṛṣabha

to the Self-ruler   ←   [4] sva-rāje (noun M-D single)  ←  svarāj

whose force is of the Truth   ←   [5] satya-śuṣmāya (noun M-D single)  ←  satyaśuṣma

O Indra   ←   [9] indra (noun M-V single)

let {us}   ←   [16] syāma (verb Optative Active plural 1st)  ←  as

all heroes   ←   [11] sarva-vīrāḥ (noun M-N plural)  ←  sarvavīra

together with   ←   [12] smat (indeclinable word; adverb)

illumined seers   ←   [13] sūri-bhiḥ (noun M-I plural)  ←  sūri

in this   ←   [8] asmin (pronoun N-L single)  ←  iyam

earthly world   ←   [10] vṛjane (noun N-L single)  ←  vṛjana

be   ←   [16] syāma (verb Optative Active plural 1st)  ←  as

of thy   ←   [14] tava (pronoun G single 2nd)  ←  tva

peace   ←   [15] śarman = śarmaṇaḥ (noun N-G single)

Translations and commentaries by Sri Aurobindo

1. 1918–201

1.51.1. Take rapture by your chants in the Ram of the word of light, in the sea of treasure, rapture of Indra of the many callings; for in him the things of our humanity range freely like the heavens. That to enjoy, sing the word of light to this greatest seer.

1.51.2. His prosperings take joy in him when he gets his fair access and fills the middle world and is surrounded by his strengths. The Ribhus, skilful minds, ascend into Indra when he pours the intoxication of his delight. The swift word of Truth climbs on to the hundred-powered God.

1.51.3. To the Angiras seers thou hast uncovered the pen of the cows and wast to Atri the finder of the path amid the hundred doors and even in sleep thou broughtest to Vimada the treasure when thou madest dance thy adamant bolt in the battle while he shone with light.

1.51.4. And thou hast uncovered the veiling lids of the waters and held on the mountain the bountiful treasure. O Indra, when thou slewest the Coverer, the Serpent by thy might, then thou madest the Sun to climb up into heaven for sight.

1.51.5. And thou drovest out by thy powers of creative knowledge the makers of false knowledge who give their offerings into sleep. O strong god-mind, thou hast broken the cities of Pipru and made Rijiswan to advance in thy slayings of the Destroyers.

1.51.6. And thou hast increased Kutsa in thy slayings of Sushna and put Shambara into the power of the King in whom the Ray is a guest, and trampled with thy foot Arbuda for all his hugeness. Yea, thou art born eternally for the slaying of the Destroyer.

1.51.7. In thee all strength combined is housed and thy mind of joy exults for the drinking of the nectar-wine. The thunderbolt is now known to us and placed in thy arms; shear down all the strengths of the foe.

1.51.8. Distinguish in thy knowledge the Aryans from the Destroyers, teach us, make subject to the strewer of thy seat of session those who do not thy works. Be mighty in power and an impeller of the doer of sacrifice. All those deeds of thine I desire in our drinkings together of the intoxication.

1.51.9. Indra ranges subjecting to the follower after his works those who deviate from them, casting down by those who grow to him all who turn not to him in their being. Vamra, chanting of him increased and increasing and arriving to Heaven, smote asunder the limiting walls.

1.51.10. When Ushanas carves into shape thy force by his force, then thy strength besieges with its might earth and heaven. O strong god-mind, thou growest filled, and the mind-yoked horses of the Breath of life bear thee to the inspired knowledge.

1.51.11. When Indra takes rapture along with Ushanas son of the seer, he mounts behind a happy and still happier pair. Mightily he loosed out the waters to their movement in a flood and hurled asunder the fortified cities of Shushna.

1.51.12. On thy car thou mountest up in the drinkings of the strong winegod offered to thee by the son of Sharyata in which thou hast rapture. O Indra, when thou hast thy desire [of] the wine we press for thee, then thou ascendest to a glory without enemies in heaven.

1.51.13. To Kakshivan pressing the wine and seeking the word thou gavest Vrichaya, the little to the great one, and becamest the mare of the stallion, O strong in power to works. All those deeds of thine must find expression in our wine-offering.

1.51.14. Indra is lodged in the purification of the man of good thoughts. He is a chant among the Pajras, a pillar at the gate of the house, Indra dwells with us as the giver of our felicity. He is a seeker of the horses and the kine and the chariots and the treasure.

1.51.15. This is the word of adoration that has been made for the Bull, for the Self-King, for the Strong whose force is of the truth. O Indra, in this strength may we abide in thy bliss, all the heroes with us and the happy illumined seers.

2. 1912–132

1.51.1 मेषं. Say. स्पर्धमानं. A proof that mesha does not always mean ram.

वस्वो अर्णवं cf महो अर्णः 3.12. Say. धनानामावासभूमिं ।

मानुषा. Possibly “mental”.

1.51.2 जवनी सूनृता ie Ila, the goddess of revelation. Say. प्रेरयित्री ।

दक्षास ऋभवो gods of discernment .. gods of skill in work and formation.

1.51.3 गोत्रं. Say. गोसमूहं or वृष्टेरावरकं मेघं ।

शतदुरेषु. Say. शतद्वारेषु यंत्रेषु प्रक्षिप्ताय ।

1.51.4 पर्वत the summit or high place of being.

सूर्यं दृशे. Cf सूर्यं दीर्घाय चक्षसे ।

अहिं वृत्रं. Say. आ समन्ताद्धन्तारं । तथा च वाजसनेयिनः समामनन्ति । सोऽग्निषोमावभिसंबभूव सर्वां विद्यां सर्वं यशः सर्वमन्नाद्यं सर्वां श्रियं स यत्सर्वमेतत्समभवत् तस्मादहिरिति । तथा च शाखान्तरे समाम्नातं यदिमाँल्लोकानवृणोत्तद्वृत्रस्य वृत्रत्वमिति ।

1.51.5 मायाभिः. Strength. Say. मायेति ज्ञाननाम । शची मायेति तन्नामसु पाठात् ।

शुप्ताव्. Say. तथा च कौषीतकिभिराम्नायते । असुरा वा आत्मन्नजुहवुरुद्वातेऽग्नौ ते पराभवन्निति ।

ऋजिश्वानं Say. ऋजुगमनमेतत्संज्ञकं स्तोतारं ।

1.51.6 सनात् Say. चिरकालात्. Proof of meaning of सन् to keep, persist.

1.51.7 सध्र्यक् Say. सध्रीचीनं । अपराङ्मुखं यथा भवति तद्वत् ।

1.51.8 रन्धय Say. रध्यतिर्वशगमनेइति यास्कः नि° 6.32.

आकी Say. शक्तियुक्त.

चाकन Say. कामये.

1.51.9 सन्दिहः. Probably an accusative plural of सन्दिह् . ? Fastenings.

स्तवानः. See स्तोम in 14.

1.51.10 नृमणः Say. नृषु रक्षितव्येषु यजमानेष्वनुग्रहबुद्धियुक्त । But probably nom. plu. of नृमण् strength or strong.

1.51.11 उशने. The present shows that there is no reference to any legend. Locative of उशनं.

सचाँ. Why not सचान्? Cleaving to or growing strong.

वंकू वंकुतरा. Cp. and sp. in same case.

ययिं Say. गमनयुक्तान्मेघात्. Absurd.

शुष्ण. A decisive verse for one use of शुष्ण, withering, drying or dry, withered. दृंहिता is petrified by the dryness, inert.

पुरः Evidently in a subjective sense.

1.51.12 श्लोकं Cf पुण्यश्लोक. The story of Sharyata is obviously invented.

1.51.13 कक्षीवते Story invented.

वचस्यु Desiring self-expression.

अर्भां महते Obviously the opposition of the अल्प and the महत् .

मेनाभवो वृषणश्वस्य. Story invented. Probably genitive.

1.51.14 स्तोमो firmly standing.

पज्रेषु Say. तथा च शाय्यायनिभिराम्नातं । पज्रा वा अंगिरसः पशुकामास्तपोऽतप्यंतेति. But probably पज्रं = पाजस्यं.

अश्वयुः etc. The meaning of रथ is here evident.

सुध्यो निरेके. ? From रिच् . Purification; ϰάθαρσις.

1.51.15 वृजते. Say. वर्जनवति संग्रामे ।

सूरिभिः. “By the gods of light” or “with the wise ones”.


1 Hymns of Savya Angirasa // CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, pp. 215-218.


2 CWSA.– Vol. 14.– Vedic and Philological Studies.– Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2016, p. 444-446. (Part 4 № 2).


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